ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Positioning Based Off Textfield Width?

Aug 13, 2006

I have a text field on the left and a movieclip butted up to the right of the text field. How can I move the movieclips position left or right based on the text fields width?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield Width Based Upon Distance To Edge Of Flash Movie

Mar 22, 2010

I've got a textfield creater that creates a nice textfield when I hover over a moveable button. However, when I click and drag that button around the flash movie, the text field disapears off the edge of the screen if I get to close to the right side. Can I adjust the width of the textfield as the mouse is moving closer to the edge?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Clip Based On Loop?

Feb 11, 2009

how do I set this onLoadInit so that with every new load it moves the _x of the container it's loading into (photoBox1 2. 3...) by the width of the parent container (picCont).Another option would be to include that picMCL right within the loop but I don't know how to pause the loop until onLoadInitis reached and new photo can be loaded.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Movie Clip?

Sep 25, 2007

In the following code when my movie first starts I want all my movieClips to be 25 pixels appart from each other no matter what the width of the mc. In the function "thumbnails" I can't seem to get my images to be seperated by 25 pixels on start up.I also want to set the y position of each movie clip so each image is seperated in the y direction by varying amounts but not to excede maxY amount. I haven't built that in yet. I am just trying to get them seperated in the x position by the correct amount.

cliparray = [];
function loadXML(loaded) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning Grid Generation In Movie Clip?

Jan 24, 2007

Here's a chunk of my code:

//This function uses loops to generate the grid from the array below.
function drawIt(theMap)


Basically, it generates a grid from two movie clips which are just different coloured squares. It reads in generateMap function to decide whether it will be a red square or a white square. 0 = white 1 = red. (the reds are going to prevent a sprite from travelling on them)

Anyway, at the moment the starting point for generating this grid is at 0,0 of the movie clip. I want it to generate at say 150,0 so i can add a console on the left which can control a sprite around this grid.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Positioning Of The Rollover Images In A Movie Clip?

May 10, 2006

i have a movie in which i have 50 thumbnails dynamically added to a mc and i have a scroller to scroll the mc which works fine.. on each thumb i have a rollover image (which is a bigger image of the thumb) which works fine but i want the rollover image to be shown within the area of mask area which is not happening now..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting _x Of Movie Clip Based On Another Movie Clip?

Apr 29, 2003

does anyone know the syntax?i want to get this._x = movieclip01._xalthough I do not know the correct syntax.

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AS2 :: Know The Width Of The Actual Text For Positioning Purposes?

Aug 30, 2011

I am using a TextField in Flash CS2, because I need to know the width of the actual text for positioning purposes. However from some odd reason it doesn't always work when the browser is Google Chrome.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Maximum Width F Movie Clip?

Feb 18, 2011

Basically I have this portfolio website with 6 tabs. I am trying to make the slides glide from left to right.each slide is a movie clip and i have put all six movie clips inside one long movie clip with the instants name of content_mc.The problem is my long move clip is way too long in width I have offset the last slide about 5180px of the 0 position.When I test it and click on the tabs nothing happens and I get this error in the output panel"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."Here is my action script code.

//Animate in the profile_mc from bottom to top using the Tween class..//
import fl.transitions.Tween;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Changes Width At Runtime?

Apr 26, 2006

I have a movie clip on the stage. When I click on it, the info bar shows its width is 90px.When I test the movie and do a trace( mc._width ) it has a width of 97.1 .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Empty Movie Clip Width?

Aug 3, 2007

I'm trying to load images into a row of images. Each image is a different width. Heres the code so far:

var xPos:Number = 0;
for (y=0; y<5; y++) {
var container:MovieClip = this.holder.createEmptyMovieClip("picholder"+y,y);
container._x = xPos;
xPos += container._width;

The problem at the moment is that the container._width property is reading 0 so all the images are loading on top of each other. This is the same with "picholder"+y. If I set the xPos value to say 100 then it works fine. I'm guessing its something to do with the fact that the loadMovie happens after the var container is defined. Whats a way around this?

Also just while I'm posting whats the correct syntax for something like this:container.loadMovie("mypic" + (y) +".jpg");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Max Movie Clip Width - Limit?

Feb 24, 2011

Havs had some erratic behaviour working with super wide MovieClips Is there a limit or is it in my head

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Mc Container With Positioning And Width And Height?

Jul 30, 2004

is this how i would create a mc container with positioning and width and height?

var mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("photocontainer", 1);
mc._x = 3;
mc._y = 30.5;
mc.width = 440;
mc.height = 345;

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Actionscript :: Change Movie Clip Width With Mask

Mar 12, 2010

Is there a way to mask a movie clip in a way that alters the width and height of the object? I have a child movie clip that is larger in width so I'm having issues manipulating the width, height and coordinates proportionally of the parent movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scale A Movie Clip's Width With Easing?

Dec 22, 2004

I managed to scale a movie clip's width with easing.With this code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
endWidth = 50;
_width += (endWidth-_width)/speed;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Width And Height Of A Movie Clip Symbol

Apr 2, 2003

So I'm trying to set the width and height of a movie clip symbol. Initially, on the stage the movie clip is set to w = 400, h = 350. Whenever I load a 400x350 image on the clip (from a button), it looks way too wide. So I tried to fix this by adding setproperties for width and height on the action for the button.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Movie Clip Symbol Width?

