IDE :: Korean Device Fonts Not Displaying?

Sep 27, 2008

I'm just finishing an updated interface to a pre-existing multi-lingual flash site. We're using device fonts for non-western fonts. Japanese works fine. 100% fine. Korean, for some reason, does not.he text itself is being pulled into the Flash via remoting. And is all unicode. I'm confident that the Korean unicode is okay because it displays in our CMS interface fine and also displays in the old Flash interface (built in MX 2004) without a problem. Both the old and the new Flash interfaces (which are completely separate) use the Arial system font for non-western fonts. In the old interface, it displays fine. In the new one, I just see html ballot box entity characters in place of the characters.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bold Dynamic Text W/ Device Fonts?

Nov 3, 2009

I have an xml-based mp3 player which loads the track titles into dynamic text fields from an external .xml file and I can't get the text to bold. I have "use device fonts" checked. If I select the text field in Flash and change the color or size those attributes will change in the published version, but... when I click the B button, it won't render the text bold in the published version.Do I have to add additional font formatting in the actual ActionScript? Here's the AS for the player. I only want to bold the track title which (I think) is about half-way down -- track_title.text = track_list[current];[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change All Fonts To 'Arial' And 'Device Font'

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to change all my fonts to 'Arial' and 'Device Font'. Here is my code:

var dom = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var font_replace = "Arial"
changeFonts = function(timeline) {
for(var layer in timeline.layers){


Can't set useDeviceFonts property of a horizontal text object.

I have no idea what this means. I noticed some other bod on these forums posted this issue a while back, but nobody responded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pixel Fonts Look More Sharp When Use Device Font Than Embedding

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Reason why few of the pixel fonts look more sharp when we use device font than embedding the font.

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Actionscript 3 :: Use Device-fonts To Show Multilingual Text In The Same Flash App

Jan 30, 2012

I'm having a really hard time properly using device-fonts for multiple languages displayed in the same app (at the same time).I must use device-fonts (cannot use the .embedFonts = true property) and I won't be masking, scaling or rotating or animating the text anyways. I'm not worried about the disappearing issues side-effects. I'm noticing that English characters are showing up correctly, BUT other characters aren't.[code]What I'm trying to do is display single words (or short sentences) from various sources and various languages. In other words.... many TextFields will be scattered near eachother, but each TextField will use one language independant from the other Textfields. One may be in Mandarin, another in Spanish, another in French, in English.What do I need to do to get the Font "_sans" (or any supported device fonts) to show up correctly in various languages?

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Professional :: Text With The "Use Device Fonts" Setting?

Feb 21, 2011

Well i am currently mkaing a virtual world using flash cs5 and smartfox server. I have all the stuff done but then i try to start the movie it says "Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts."

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IDE :: Text Anti Alias - "use Device Fonts"

Mar 9, 2009

What's the correct settings or if it makes a big difference I just want a crisp clean font with no anti-alias If I use any thing other than "Use device fonts" they look blurry and badhowever if I "use device fonts" does the user need to have the fonts installed?

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IDE :: Pixel Fonts Are Not Displaying Correctly

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Can't See Korean Characters In Flash 10?

Aug 27, 2009

I have my language/local set to Korean; also, I.E 8 has encodings for utf-8 set.(Same problem when viewed in Firefox vs It is an English version of Windows XP, SP2 (all the latest patches installed - excluding SP3) This problem exists with a number of web sites; the attached file shows an example: the flash display (located line +5 from the top) does not display korean characters in the right box, yet, the left box is fine, note, this problem is illustrated elsewhere on this page. the URL is [url]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded Fonts Not Displaying Correctly

Nov 14, 2009

I've attached 2 screenshots.  The first shows the flash stage at its default size - as you can see my font is all distorted and weird looking but when you zoom in (image 2) it's exactly like it should be.  What would make it look like this when the stage hasn't been zoomed out or anything, it's just from pressing cmd and enter from flash?
I embedded it by putting it into the fla's library.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Fonts With .embedFonts & .createTextField

Nov 13, 2002

so I'm making a site with 4 main buttons. Each of them send you to the sub-section and I'm making the sub-category buttons from 4 arrays with the names of each subCat and a .duplicatMovieClip loop. My problem is that I can't get the font I'm using (Adobe "Myriad Web Bold") to display those subCat... I tried using a "dummy" dynamic text field off stage with embedded font as well as adding/linking the font into the library. When I do a "Size Report" the font seem to be embedded but the text doesn't show up. When I set ".embedFonts = true;" to "false" then the text comes back (but in device font of course...)

Here some of the code:

// creates the new buttons
for (i=0; i < subCat_array.length; i++) {
_root.subCat_masterBT_mc.duplicateMovieClip(subCat _array[i]+"_mc", 100+i);
_root[subCat_array[i]+"_mc"]._x = _root.subCat_masterBT_mc._x;


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Flex :: Fonts - Displaying Thai Characters In FTE Components On Mac?

