Actionscript 3 :: Positioning Nested Movieclips Based On Stage?

Aug 12, 2010

I have multiple nested movieclip in its own different movieclip, and i would like to arrange them accordingly. My idea was to use the localToGlobal function. I can get the position of the MC on stage, but how do I use the function and place the MC based on stage?

cAPos = new Point(objectA.y);
newcAPos = objectA.localToGlobal(cAPos);
cBPos = new Point(objectB.y);
newcBPos = objectB.localToGlobal(cBPos);
objectB.y=objectA.y+objectA.height <-- based on stage

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Movieclips On Stage And It's Nested Movieclips?

Sep 9, 2011

Looking for a way to stop all movieclips both are the stage and that are children of the ones on the stage.
I toyed with looping thru stage's children so I can first target clips on the stage. But I am getting error.
for (var i:int = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++)     if (this.getChildAt(i) is MovieClip)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested MovieClips Position Regarding Stage

Jan 23, 2009

I have a master MC that's added to the stage via addChild(p2_mc). Inside that p2_mc, I have others MC'S (added to the stage manually, not via addChild). One of them is instanced fond_mc. I want to position that fond_mc in the middle of the stage using that line of code WHEN the stage is resized. Obviously, the following line is into the resize function:
fond_mc.x = stage.stageWidth/2;

I works but returning faulty results because it uses left corner of the mc instead of registration point, which is top and center. I tried all math formula I could think of to no results. Keeps positioning the fond_mc wrongly. I know this is related to registration OR stage measurement. Is there a way to reset stage.stageWidth values INSIDE the resize function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Deeply Nested Movieclips On Stage?

Oct 14, 2008

As you can see on the image, ive created a 1-frame-timeline which has a movieclip called Main_mc (instancename is myMain_mc). Main_mc has 3 movieclips, one is called Intro_mc. These 3 movieclips are not present on the whole timeline. F.e. Intro_mc is just present at frame 2-19. All of these movieclips has instance-names, f.e. myIntro_mc.

Intro_mc is again a movieclip which has more movieclips,which are present on certain frames, f.e. one movieclip is just present at frame 12-20. All movieclips has instance-names. (I code into a seprated actionscript-file.

Problem is that i cant refer to moviceclips which are nested in the movieclip "myMain_mc" which is on the main timeline. I can just refer to movieclips which are on the main timeline (like myMain_mc), i cant go deeper.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Nested Movieclips Current Position Relativ To Stage

Oct 6, 2009

I have a movieclip, which attaches to another movieclip, which scrolls.On click I want to be able to drag that movieclip away from the one it was attached to. When I just removeChild it, it's position changes. I want it to stay in the same spot until it's dragged.Any suggestion, on how I can give it that same position, when not attached?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Clip Based On Loop?

Feb 11, 2009

how do I set this onLoadInit so that with every new load it moves the _x of the container it's loading into (photoBox1 2. 3...) by the width of the parent container (picCont).Another option would be to include that picMCL right within the loop but I don't know how to pause the loop until onLoadInitis reached and new photo can be loaded.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Positioning Based Off Textfield Width?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning The Dynamic MovieClips?

Jan 9, 2009

Been working w/ Flash for some time now, but mainly on the timeline and only a bit with AS. I am working w/ a tutorial:


This particular portion of code is supposed to center the movieClip to the stage, but it is not working for me

target_mc._x = (Stage.width - target_mc._width)/2;
target_mc._y = (Stage.height - target_mc._height)/2;

I added some animation to it as well here:

var xScaleT:Tween = new Tween(movieClip, "_xscale", Elastic.easeOut, 50, 100, 3, true);
var yScaleT:Tween = new Tween(movieClip, "_yscale", Elastic.easeOut, 50, 100, 3, true);

And added this part just in case the tween was affecting it:

var xPosT:Tween = new Tween(movieClip, "_x", 0, (Stage.width - target_mc._width)/2, 3, true);
var yPosT:Tween = new Tween(movieClip, "_y", 0, (Stage.height - target_mc._height)/2, 3, true);

But it only fixes the centering on the y-axis.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Positioning MovieClips From A Loop?

Sep 6, 2009

Im working on an Xbox Live flash gamercard. Ive ran into a problem. I can't position each of the MovieClips ive genereated from the loop. I get the error:

Code: Select all1120: Access of undefined property rpg0.
1120: Access of undefined property rpg1.
1120: Access of undefined property rpg2.


