Actionscript 3 :: Textfield With Arial Regular And Arial Bold Does Not Work Together In Flashcs5?

Aug 17, 2011

I have two dynamic classic TextFields in a MovieClip, one with Arial Regular embedded and the other with Arial Bold, but the second TextField is not showing the bold text. It shows regular text. Here is how I am doing it:I change the text of two fields using c.txt1.text="changed text90";mc.txt2.text="changed text90";

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Professional :: Get The Embedded Text Option And Selecting Arial Regular But Again It Keeps Reverting Back To Arial MT?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm using Flash Pro CS5 Win 7 to edit an existing FLA file, the text is suppose to be Arial Regular but it keeps changing to Arial MT. I've tried the embedded text option and selecting Arial Regular but again it keeps reverting back to Arial MT.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Fonts Don't Work... But Arial And Verdana Work?

Mar 19, 2012

I am trying to defeat my psychological block with dynamically loaded fonts in AS3, and I have an annoying problem. I am creating a clock with a textfield and I am loading fonts from a SWF library: the available classes/linkages are "Arial", "ArialBold", "MyriadPro", "MyriadProBold" and "Verdana".This is the line where I get the class from the SWF, and it extracts the class correctly

clock = new Clock( { fontClass: assetsLoader.getFontClass("skin", "Arial") } );
The constructor...


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IDE :: Arial Font Styles Not Applying

Apr 24, 2009

I'm having a strange issue with the Arial font in Flash CS4. I can create a text box and choose the Arial font. That appears to look like regular Arial text. However, if I want to choose a style (italic, bold, bold italic) the text does not change at all. These fonts are loaded on my system and always have been. They work in Flash CS3 and they work in all other programs including Illustrator and Photoshop CS4. In addition to that, all other fonts seem to work just fine including Arial Narrow and the other general system fonts. Arial Narrow allows me to select and apply all the available styles. It seems to be specific to Arial.

This also happens when I open a file that was originally created in CS3 or Flash 8. The font mapping notification does not appear, but if I had a text box that is supposed to be Arial Bold Italic, it automatically changes to look like regular Arial.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5: Combining Bold And Regular Text In A Textfield?

Sep 20, 2010

I am trying to combine bold and regular text in a textfield but how do I embed an font family and not just a single style of a font?See example of how I embedded a font, you can only choose one style: "regular", "bold", "italic" or "bold italic" at once:However, when you try to embed the text (via the IDE settings or actionscript) how do you set the font to be the entire family?

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Professional :: Flash Reverting To Arial Narrow

Apr 8, 2011

The company at which i work has recently upgraded all their design systems to CS5. This has given us endless issues with fonts. The main problem being old content opening up in CS5 reverting to Aria Narrow from either Arial Bold or Arial Regular.We develop elearning courses and do a lot of large batch exports of flash flas so this is causing us plenty of problems beause it is not guranteed that the 100 FLAs we batch publish are going to output the correct font.The majority of these files are old AS2 files and the majortiy of text fields that it occurs on are static ( we are in the process in upgrading to as3).I was just wondering with all the discussions of CS5 fonts flying around whether anyone had any similiar issues or any ideas for a fix.

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Actionscript 2 :: Arial Font Missing Using Flash CS4?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a (old) Flash Document ".fla" file created in Flash 8.It just has a static textbox with "Hello World"(many more text boxes) in it .(just for the question. )The font set is Arial 12pt Bold (thr. the Flash 8 IDE). When i open the same file in Flash CS4 IDE i get the Missing Font Dialog and then it asks to Map "Arial" to another font.When i map missing "Arial" to "Arial" with style "Regular"..all Arial text boxes change to "Regular",even the one with "Bold" face.I even installed Arial font again but found the same problem?

Created in flash 8 .with static text boxes.When open in Flash CS4 give missing font mapping dialog

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Format - Make Font Set To Arial

Dec 4, 2005

im trying to make my fone set toArial. It wont work heres what i have tried.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Arial For Content Font - Set It Up For Solid Edging?

