Actionscript 3 :: Declare Dispatchable Events In Class So That List Of Them Accessible From Outside?

Jul 4, 2011

I would like to declare in my class a set of events that get dispatched by it and then use this information from controller class to automate addition of the event listeners. Is there a language structure for this in Action Script 3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Declare Onload Events In Classes?

Nov 21, 2009

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Declare Onload Events In Classes In It?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Class Accessible?

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my component's main class:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import MyStaticClass;


The thing is I don't want to provide the user with the MyStaticClass source. I would like it to be automatically imported and accessible after dragging the component to the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Accessible MovieClip From Within Class

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to make a class that extends the movie clip class. I want to essentially have a movie clip class that has a "handle" by which I mean a settable reg point by referring to a parent container movie clip. I have many parts of it working. I have functions that can move the handle/parent to any location on the screen, one that centers, and a move method that moves the movie clip by moving the parent so it is being moved by the origin you specify etc.

But one thing I would like to have the handledMovieClip class to do is to make the handled movie clip and then automatically generate the parent movie clip with the same name appended with "h" and put the handledMovieClip into the parent MovieClip. The parent movie clip should then be accessible by actions on the main timeline. Suppose that the movieclip name is MC so then the parent would be called MCh. I do this by making a new movie clip and then changing the name to "MCh".

But when I try to use the dot syntax from the main time-line it doesn't seem to know the object. So I can't do something like "trace(MCh.width);". I can get what I want by creating the handled movie clip and then the parent and then putting the handledMovieClip into the parent with addChild. It works if I do it from the main time line, but not if I try to do the exact same thing within the class constructor. I thought it would be a nice feature if the user only had to make the handledMovieClip and if the parent was generated by the class constructor automatically.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Events On The Display List

May 17, 2009

I have a garment class which extends Sprite. Each garment class has 2 children on the display list: var hittest: Sprite //basic rectangle sprite to use for drag and drop of the garment itself var artwork:Sprite //this is a simple piece of vector artwork imported from flash. The artwork is visually important and the hittest is just an approximation for moving the Garment item. When i add artwork to this structre. Then hittest gets covered unless i do this: artwork.mouseEnabled = false; The problem for me comes with this:

I need to be able to always keep the garment draggable via access to hittest. However, IF an item is placed on the character, then i want to artwork to also catch click events. (to open a colour pallette). So i must make artwork.mouseEnabled = true to catch these events (but it blocks drag now).

The reason i am here is because of a byproduct of that. Even if i do somehow manage to keep the dragging enabled on hittest sprite, i have noticed that MOUSE_UP, and DOUBLE_CLICK always fire a MOUSE_CLICK event. My head turns to mush because now it seems that im going to be wrestling with the color pallette opening when i dont want it to.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Events Dispatched By The Class A Doesn't Get Listened By The Main Class?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a main class which listens for an event dispatched from another class say class A. Also there are other classes say class B, class C etc.There is a controller class.Classes B, C dispatches events that gets listened by the controller and works well.But the events dispatched by the Class A doesn't get listened by the main class.What might be the problem. Detailed Explanation of the problem.There is a main mxml file.

Class files are in: ....etc

The main mxml file gets the input from a textArea. Sends the input to the capturedInput (input:String) function using set method which is in the ProcessInput Class.Now I need to dispatch events NORMAL, COMMAND depending on the input obtained after the processing, where I'm having problems. The reason is that if the event NORMAL is dispatched a particular function inside the DBController is to be called. If COMMAND event is dispatched then I need to call another function. This idea doesn't work since the events doesn't get listened.But the events dispatched by the CSDB class when listened by the DBController works well.

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Nov 18, 2009

So, events bubble up the display list. That's great if that's what you want. But what if you have objects on the stage that are not related that need to listen for events from each other? A simplified example:

var objA = new ObjA;
var objB = new ObjB;


Object B can listen for events dispatched by object C. But I also need object A to listen for events dispatched by object C. Also, these objects are created in different classes so I can't hard code references to each other.

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Nov 25, 2010

I have a custom item renderer that im using in a List. There is a CheckBox and a ColorPicker in the item renderer. I have created my own custom event classes for these two items and they are not bubbling their events.You can also click the item in the list, I have 3 listeners attached to the list, I don't want the list item handler firing when children of the list get clicked.[code]

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Apr 30, 2010

I think this is a pretty simply problem but I do not seem to be able to pull it off. Basically I have a parent class A, and a child class B.Class A instantiates class B with addChild.There is a shared object which is being updated from a java server (red5) that has an event listener attached to it in class A.I have a function in class A which will pass certain, specific updates from this shared object to class B.The problem occurs is that when class B is instantiated, the event listener from class A doesn't work anymore. I have not removed the event listener from A.?

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Actionscript 3 :: Listening To Events Down Display List In Children Components

Jun 27, 2011

I'm creating a swf, that has a parent class and a child class. The parent class has a button, that dispatches a custom event and I want the child class to list for this event, but when I dispatch the event the child class does not hear the event has been dispatched.[code]The register EventListeners() function is in the child class.I know events can bubble up the display list but how can then go down the list?

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Jan 20, 2012

I want each item in a list to change to a totally unique view file. Instead of 10 items in a list all going to 1 new view but with different info being generated I want 10 different view, 1 per item in the list. I can't find any examples of how to do this and I have been tryingo to make it for for a while. This is for a mobile app.



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Event Calendar - Set Up A List Of Events In Sort Of A Calendar Format?

Mar 28, 2004

I have to set up an list of events in sort of a calendar format. I'm trying to figure out how I should bring in the data.The data will be stored in a mySQL database. Should I just bring it straight into flash with PHP, or should I use PHP to convert it to XML and then bring it to flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Events Into A Class?

Aug 28, 2009

My FLA has a class instantiated in it and I can call the public functions in that class no problem. What does not seem to work, is to dispatch an event in the FLA and the class to register it. Is that how it is? Seems that from inside the class outward is no problem. So, from child to parent, works, but not the other way around. The event that I am dispatching on the FLA timeline looks like this:
dispatchEvent(new Event("SHOW_TIP"));

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Flash :: List Of "start-up" Events For Swfs Somewhere?

Dec 15, 2011

Basically, I'm looking for all the events that happen as a swf is loading, getting starting, playing the first frame, etc. Ideally, I'd like it broken down by flash version....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Events Out Of A Class?

Apr 28, 2009

So I've created a custom class which makes use of a Sound object. The Sound object loads a sound from a URL, and I attach and event listener to it to see it when it finishes loading i.e. Event.Complete

MY question is this: how do I receive this event outside of the class? For instance, I want to be able to create an instance of my class somewhere else, load a sound and attach an event listener to my custom class that listens for the event thrown by the sound. Understandably, I don't want to make the sound object a public variable.

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Flex :: Dispatching Events From A Class?

Dec 15, 2009

import mx.controls.Alert;


I am able to get the result, but not able to dispatch the event from the custom actionScript class. I googled and got the riposte that you need to add it to display list.

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