Actionscript 3 :: Open Source Multiplayer Socket Server For Virtual World?

Nov 2, 2010

Are there any open source multiplayer socket servers that can be used for virtual world development? I've been looking at SmartFoxServer & Electroserver, but there very pricey.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Virtual World Avatar Assets

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1. Would I programatically import the HAT asset for example when chosen by the user

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Media Server :: Hello World - Failure To Connect To Pimary Server?

Jan 14, 2011

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<object height="409" width="600"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="src=rtmp://my-server/vod/flv:my-video" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="src=rtmp://my-server/vod/flv:my-video"


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Media Server :: Different Rooms Work In A Multiplayer Game?

Dec 10, 2009

I am in the midst of coding a multiplayer card game. Right now, to make things simple, I limit myself to code for 3 players for one room. The clients call functions in the server and vice versa. Functions such as player's turn, shuffling cards, etc. So what happens if there's more than 1 room? Won't the data from the different rooms get mixed up with one another in the server side, since everything will be happening in just 1 server and on the same function? I am abit confuse on this part. Can someone enlighten me on how different rooms work in a multiplayer game? How do I make sure the data don't get messed up?

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Authoritative Flash Multiplayer Game Server: Twice The Work?

Nov 11, 2011

I'm working on a puzzle game in Flash. It's a two-player, head-to-head game with some realtime elements. It is not Tetris-like, but the level of player interaction and the rate of movement is similar to, though slightly more complex than, Tetris Battle on Facebook.

Naturally, I would like to match players up over the Internet. I would also like to prevent cheating as much as possible. Because of this, I am researching an authoritative server solution, much like Colin Moock describes in this answer to a similar question. That is, the server runs the authoritative game logic while the client runs a parallel simulation, sending player movements to the server for validation.

My question is this: Doesn't this essentially mean implementing the game logic on both the client and server side? Worse still, the server probably isn't going to run its simulation in Flash/ActionScript, which means you can't share code and you'll be implementing the same logic twice in two different languages.

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Flash Not Connecting Via Open-socket

Jan 1, 2010

I have moved on now to where this is clearly a Flash security thing.I have a flash client that attempts to connect to an open socket on the same host as the one on which it lives.I am able to connect successfully from inside the Flash IDE, and when I run the swf movie locally on my machine, after granting it security clearance in the white list it connects as well. However, when I call the movie via the browser (URL...) it fails to connect.The socket reports that a connection attempt is made but immediately disconnects.I have a crossdomain policy file that looks like this: in the root directory of the host.[code]In the flash movie I have a line that looks like this: System. security. loadPolicyFile (URL...);And I'm thinking maybe that's where the problem is, but the documentation on how to use this method is not entirely clear. I'm in Flash CS3

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SecurityError: Error #2010: Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not
permitted to use sockets. at at at payterminal::TLogger() at


After all this, my .swf is still open in Flash Player with no errors, but the socket connection is not happening. I tried different crossdomain-files, but all my attempts led me to same result.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save A Swf Over A Virtual Server?

Jul 9, 2010

I now know that it is impossible to save a swf over a virtual server (in real time) which has had its text changed dynamically.  But does this apply to webcam video?  What I mean is, if I allow someone to use my app on the internet, and this app allows them to record a video using their webcam, can they then save this swf to their computer?

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Media Server :: Streaming Videos From Virtual Location On Flash Streaming Server

Feb 24, 2010

I have a virtual directory (Storage Area Network) in 'C' drive as well as in "webroot" folder in Flash Streaming Server. What do I need to do to make RTMP videos work from SAN directory on Flash Streaming Server. It works fine for http. RTMP from vod -> application folder works fine. I have done a lot of research and found out that we can use virtual directories for streaming videos. I am unable to find steps on how to use it..

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Flex :: Building Java Multiplayer Server Game - Difference Between Sockets And Webservice?

Aug 8, 2011

I'm building a multiplayer card game using Flex on the client side and Java on the server side and I wanted to know if I must sockets and the accept method in order to connect users to the server for in order for them to join a game room or create one or to chat.In the past I've learned how to build a game server which both sides are JAVA and connection was in sockets but now days the client side will be in FLEX which has few ways to connect to a Java server (XML,SOAP,BLAZEDS(AMF)) and I find it hard to understand how to write the Java server in order to do all the features of a game server,especially managing the rooms and sending data back to the users.