Jun 17, 2006

I'm using Arial for my content font. I'm trying to set it up so that there's pretty solid edging.

var antiAliasEntry_1:Array = new Array({fontSize:12.0, insideCutoff:0.61, outsideCutoff:-3.43});
var arialTable:Array = new Array(antiAliasEntry_1);
TextRenderer.setAdvancedAntialiasingTable("Arial", "none", "light", arialTable);

I think it's that insideCuttOff needs to be smaller, and outsideCutOff needs to be further in the negative direction. But when I do that, there's no much of an effect. Here's what my text looks like now:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change All Fonts To 'Arial' And 'Device Font'

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to change all my fonts to 'Arial' and 'Device Font'. Here is my code:

var dom = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var font_replace = "Arial"
changeFonts = function(timeline) {
for(var layer in timeline.layers){


Can't set useDeviceFonts property of a horizontal text object.

I have no idea what this means. I noticed some other bod on these forums posted this issue a while back, but nobody responded.

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Flex :: Displaying Diacritics Using Verdana/Arial Fonts Windows XP

Feb 7, 2011

When creating an application which needs to be capable of displaying a range of foreign characters we came across a display problem when attempting to display Swedish diacritics. The following sample application works fine using Windows Vista but doesn't display correcting using Windows XP:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical">
<mx:Label text="Arial Unicode MS - Höglund" fontFamily="Arial Unicode MS"


Using charmap suggests that both Arial and Verdana on Windows XP lack the necessary diacritic characters and hence don't display correctly whereas in Windows Vista the fonts are complete. The same in standard HTML appears to work correctly however (not sure if the browser is doing something in the background to insert known diacritic characters when it encounters fonts without).

Has anyone encountered a similar issue when displaying diacritics in Flash using Windows XP? I want to avoid embedding Arial/Verdana and unfortunately using Arial Unicode MS is not an option - Verdana must be used to fit with the clients style guidelines.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Switch The Text To Display In An Arial Device Font Text Field?

Feb 19, 2010

Is there a way to detect if a dynamic text field that has basic english characters embedded can't display some foreign text, japanese for example?

So I can then switch the text to display in an arial device font text field.

Sorry if this has been answered b4, but I can't find it if it has.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Japanese Fonts - Embed A Font Like "Arial Unicode MS" With The Kanji Character?

Oct 9, 2010

I am tasked with created a site that handles Japanese characters, and am looking for any insight you can offer for this.My main issue right now is the size spike the site will get if I embed a font like "Arial Unicode MS" with the Kanji character set which has 3174 glyphs. When I compiled an fla with only a textfield and these Japanese characters embed it stands at 731k. So I am looking for options to either eliminate the need to embed the Kanji characters or find a way to limit the number of characters needed to handle the Kanji character set.

1. Which fonts if any come pre-installed on Wins & Mac that natively handle Kanji characters.

2. If there is such a font for Win & Mac does this mean I don't need to embed the Kanji glyphs for the font in a swf, and can be sure any user viewing the site will be able to see the Janji characters, because their OS already can handle displaying Janji characters. For example if I go to a webpage on the internet that has Japanese characters I am able to view the Japanese characters, is this because the browsers themselves have these fonts embedded or is it pulling from my OS to display the Japanese font?

3. If I do need to embed a font to handle the Janji characters do I need to include all 3174 glyphs to cover all possible English equivalents. I read that you can specify a unicode range for a font, believe this only works with CS4 though. I don't know much about unicode ranges let allow the ranges I need for Japanese characters.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FlashCS5 - Embedded Font With Coded TextField

Jun 20, 2010

I have a website project to finish on monday and I'm with a huge problem. I need to create textFields from AS3, load it's text from xml and use loaded CSS file in it. I've embedded the font but it doen't work, and worst, not working even with Times or Verdana fonts. I have embedded the fonts using default name, "Font 1", etc, since I read those export names must be different then system font name. Here are the code (bad one, only to show the problem), the CSS, and the capture of the swf is here:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bold And Regular Text With Embedded Fonts CS4

May 12, 2009

Anybody know the trick to getting both bold and regular text in a dynamic text field? I can do it with system fonts no problem (using htmlText), but the client wants copy to be Futura Medium and Futura Bold. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time anyone's had to do this.

