Flex :: Displaying Diacritics Using Verdana/Arial Fonts Windows XP
Feb 7, 2011
When creating an application which needs to be capable of displaying a range of foreign characters we came across a display problem when attempting to display Swedish diacritics. The following sample application works fine using Windows Vista but doesn't display correcting using Windows XP:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical">
<mx:Label text="Arial Unicode MS - Höglund" fontFamily="Arial Unicode MS"
Using charmap suggests that both Arial and Verdana on Windows XP lack the necessary diacritic characters and hence don't display correctly whereas in Windows Vista the fonts are complete. The same in standard HTML appears to work correctly however (not sure if the browser is doing something in the background to insert known diacritic characters when it encounters fonts without).
Has anyone encountered a similar issue when displaying diacritics in Flash using Windows XP? I want to avoid embedding Arial/Verdana and unfortunately using Arial Unicode MS is not an option - Verdana must be used to fit with the clients style guidelines.
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Example code:
[Embed(source = 'fontfiles/verdana.ttf', fontName = 'Verdana', mimeType="application/x-font-truetype", unicodeRange = 'U+00-U+FF')]
public static var font:Class;
public function Verdana() {
[Code] .....
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var font_replace = "Arial"
changeFonts = function(timeline) {
for(var layer in timeline.layers){
Can't set useDeviceFonts property of a horizontal text object.
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<!-- Specifies the version of the compiled SWF -->[code].....
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/* In my CSS file */
@font-face {
fontFamily: UbuntuMono;
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Nov 13, 2002
so I'm making a site with 4 main buttons. Each of them send you to the sub-section and I'm making the sub-category buttons from 4 arrays with the names of each subCat and a .duplicatMovieClip loop. My problem is that I can't get the font I'm using (Adobe "Myriad Web Bold") to display those subCat... I tried using a "dummy" dynamic text field off stage with embedded font as well as adding/linking the font into the library. When I do a "Size Report" the font seem to be embedded but the text doesn't show up. When I set ".embedFonts = true;" to "false" then the text comes back (but in device font of course...)
Here some of the code:
// creates the new buttons
for (i=0; i < subCat_array.length; i++) {
_root.subCat_masterBT_mc.duplicateMovieClip(subCat _array[i]+"_mc", 100+i);
_root[subCat_array[i]+"_mc"]._x = _root.subCat_masterBT_mc._x;
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Nov 1, 2010
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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
[Code] .....
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Feb 23, 2011
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Mar 8, 2010
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var fileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();
private function onClick():void {
fileReference = new FileReference();
fileReference.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelect);
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Nov 25, 2011
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Feb 10, 2010
When using the Pencil Tool in Flash CS4 the line does not appear until after I've released the left mouse button or Wacom Pen nib. In other words you can write on a blank page the letter A but it only becomes visible after releasing the mouse button. It's invisible inkThe same problem occurs on my other machine with the only difference being an Intuos compared with Intuos 4 tablet - however it has same problem with a USB mouse, so it doest appear to be a Wacom issue.I've found a (kindof) fix.Open the Wacom Tablet properties panel either from the Start Menu or Control Menu - leave it open while using the Pencil Tool in Flash CS4 and it all works fine!I would be interested to know if anyone else has the same issue - might only be relevent to Windows 7 - 64 bit (i've not tested 32 bit). All was fine in Windows XP.Windows 7 - 64 bit (2009)Flash CS4 10.0.2Wacom Driver pro612-5_int - the new driver 613 made the pen go into Quick Point mode randomly so I'm using the older 612.5 drivers.
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Aug 29, 2009
i setup alwaysOnTop="true" in mx:WindowedApplication alwaysOnTop="true" tag. but this does not work in MAC but works in windows.
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I have a mp4 file which is to be used in an application. Currently i am in the stage of figuring out the technology to be used for this job. I am familiar with flex and am hoping that i be able to use it for the application. But i can not figure out a way to play the file in flex. I have been able to play the file only in windows media player and that required the installation of three codecs : Mp4Audio.ax, Mp4Video.ax, Mp4Src.ax.
As i see it, it will be very convenient if i could embed a windows media player plugin in flex or i could specify the audio and video codecs in the flash player
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Mar 1, 2012
we're having a strange problem on a project here. When we use NetConnection in combination with a NetGroup to initiate communication between two local AIR applications on Windows XP, they always both connect to the NetGroup succesfully and detect each other as neighbors. However, on Windows 7 both applications connect succesfully to the NetConnection and NetGroup both don't detect each other as neighbors.To reproduce this problem, here are two AIR applications:[code]
These applications can connect and send message to each other without a problem on Windows XP. On Windows 7 however, they cannot.Does anyone know why this wouldn't work on Windows 7 and what steps can be taken to make it work? It's critical to our project that this works.In some cases, the applications take quite a long time to detect each other as neighbors (up to 15 seconds in some cases), in other cases they detect each other immediately. Does anyone know what could cause this delay?
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Oct 29, 2009
I am embedding the font verdana to a textField. But its not getting worked. Also i have used the linkage to actionscript with the embedding font. The following code i have used for embedding.
/*var textFormat = new TextFormat()[code]...
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Sep 14, 2010
First off, I don't have a copy of Verdana bold. It's no where on my hd and I don't know the first thing about making fonts so that is out of the question.I've been searching for a couple of hours now and it seems the tried and true solution is to embed multiple versions of the font off the stage.Ridiculous. Right? In either case, I am pleading to all you Flash Jedi out there to please tell me there is another way? I refuse to turn to the dark side.
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