Nov 14, 2011

I am running into issues displaying Thai characters in Flex components that make use of the Flash Text Engine (FTE), specifically on Mac OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.Here's a blurb of my compiler font managers in flex-config.xml:

<!-- Specifies the version of the compiled SWF -->[code].....

Thai characters render correctly in mx components such as TextField so far. However, FTE components such as TextLine show those crappy-looking boxes as a substitution. My initial guess was that somehow one of the compiler font managers declared in flex-config.xml was not finding the right system font to fallback to for Thai characters. So, I ensured the system font was installed by going to System Preferences > Language and Text > Edit List. Then I changed fontFamily to Arial, Ayuthaya.Still was seeing the boxes of evil.

Next I figured that perhaps the Arial font might be assigning a box for each unicode value corresponding to a Thai character. So it was effectively overriding the Ayuthaya system font. So I changed fontFamily once more to just Ayuthaya and this worked with one issue - Ayuthaya looks inherently different from Arial for non-thai there a less invasive way to support Thai in FTE components such that the appearance of the text is closer to the Arial font? I would rather not embed a font because I'm constrained on SWF size.

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Flex :: Spark TextArea Not Displaying Embedded Fonts?

Feb 6, 2012

I can't seem to get TextArea to render any embedded fonts in project. I've searched online and have found a couple of instances of this issue but no solutions.

I have a few fonts embedded with my app. Spark Label & the mx:TextArea (switching embedAsCFF to 'false') will display them correctly so I know they're embedded OK. I have the fontFamily value in a binding but I even tried just instantiating a new TextArea then assigning one the the embedded fonts via the fontFamily style and have had no luck.

/* In my CSS file */
@font-face {
fontFamily: UbuntuMono;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedding Fonts Into Project And Displaying Text

Nov 1, 2010

I have been trying to embed a font into a project I am working and its just not happening. I am having 2 problems first I am trying to embed a font that I do not have installed on my machine (Helvetica Neue Bold), I do have a copy of the otf file though. As far as I know what I have tried should work however when I run the swf I only get Times New Roman. From the enumerated fonts I can see the font has embedded but it just wont show. Secondly if I replace the Helvetia font with one I do have on my machine (Arial for example) the text displays with the correct font but if I then set embedFonts = true the text disappears.

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Displaying Diacritics Using Verdana/Arial Fonts Windows XP

Feb 7, 2011

When creating an application which needs to be capable of displaying a range of foreign characters we came across a display problem when attempting to display Swedish diacritics. The following sample application works fine using Windows Vista but doesn't display correcting using Windows XP:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical">
<mx:Label text="Arial Unicode MS - Höglund" fontFamily="Arial Unicode MS"


Using charmap suggests that both Arial and Verdana on Windows XP lack the necessary diacritic characters and hence don't display correctly whereas in Windows Vista the fonts are complete. The same in standard HTML appears to work correctly however (not sure if the browser is doing something in the background to insert known diacritic characters when it encounters fonts without).

Has anyone encountered a similar issue when displaying diacritics in Flash using Windows XP? I want to avoid embedding Arial/Verdana and unfortunately using Arial Unicode MS is not an option - Verdana must be used to fit with the clients style guidelines.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Extended Unicode Characters With .fla Embedded Fonts

Apr 21, 2009

My issue is thus: If I use an embedded unicode font in a textfield and set embedFonts = true when displaying characters like mandarin or IPA phonetic spelling characters, certain characters will disapear from the textfield.


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Professional :: - Sound Has No Valid Device Sound Path Although Exporting Device Sounds Was Requested In The Export Settings?

Jun 30, 2011

I have imported my wav files to my library added them to the down state of my buttons and when I test the file I get (Sound has no valid device sound path although exporting device sounds was requested in the export settings. This sound will be ignored.) I have been surching for an answer but as of yet have found none.

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Flash Fonts - Text Fields' Fonts Replace To Default Fonts.some Text Gone Down

Feb 25, 2010

my web site has a lots of text field. it is xml based is locally run perfectly but after i upload it to my server it's text fields' fonts replace to default fonts.some text gone its confused to me.i used Myridpro it is replace to default font .can u tell what is the solution for that..? [URL]

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Jul 11, 2010

I save my (embedded) fonts in an external file (fonts.swf) that gets loaded at runtime. Pretty standard. I also use a bunch of UI artwork generated in the Flash IDE. Some of this artwork contains static textfields (thus, not proper TextFields that can change. Just frozen glyphs). Here's the problem: if I use the same font in any static textfield and then embed that same font into my collection of runtime fonts, the runtime font will refuse to render. It's the same effect you get if you set a textfield with embeddedFonts=true to use a font that isn't embedded. If I change the static textfields to use a different font, the runtime fonts work just fine.


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Flash Detect Missing Embedded Fonts And/or Replace With Available Fonts?