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Professional :: Testing Movieclips That Have Nested Movieclips?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to test mc animations without having to hit F12 to see if they work correctly. For instance, if I have an animation movieclip and then I make another movieclip and drop that aforementioned movieclip within, and animate [via the timeline or library preview] I'm unable to see on-the-fly what my animation looks like... it only shows the top most nest, unless I F12 it.

So if I have a character blinking eyes (one movieclip) and then I create another movie clip of the face, and put that aforementioned movieclip within, the preview animation within the library does not show how it'll be viewed when F12'n it.,,,, it'd be great to see your animations on the fly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicating And Positioning Movieclips Loaded From An Xml

Jan 24, 2005

I'm working with a script that loads from an XML some jpgs, these ones once loaded move to their positions.


the problem is that i would like put all these movies well aligned in rows and columns, i've seen it's possible to do this with a nested for.. loop, something like this


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adjust The _x And _y Area Positioning Of This Set Of Duplicate Movieclips?

Jun 25, 2003

how can I adjust the _x and _y area positioning of this set of duplicate movieclips? 710 x 143 are the dimensions I would like the duplicateMovieClip to take place, but it is not the positioning. How can I fix this?

duplicateMovieClip (flower, "mc"+i, i);
setProperty ("mc"+i, _x, random(710));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Fullscreen Screensaver - Positioning Unscaled MovieClips

Aug 30, 2010

I am making a fullscreen "screensaver" project (using screentime, FYI). I have some mcs on the stage that I want to scoot down to the bottom left, right or whatever on the screen. I want these elements to position themselves differently based on the users resolution and aspect ratio of their monitor. (for example: whether the monitor is 800x600, 4:3 OR 1366x768, 16:9, I want a text field or mc to be 10 pixels for the bottom and left of the screen).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Mcs On The Stage?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm trying to make some mcs be displayed from alpha 0 to 100, one by one in the stage and in random positions. I've managed to make appear it randomly from alpha 0 to 100 with this code:

mcs = new Array("mc0", "mc1", "mc2", "mc3", "mc4", "mc5");
mc0._visible = mc1._visible = mc2._visible = mc3._visible =mc4._visible =mc5._visible = false;[code]....

The strange thing is that only some mcs are positioned randomly and others stay in the same position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Mcs On Stage

Aug 24, 2011

I'm trying to make some mcs appear to alpha 0 to 100, one at one in the stage and in random positions. I've managed to make appear it randomly from alpha 0 to 100 with this code:[code]The strange thing is that only some mcs are positioned randomly and others stay in the same position, but not always the same.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Determining Which Mc Is On Stage And Positioning It?

May 19, 2011

I have a series of movieclips acting as buttons that load different flashvars video srcs onto the stage.When the swf loads --- the first button is added to the stage after a 20 sec Timer completes.As you click through each button, the one just CLICKED is removed and a new button is added in its place.All the buttons are set to dynamically be centered on the stage. However, the function that is positioning them is called BEFORE the first button is on stage, throwing the error (Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.)here is the code inside of the windowResize method which positions the buttons.

Code: Select allprivate function onWindowResize(e:Event):void
//position hidden buttons[code].....

Even though I've set up a boolean var and set it to true after the first button has been added to the stage -- the method still tries to find the first button and gives me a error saying that it must be non-null.Basically I want to make sure that it doesn't try and position the first button before it has been added to the stage. I'm not sure if encapsulating this method inside of another Timer is a good idea.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Y Positioning - Keep Browser At Top Of The Stage

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I have a bottom bar on a site that has he following code: nav_menu.menu_bars._y = 0; But I want it to be at the top of the stage. Sorry for such a noob question, but how do it? I've tried nav_menu.menu_bars._y = -600; but when the browser is resized it obviously moves down the page. Is there a bit of code to keep it at top of the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning After Stage Resize?

Aug 25, 2011

coordinates in flash, particularly after resizing the flash player window.I have an mc on stage and draw an ellipse inside that mc. The movie is of size 800 x 600.

var ellipse:Shape = new Shape();, 0.5);,0x186B87);


If I check the coordinates of that ellipse from it's transform property, I see that the top left is at 400, 300.


This seems fine to me as this position is in relation to the stage, yes? If I convert this to a position local to the container I get values ~0,0.

var stagePoint:Point = new Point(ellipse.transform.pixelBounds.topLeft.x, ellipse.transform.pixelBounds.topLeft.y);
var localPoint:Point = join.canvas.globalToLocal(stagePoint);

When the flash player window is resized, the coordinates change entirely. Instead of being at 400,300 the transform property indicates that it is at 640, 510. I assume this is because the viewport has changed, but the stageWidth and width properties of the stage do not change.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning External Flv Files On Stage?