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Html :: Bold And Regular Font In Dynamic Text Under A Mask In Flash ?

Feb 20, 2010

I have this text "my text is <b>bold</b> and regular".

I want "<b>bold</b>" to be... well, let's say... bold !

I have a mask layer under which there is a text field.

The text field shows htmlText, and i must embed chars. If not embedded, it doesn't display because of the mask. So the solution of importing 2 user fonts ( one bold and one regular) does not work.

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Professional :: No Dynamic Bold Font If Regular Static Font Present On Stage (CS5)?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a strange issue where a dynamic text field will not show a bold version of a font (Gerstner BQ) if the regular version is on the stage in a static text field.Remove the static text field and the dynamic text field displays the bold font correctlyI have created a test FLA to reproduce this and by turning the layer with the static text field on and off (Publish settings -> Flash -> include hidden layers [unchecked]), the issue is quite clearhis issue is so big for me that I have had to abandon a project in CS5 and start again in CS4 just to work around this.

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CS5 :: Can't Make A Textfield To Bold In It

Jun 24, 2011

I've got an FLA which was originally created using CS3, and i've got a dynamic textfield in it that uses font "Gadget".If i open the FLA in CS3, it gives me option to toggle the BOLD option, and when i compile it, the font appears to be bold in the compiled swf.

When I open the same FLA in CS5 (version,

---> I don't get any option to make the font bold on the same textfield,

---> and when i compile it, the text remain the same, it does not show as bold.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Text Bold In Textfield?

Jan 29, 2010

I want to make an imported text from a textfile be bold.ow do I do it?This is what it looks like now:

this.createTextField("my_txt", 10, 10, 10, 80, 100);
my_txt.setNewTextFormat(new TextFormat("Arial",12,0xCC6600));
boldFormat = new TextFormat();


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IDE :: Embedding Helvetica Bold Into Dynamic Textfield?

Nov 12, 2009

I have a single dynamic textfield containing NON-HTML text meant to be displayed in a single typeface: Helvetica Neue - 75 Bold. When I author on a Windows installation, the font displays as Helvetica Roman. When I author on the Mac, the font displays correctly as the boldface version.

how to embed multiple weights of a typeface so you can use HTML markup to, say, mix bold, italic and roman text in the same textfield. This is about manually embedding a single font, Helvetica neue 75 Bold into a dynamic textfield using the Flash IDE and it not working on Windows.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A Mixture Of Bold/italic Embedded Fonts In One Textfield?

May 21, 2010

I have an HTML string that uses bold and italic tags which I need to apply to a TextField. I need the font to be embedded though and I can't seem to find a way to do this. From what I've read it seems that Flash needs to use the actual bold/italic versions of the font rather than just changing it with HTML? In which case I can't do it all in one textfield because you can't change font? The only solution I found was a suggestion to use the [Embed()] method rather than the method I am using (embedding the font in a library symbol) but I don't think you can do that either with Flash CS3?

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Actionscript 3 :: Regular And Strong Tween Does Not Work?

Jun 8, 2010

new Tween(Image1movieClip, "y", Strong.easeInOut,
Image1movieClip.y, thetargetY, 1.5, true);

the following error occurs, access of undefined property Strong...however Back and Bounce works here..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Faux Bold Doesn't Work In CS4?

Mar 19, 2009

In CS3, I can create a clip with 2 dynamic text fields - fld1is say, Myriad Pro and fld2 is Myriad Pro with faux bold turned onfrom the properties panel. I can then do...fld1.htmlText = <b>Bold text</b>and fld1 text appears in bold text because the faux bold fontwas embedded in fld2.CS4 doesn't have a faux bold, and when I go to the text menuand choose bold, it doesn't faux bold fld2, it actually changes thetext to Myriad Pro Bold. The bold tag no longer works, neither doesthe strong tag. I can, however, use font face tag and set it toMyriad Pro Bold, and now fld1 will show up bold.