Dec 22, 2010

Edited Short Version:The Adobe Flash docs list a property embedFonts on TextAreas:

A Boolean value that indicates whether the font specified in fontFamily is an embedded font. This style must be set to true if fontFamily refers to an embedded font. Otherwise, the embedded font is not used. If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed. The default value is false. Regarding the "If this style is set to true and fontFamily does not refer to an embedded font, no text is displayed" statement: How can I detect in ActionScript when this scenario happens?

TL;DR Original Version: I have a flash application which loads external .swf files containing embedded fonts, so that these fonts can be used within the main application. We're accomplishing this by using the following ActionScript code on anything which uses custom fonts:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Fonts - Loading Fonts From The Server?

Jul 21, 2010

Right I can upload the font to the server.But the only examples I can find - require registerFont(Verdana);Which means I'll need to create a new SWF with the new font embedded and reupload to the server. I need an automated way of doing this or perhaps something different altogether?

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Flash :: AS Window Fonts - Flash Embedding Fonts But Never For The Program Itself

Mar 29, 2009

I've recently had to format my computer and now having a problem with the flash actionscript window: the actionscript text looks like bold, or in a different font. The problem is that when I search for something like "flash" and "fonts", no matter which other words I use, always comes a lot of things about fonts for flash files, or for flash embedding fonts, but never for the program itself. Wich font is missing in my system that flash CS3 needs?

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Professional :: Getting .swf Into To Device Central?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm using flash CS5.5 (trail version) and want to export a movei file out to device central to test acceleromoter settings.
When creating the file I : selected air fro andiod, made these changes to the publish settings : set upa  certificate, tick all permission (as it kept telling me they hadn't been set) and then click ok.
For some reason under control > test movie > device central is greyed out. If i try to open the .swf file directly in device central it just tells me the device has the wrong version of flash.
Any ideas? I selected the file type as andriod?, preferably would like just to be able to click on test moving in device central.


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Professional :: Loading Ipa To IOS Device?

Oct 9, 2011

I had a quick and dirty little IOS application that I thought I'd knock out in Flash CS5.5 and deliver to the AppStore.I must have missed something really important in the past 11 months.I built a small, simple app to test on my iPad.I set it up to run on GPU, set up the p12 and a new Provisioning Certificate. Deployment is set to "quick publishing for device testing". In 2 minutes or less it published to an IPA file.The problem is when I mount the IPA to iTunes Library then to my device, it is literally stuck in Loading mode.... Just to test how slow it is, I left it to run over night.Well it's still loading almost 16 hours later. Is it just me?I can't seem to find any other discussions or articles on IPA loading problems. Do I need to load some other version of something else to make this new version of Flash publish efficiently?Is this not the correct workflow from Flash to an IOS device?

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AS3 :: Android - Put .swf On A Mobile Device?

Apr 7, 2011

i have asked this question before but the answer received was not applicable in my situation. I searched the net and still unable to find anything. I have a game in flash actionscript 3.0 and i would like to put it on my htc hero - android phone.

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Access USB Midi Device Via Web?

Dec 31, 2011

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to access a Midi device (like a piano/keyboard or electronic drum set) that is plugged into to a clients USB port over the web.

Obviously the browser security model makes this impossible using just javascript and while it looks like the emerging html5 device standard might help in the future it's apparently not there yet.

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Flex App Run On A Mobile Device?

Mar 20, 2012

Can a Flex application that was designed for use on a PC be run on an iPad, iPhone, or Android-based mobile device? Seems like a simple enough question.[URL]..yields a picture of a dude running a (presumably) Flex application on an Android. So at first glance, the answer would appear to be "yes." End of story.

There is so much (mis)information out there on various tech sites that suggest Flash-based technologies simply won't run on iOS or other mobile platforms. Why is this? Perhaps they mean to say that Flex won't run "out of the box" and requires a plugin? Or do they mean it won't run at all?

Every time I think I've reached a definitive conclusion, some post on SlashDot or CNET directly contradicts it. So what's the scoop? Can one take an existing Flex application and run it on iOS/Android? (I realize there are screen size issues to consider so the app might not run effectively. I just want to know if the runtimes are available on the mobile devices to allow the Flex app to launch at all.)

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CS3 Draggable Map For Touch Screen Device?

Mar 5, 2010

We are using CS3 and using actionscript 2.1. We are creating an application for a touch screen device and we must provide a draggable map. I have a map that is much larger than the screen size and I wish to be able to drag the map.Additionally the map needs to contain 'hotspots' which the user can click on and it shows additional information

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Media Server :: Device Isn't Showing Up?

Oct 1, 2009

my device (Dazzle DVC 150) is not showing up. It will show u inother programs and on my laptop works in this program. I also get an error saying "Please ensure your video capture device is working properly and is not in use.

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Professional :: Debug On Device Via Usb Is Disabled?

May 27, 2011

I have an iPhone4 plugged in via usb.I an create ipa files and put them on the phone using iTunes.I would like to be able to use the test/debug on device via usb, but in the menu, it's disabled.

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