Aug 13, 2010

I searched the forums, but couldn't really find anything that matched my specific needs. I have a movie clip symbol that is your character, I also have a movie clip symbol that is named fuel and it represents the fuel you have left. I tried this in your character:

if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
yspeed -= ypower;
fuel._width -= 50;

as a little bit of code. fuel._width -= 50; is what I'm really interested in. yspeed-= ypower; is just my movement, which works. So why doesn't my fuel width change?

View 6 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Positioning Nested Movieclips Based On Stage?

Aug 12, 2010

I have multiple nested movieclip in its own different movieclip, and i would like to arrange them accordingly. My idea was to use the localToGlobal function. I can get the position of the MC on stage, but how do I use the function and place the MC based on stage?

cAPos = new Point(objectA.y);
newcAPos = objectA.localToGlobal(cAPos);
cBPos = new Point(objectB.y);
newcBPos = objectB.localToGlobal(cBPos);
objectB.y=objectA.y+objectA.height <-- based on stage

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Make A Movie Clip Based On Blank Object?

Jun 21, 2009

Is there a way to make a movie clip based on a blank object?the way i usually make one is by drawing a rectangle and making it a movie clip.

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Professional :: Preloader Based On A Single Movie Clip?

Jan 6, 2010

Is there a way to have a pre-loader based on a single movie clip, instead of on the entire SWF size? This movie clip may have a single graphic, but the entire movie has a slideshow with more images to display...but rather than making my visitor wait for the entire site to download before they see anything, I'd like to have it so when that graphic is loaded, it displays while the rest of the movie finishes loading. And there would be a preloader that shows the progression of the single movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Stage Resize Based On Movie Clip?

Jun 26, 2009

i have a button thats adds a movie clip to the stage...the movie clip height is bigger than the stage. is it possible to have the stage "extend" when you click the button to show the whole movie clip?

ActionScript Code:
addPic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addImage);
function addImage(event:MouseEvent):void{
var mc:MovieClip = new testClip();

kinda like this i guess [URL] when you click on the flash on that page it expands and stuff

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Play Frame In Movie Clip Based On Time Of Day?

Apr 29, 2009

So what time trying to do is play a specific frame in the movieclip based on the time of day:

PHP Code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var myDate = new Date();
var hour = myDate.getHours();


but when I change to "gotoandPlay" the movieclip just loads from the beginning frame and seems like it doesnt check the time.

View 7 Replies

IDE :: Fade A Movie Clip Out Based On The Proximity Of The Mouse?

Apr 29, 2007

Is there a way to fade a movie clip out based on the proximity of the mouse? Basically if my mouse is greater than 100 pixels away from a movie clip, I want the movie clip to fade to 0 and stay invisible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Duplicating Movie Clip Based On Xml Data?

Nov 11, 2009

I got a flash file which reads xml data and based on total data I need to duplicate movie clips and show them horizontally. Till now i have read the data and displayed it but dont have idea how to display them horizontally.

i = 0;
level = 100;[code]....

I have done this till now, it duplicates the movie clip but when i want it to change its x coordinate it shows error

**Error** Symbol=mc_contentHolder, layer=Action, frame=1, Line 20: There is no property with the name 'x'.
newClip.x = 328;

Total ActionScript Errors: 1, Reported Errors: 1

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotate A Movie Clip Based On Time?

Feb 11, 2010

Basically what I'm trying to do is make a sundial-style clock animation. I'm using AS2 in Flash CS4. I'm still quite new to Flash so my AS know-how is slightly limited...

I want to get the time from the user's computer (I'm using getHours) and make a line (movie clip) rotate to a certain angle based on the hour. Eg. 1pm = 13 degrees, 2pm = 26 degrees and so on. This is the script I have so far and all it seems to do is rotate the movie clip to 90 degrees.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Total Max Width And Height Of Movie Clip?

Apr 6, 2011

How do I find the total maximum width and height of a movie clip with respect to every frame of that movie clip?

So for instance if the movie clip was circles of radius 5 registered at their center at various positions where:

frame 1:circle.x=-30
frame 2:circle.x=0
frame 3:circle.x=30

The total maximum width of movie clip would be 30--30+5+5=70.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Movie Clip Expand In Width And Height?

Mar 6, 2004

how to make a movie clip expand in width and height and then stop when it reaches a certain size?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating A Movie Clip With Code / The Width Property?

Feb 10, 2006

Hi, is there any way to rotate a movie clip during runtime? Also, do movie clips have a width property that can be accessed with actionscript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Clip Same Width And Height Of Stage Using It?

Jul 17, 2003

How can i make a movie clip the same width and height of the stage using actionscript, when the width of the movie isnt known?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Movie Clip Based On Mouse Position?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm creating a slideshow gallery in flash and am basically there now except for one bit...

have a look here [URL]

The slider at the bottom for the thumbnails moves ok but I want it to stop at the last slide. I

I can manage to code it based on the mc's _x value

i.e if (mc._x < -200){ //do nothing }

but this creates a dead stop and I want a gently slow down like if you were to navigate from thumb 8 back to 1.

all of my coding at the moment uses the mc's x value in relation to the mouse's distance.

The code I have currently set on the slider is:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {


how I could add another if statement that doesn't halt the animation as it hits the last slide but creates a smooth slow down?

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