Now let's say I want to put all my text content in anexternal XML file so the client can update it and I don't want tohave to explain the inner workings of Flash and tell them that theycan't use the bold tag, they have to use the font face tag and setit to some random name that I come up with for the bold fontlibrary symbol (in case we don't want to use Myriad in the future).Do I really have to set up a function to examine strings forthe bold tag and replace it with the font face tag? Is there reallyno way to get the bold tag to work?

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IDE :: Using The Bold Tag Within HTML Embedded Text Doesn't Work

Nov 12, 2008

just downloaded the flash cs4 trail, very nice some of the irritating IDE bugs are gone that i had on my mac, and didn't had on windows. but enough of that

The first project i checked out, a bug jumps up.when you create a texfield on stage, make it html text. set it to verdana or arial regular, emded the basic symbols.give the textfield a name and try to make some bold text using actionscript.

my_textfield.htmlText = "regular text, <b>bold text</b>"

preview it and every thing stays regular.the only way to get right is to embed the font styles in your library. but for some of the more special symbols, that's not good enough.that's the only reason i re-installed flash cs3, after thinking maybe that was the problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Text Tags (Bold / Italics) Does Not Work

Aug 8, 2007

I'm using HTML text formatting with a Textfield. At the moment the <u> underline tag works fine but the <b> bold tags don't work or the italics tag doesn't work either. I read somewhere that a font with bold and italics needs to be "available". I'm just using a textfield with Arial as the font - which is embedded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HtmlText - Text Shows Up Bold Instead Of Just The Few Lines Assigned The Bold Tag To

May 4, 2011

I have a dynamic text box for 3 lines of text. I styled part of the text to be bold and part of it to be regular. When i click on the button to display the text it looks right the first time but if i click on it a second time then all of the text shows up bold instead of just the few lines i assigned the bold tag to.

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FlashCS5 :: Set Icons For Air For Android Settings Within It?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to set my own icons for Air for Android using Flash CS5. I see the icon tab within the Air Android Settings panel, but it won't let me navigate to my icons. Also, I would add the path to my manifest.xml file, but it gets overwritten while publishing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Take An ImageSnapshot Of The Whole Stage In FlashCS5

Sep 15, 2011

I'm trying to take an ImageSnapshot of the whole stage in FlashCS5:

ActionScript Code:
// set up save image
var image:ImageSnapshot;
var fileSave:FileReference;


It works, but it takes the snapshot, that's in the upperleft corner of the image, and has this long black background.

Is there anyway to specify and print everything on the stage, and in the stages bounds?

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Professional :: Creating A Button With Text In FlashCS5?

Jan 5, 2011

I am fairly new with using FlashCS5. I just finished the class and created a button with text in it for class but now when I need to do it for a project I can't seem to get it to work.I am trying to create a simple start and stop button to start and stop a Flash movie.I can get the buttons to work without any text, such as the word start and stop in the middle of each.Everything I've tried to do with the text on the button turns out the same.What happens is that in Flash the buttons appear to work fine  The little hand with the finger shows no matter where I place my cursor on the button but when I test them the area where the text is does not allow the click to work.  I have tried specifying a hit area and made sure that the hit area was larger than the entire button but still the middle where the text is doesn't work.

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Php :: MiniGame Works Fine In FlashCS5 But Fails Online?

Mar 31, 2011

I was wondering what is everyone's experience are on why a network request would work in FlashCS5 and in a browser locally but when i post it online it fails.The survivorId is sent from the string query. Both tests were done calling a network database.I've tried the following:Outputing the survivorId in a text field and seeing if the parameter variables were being sent correctly.Set the "Networking Only" option in the publish settings.Also is there a way to output trace actions from browsers for more in depth debugging?*EDIT: I have recreated the bug locally in a browser. Without trace actions i don't know if i can figure it out.*EDIT2: That bug only showed up because its from localhost (Apolligies, this is just wierd)Heres My Code, There is the "Stage" then it goes "localSurvivor"(movieClip) then in side that localSurvivor movieclip the "lPlayer" class is addChild() to localSurvivor MovieClipStage-> localSurivor-> lPlayer(survivorId);On the stage is this code:

//Set localP Id
var survId:Number = root.loaderInfo.parameters.sId;
//Object(root).informationTxt.text = survId;


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