Actionscript 3 :: Resizable Button With Background In Flash CS4?

Dec 7, 2009

I want to create a button which resize dynamically with content. to achieve this, I created a MovieClip in library and added four layers into it namely - text, bg, shadow and border.Problem I'm having is, if I make textfield autosize, only textfield resizes and others stuff remain as it is. if I calculate width required using xxxLineMetrics function and apply it to Button, background resizes properly but textfield also stretches with them and looks ugly.I want backgrounds(sibling of textfield) resize properly with textfield so button looks nice with resized background and normal autosized textfield.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resizable Document And Background For Different Screen Resolutions?

Aug 23, 2010

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My idea was to create different dimensions of the background, and according to the screen resolution the visitors has, the flash document publishes the background that is meant for the visitors screen resolution.

* And, can the flash document "strech" also? So I can put the different backgrounds in the flash document, and the flash document widens so it covers the whole web browser window?

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Using CSS, how do I set the background color of a Flex MX Button? My button is declared as:

<mx:Button label="My Button"/>

And the CSS is:

@namespace mx "library://";

mx|Button {
color: #66ffff;
backgroundColor: #333333;

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Flex :: Make A Window Not Resizable?

Apr 26, 2011

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Main app

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


When I run this code, my expectation is that TestWindow should not be resizable. however I can resize it without any problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Aligning The Mc's On A Resizable Stage?

Jun 5, 2010

I have a movie clip (menu2_mc) containing a navigation menu, which I want to have appear always on the middle of the screen and at the bottom say 15 pixels in even when the window is resized.I followed a tut by kevin schmitt which allows the background to be fullscreen on a resize. I have been able to center the clip on screen but still having problems nutting out how to change the y coordinates on a screen resize.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Resizable Textfield?

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var myLabel:TextField = new TextField();
myLabel.text = "The";
myLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
myLabel.x=10myLabel.y=10myLabel.multiline=true;myLabel.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
myLabel.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, resizeHandler);
addChild(myLabel);function resizeHandler(evt:Event):void {
if(myLabel.width>200) {
myLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE
myLabel.width=200 myLabel.multiline=true; }}

When width is graeter that 200 cursor move to next line. It is not done

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Connecting Objects With Resizable Lines?

Apr 18, 2006

I have to create and application to model relationship between objects.So to create the model, I would drag sevral objects from the menu onto the working space.This I already battled through.Now comes the hard part - I must be able to drag a relationship ( a line basically) from the menu and connect two objects with it. So that when I move any of the two connected objects - line scales. However, 2 objects can have several relationships. So scaling a simple diagonal line wont work here >.< So the steps should be as follows1) drag relationship line to workspace2) drag one end of it on an object and then the linke connects to it3) drag the other end of the line scaling it, changing its shape to try and avoid ntersecting, onto the second object and connect to it4) when u drag either of the objects - all the relation lines scale accordingly..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check Out Scottys Resizable Gallery

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Truly Centered Non-resizable Swf In A Browser Window

Apr 17, 2003

I found a page that launches a full-screen browser window with a SWF in it. This SWF is non-resizable, and it is centered inside a browser window in such a manner, that both bottom AND TOP get cut off if the screen size is smaller than that of a flash file.Usually an embedded SWF would be tied to top left corner of the browser window in case of a smaller screen. In other words, top edge and left edge of a SWF file would always start at 0, 0 if the screen is too small. URL...Java script on the index page launches the full-screen browser window. But what makes the movie inside that window perfectly centered, even on a smaller (i.e. 800x600) screen, letting its BOTH bottom AND TOP edges be clipped? Is there some flash code for it? I couldn't find anything in the html code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Offscreen With Resizable Stage

Apr 9, 2006

I'm building a fullscreen flash website. I have objects moving from offscreen to the center of the stage and from the center to offscreen. I use a simple onResize listener to keep everything centered when the user resizes the stage. I'm using the MC Tween engine for all my tweens and they are all coded relative to the size of the stage.


Everything works great EXCEPT if the user resizes the stage while a tween is in motion. How do I update the tweens end value to the appropriate location?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Panning In Fit In Resizable Browser?

Sep 28, 2008

[URL] for the image panning tutorial and forumers.

My aim/goal is to get this effect. The background will fit to any resized browsers without scaling up + image edge will still somehow stay within the stage/browser.. but i got problem with it when i publish my swf as html.

this is my setting in the html tab:

dimensional set to: percent [100x100]
scale set to: no scale
flash alignment set to: center in both

my end result is not good.. i dunno is it my AS or the setting.. hope the kind gurus here can take a look.. i had attach my fla [flash 8].

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Resizable Objects - Movieclips

Oct 1, 2003

where I can find a tutorial to create resizable movie clips? The viewer should be able to resize movie clips during playtime... I tried a lot of things... the objects get resized but they just "blow up" from all sides...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Resizable Photogallery Using A XML File?

Apr 7, 2005

I need to create a dynamically resizable photogallery wherein the menu is going to be placed beneath the image and land on a Y coordinate based on the size of the image.

The following links will help illustrate what I am attempting to accomplish:


Though subtle, the example for 2.html places the numeric menu a few pixels south, and then might need to go north depending on the size of the following - or previous - image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fixed Object Size On Resizable Stage?

Jan 2, 2012

I have a SWF stage that needs to be resizable, as it loads content dynamically which may have different dimensions. Yet, I need an object (namely a 'Close' button) to keep its absolute size no matter how big or small the stage gets. I also need it to keep its relative position, let's say always at the top right corner of the resized Stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizable Menu Items On Mouse Hover?

May 31, 2009

I need to make a resizeable menu like the menu.gif picture I uploaded. For example the menu to have 5 or 6 elements doesnt matter the problem is to make them adjustable on size (will be different movie clips each one) on mouse hover over each one of them but also snap like this.

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Make a scrollable dynamic text box which height and scrollbar is dependent of the height of the stage?

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Oct 1, 2003

where I can find a tutorial to create resizable movie clips? The viewer should be able to resize movie clips during playtime... I tried a lot of things... the objects get resized but they just "blow up" from all sides...

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Oct 10, 2005

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