May 21, 2009

i am loading 3 flv files so that the first file plays once and the other two loop afterwards. Now i am interested is it possible to position the flv files on the stage to certain coordinates when they start to play (so for example that the first flv plays as default in the centre, the second flv file plays a little bit right and the third plays a little bit left). This is the code i'm using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning XML Slideshow Images On Stage

Oct 12, 2009

I have a xml slideshow that is working fine. The problem I am having is all of the images load in at x=0 and y=0. I would like to have the images load at a specific x coodinate and y coordinate on the stage. I have been looking at other code examples to see how to fit this in to mine but I keep breaking it.

Here is my code: 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Buttons Always At The Bottom Of Stage?

Apr 1, 2007

I have a group of 6 buttons which on my stage sit in the center and are 20 pixels from the bottom, I am trying to create a bit of a liquid layout, and the browser is going to be able to resized by the user. I want always for the buttons to stay at the bottom in the center of the browser 20 pixels from the bottom no matter wether it is resized too

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclips On Stage / List Of Movieclips That Are On Stage?

Jun 4, 2009

is it possible with AS3 to see the list of the movieclips that are on stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Giving Object Random Stage Positioning?

Jul 20, 2010

so i am giving these objects random x and y coordinates on the stage, but i need each object to be spaced apart from each other (lets say 20px) how can i achieve this. I have got the following code:

ActionScript Code:
for(var i:int=0;i<=bubbleNumber;i++){
var bubble:Bubble = new Bubble();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Big Image To Absolute Middle Of Stage?

Aug 29, 2006

im trying to achieve a Full Browser Flash and i want my bgimage to remain in the centre of the stage whilst other objects move round it depending on mouse movements but how would i go about centering the bgimage through AS?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complex Nested MovieClips?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm building an event calendar as part of a website .The calendar is divided into two sections, "calendar" on the right with the actual calendar displayed, and "calendarContent" on the left, where information about the evnts is supposed to show up. The different frames in "calendarContent" are all labeled. Within "calendar" I have different movieclips for each month, and inside each month I put the buttons that open the event descriptions in "calendarContent."
Now, for some reason it's not working. The function I'm trying is the following:

MovieClip(root).pages.calendarContent.gotoAndStop("artsundays");where "pages" is the name of the parent movieclip that "calendar" and "calendarContent" are both inside, and "artsundays" is the label for the frame in "calendarContent" I want to go to. The function is placed within one of the month movieclips. I get the following error:TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.I've also tried usng MovieClip(parent) instead of MovieClip(root).pages (since "pages" is the parent), as well as a few other variations, but the problem remained.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop All Nested Movieclips?

Dec 22, 2010

I made a series of nested movieclips, and to stop all motion i wrote this code:
This code works fine, but can somebody explain how to write this in a more compact way?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Events And Nested Movieclips ?

Feb 20, 2011

I am having the following issue with this navigation I am building. I am trying to build a 3 tear drop down navigation, where each buttons sub menu is placed inside that button. My buttons are actually just movieclips, so I have nested movieclips structured something like this:
    -> Button_1_1
    -> Button_1_2[code]....
Each one of the buttons has their own class with it's event listenerens inside it. What happens now, is that when I click for example Button_1_2_1, I get it's event, but also, the event for Button_1_2 and Button_1. Initially, I fixed this, by attaching the events to a hitArea inside that movieclip, but now I am running into other issues and was wondering if there was a way to turn this off, so if movieclip for Button_1_2_1 is clicked, I only get the event for that one, not it's parents?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Nested Movieclips?

Mar 12, 2011

How do you access a nested movieclip? how do you access stuff in mc2_mc or mc2_mc itself  from within mc1_mc or maintimeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Scale For Nested Movieclips

Dec 19, 2009

I really get stuck with problem, that nested movieclips always scaled when parent movieclip is scaled. Is it possible to disable somehow this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mousevents In Nested Movieclips?

Jan 29, 2010

In a application I have a menu MC that slides out nicely from the side as the mouse is over a hotspot. It pops out and stays out as long as the mouse is over the menu.The problem is that in this menu I have child MCs that I want to click on to
do stuff... However when the mouse pointer slides into one of the icons the menu interprets that as a MOUSE_OUT event and slides away.I got it to work with the icons as Bitmap objects but you can't add Mouse events to bitmaps...I could do that by checking if I click inside a bitmap object but that seems ineffective.

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