In the sockets way, when a user was connecting to the server and he had opened a room, this room was opened on a thread and who ever was joined that room then he was connected to the same thread and sending the messages to the right place was easy, so the problem is understanding how to do the same using SOAP or BLAZEDS.

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Media Server :: Creating A Virtual Host In FMS 3.5?

Apr 24, 2009

I've done the following:

created a folder /fmsRoot/conf/_defaultRoot_/stream.example.comcopied in Application.xml and Vhost.xml from _defaultVhost_specified a new apps directory here: /home/ then added


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Media Server :: Can't Access Sub Folders In NAS Virtual Directory

Mar 30, 2010

I can stream files in the root of a NAS drive (/nas_dir), but not in any of the sub folders (/nas_dir/sub/). FMS has read/write permission to all the files on the NAS but all i get is "stream not found" when I access anything in the sub folders (streams play fine from the root of the NAS) FMS is running on rh5.4

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save A Swf Over A Virtual Server (in Real Time)?

Apr 3, 2009

I now know that it is impossible to save a swf over a virtual server (in real time) which has had its text changed dynamically.  But does this apply to webcam video?  What I mean is, if I allow someone to use my app on the internet, and this app allows them to record a video using their webcam, can they then save this swf to their computer?

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Media Server :: Flash Media Interactive Server On Virtual Environment?

Mar 5, 2009

We will only use the servers for Live streaming and VoDs, so far no plan for any complex applications to be deployed on the servers yet. As
far as I understand, the bottleneck of streaming servers are with network connection rather than CPU or resources (servers are only support up to 4GB of RAM anyway).

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Media Server :: Setting Custom Virtual Directory In VOD Application

Jun 15, 2010

I am running Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5.1 r516 on a CentOS system. I also have WHM/cPanel installed on this system. My scenario is this. We have a large number of MP4 media files that are currently located in a web root directory created by cPanel: /home/mediafa/public_html/fullservices. These all work without a problem when doing progressive downloads. However, we also want to make them streamable with FMS as well. From the documentation, I should be able to create an entry in the /<fms install dir>/applications/vod/Application.xml file to look up files in that folder.

Here is my VirtualDirectory block:
<!-- Specifies application specific virtual directory mapping for recorded streams.-->

However, when I try to connect to a file that is in that directory, I get a 404 error in the access.00.log file. I've tried to change the owner/group on the fullservices folder as well as the owner/group of the target file to the fms user/group, but I still cannot connect to it. The connection address is rtmp://<ipAddress>/vod/mp4:1005-03m_256k.mp4.

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Open Source Web Cam Conference Software?

Apr 17, 2010

Quick question, has anyone ever come across either a web cam API or an open source alternative that can be easily integrated to a site without having any Flash or ActionScript experience.

I should probably say what I'm trying to do.... The idea is to create a Facebook app that lets friends communicate (and meet new people too) in real time over web cam.

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C# - Open Source Media Player?

May 25, 2010

I am looking for an open-source iTunes style media player that I can use as a base for functionality I would like to develop. I am quite keen on Flex/Air, or C# or Java will do for languages.

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Actionscript 3 :: Open Source Flv Player?

Jul 28, 2010

Need to customize the scrubbing code for an flvplayer. I'm aware of the OSMF project, but I need to target FP9.

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IDE :: Working On Open Source Files

Aug 16, 2009

I'm trying to learn more about flash, and have found a couple of useful sites.However, I'm having trouble working out how to use their source files, and wondered if anyone here might be able to help please.url...I can't work out how to compile it - I know I need the Five3D files (url...), but even when I download that, and then create a .fla file in the same directory, nothing happens.I am probably missing something very obvious, but I can't work out what to do.There is a .fla file, but there is NOTHING in there that links to the .as file - there is no ActionScript at all I can see if the FLA file, that links to the .as file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Other People's Open Source Code?

Jan 30, 2010

I can code things fine myself but I've never used anyone elses code components to build something.  I need to make a magazine that has a page fli effect and someone pointed me to Rubens flex book component (I'm assuming I can use it with flash).  I've downloaded the zip file but I'm not sure how to actually start making my book.  Everything is in different folders, because I assume they all are interlinked and are specificied with their paths within their classes.
I'm thinking I need to make a fla and then a document class and link that to the fla.  But what do I put in the document class?

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