Actionscript 3 :: Recursive Folder/Directory Copy With Air?

Sep 13, 2010

Is it possible to use pause/resume function to this??

source.copyTo( destination );

It would be great if you can send it at the earliest.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Complete Event For Recursive Directory Listing?

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package flashmaster.classes.application
import flash.filesystem.File;


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I'm hoping to produce a CD of Captivate lessons to be accessed via a Flash menu. (Using Flash CS4, but with ActionScript 2). I can get the files to work from the disc, but as they are large files, they take less time to open if downloaded onto the user's machine first.
Is it possible to use some ActionScript to take the folder of files and copy them onto the desktop so that I can then point the menu items to the newly copied folder? I've seen that there is a download option in ActionScript but this seems to bring up a dialogue box and allows the user to place the files wherever they want. Ideally I'd like the process to be automatic.

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(1) add the caurina folder to the folder

(2) add to the folder

(3) add


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Oct 7, 2011

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This is what the flash player requests, and if it get's this response it load the channel requested. There is no HTML on the php page, just the URL. Note that the rtmp URL is static.If you are not on one of their IP's it will return a random sentence (something stupid, the programmers having fun).I wan't to trick the flash player into getting the right value, even though it's not on one of the ISP's IP's.

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, included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory


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How do I import a class that resides outside the root folder of a fla file?

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May 29, 2009

Is it possible to loadMovie into the main movie when the swf is not located in the same folder that the main swf is locatedThis is the script that works when I am loading the swf from the same folder as the main swf,

this.createEmptyMovieClip("empty_mc", 1);
empty_mc.loadMovie("pageflip_loader.swf");this.cre ateEmptyMovieClip("empty_mc", 1);


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Actionscript :: Recursive Function And Returned Value?

Nov 5, 2010

I think I have the recursion working properly, but I'm not able to get the originally requested item's property set to the right value.The goal here is to find the topmost parent (or "ancestor," depth = 0) of the nested item (a taxonomy based on Dictionary "parent" attributes), and assign that originally requested nested item's "ancestor" property accordingly.For instance, in

- Red
- - Empire
- - - Fresh

"Fresh"'s ancestor should be set to "Apples." While I'm attempting this on an "on-demand" and individual basis, I'm open to a solution that tags all children that are related to the same ancestor in one fell swoop or for statement, since that would probably be more efficient.


for (var mc:Object in taxonomy) {
var term = taxonomy[mc];[code]....

As you can see, while the recursion does find the root, the originally requested item still gets the default value.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive XML To Multidimensional Array

Dec 27, 2010

ActionScript Code:


create Multidimensional Array from Recursive XML.

All I need create Array inside an Array dynamically from an unknown XML tree.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Function XML Tree

May 3, 2004

im having a problem reading a xml tree in Flash MX...[code]and this Actionscript to just to view the tree.[code]meaning that when it calls itself again, that it will stop searching the next items on the same level from where it was do i not let it stop searching and complete the tree.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Determine Recursive Loop End?

Jul 4, 2005

How do I determine the end of a recursive loop - when going through an xml document of unknown size?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Limits Workaround?

May 11, 2007

I am making a SUDOKU generator(ActionScript2.0), which would (for now) generate the full and correct sudoku table. To do that I need to use recursive functions for calculating all the possible values. The problem is that when I try to run my program I get this error :


256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list.

This is probably an infinite loop.

Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie.Is it possible to somehow work around this limitation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Functions And Loops?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm trying to create a minesweeper game as exercise, but I stumbled upon a problem.I've cleaned the code for you so only the relevant code is here:

function expand(cell) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recursive Array On

Nov 4, 2004

I've been studying the experiments on Levitated a lot. I've been looking over this one that deals with recursive functions. Here is the link:The actually get most of it. There is one part with an array though that pushes something and I don't understand it. Here's the code:

function addFillRequest(x0, y0, x1, y1, d) {
// que up a request to fill a region


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ActionScript 3.0 :: [flex As3]function Non Recursive Call. How?

Feb 3, 2009

So, I create standard AS3 flex project. In constructor goes only start();

rest of functions are basically this:

private start():void { f1();}

private function f1():void { f2();}

private function f2():void { f1();}

And it's standard recursion. SWF either breaks or loops as many times as I tell it. One f calls the other, which calls first... I do not want that.

I want f1 to do some stuff, calls f1 and closes itself. Than f2 works, calls f1 and closes. And so on.

Like having 2 sets of code that loops through.
What's the cleanest way to do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recursive Function To Search Through XML Tree

Aug 27, 2009

I want to vreate a recursive function that will search through my xml tree and display all the leaves(node values); this is the function that I wrote:

function searchXML (theItem) {
trace("theItem.*.length() "+theItem.length());
trace("theItem.* "+theItem);
if (theItem.*.length() > 0) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [flex As3] Function Non Recursive Call?

Sep 2, 2009

I create standard AS3 flex project. In constructor goes only start();

rest of functions are basically this:
private start():void { f1();}
private function f1():void { f2();}
private function f2():void { f1();}

And it's standard recursion. SWF either breaks or loops as many times as I tell it. One f calls the other, which calls first... I do not want that. I want f1 to do some stuff, calls f1 and closes itself. Than f2 works, calls f1 and closes. And so on. Like having 2 sets of code that loops through.

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