Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Scale Pixel Width And Height By Percent For Fullscreen?

Jun 10, 2011

How does flash scale for fullscreen?For example, if I draw a shape and give it a width and height of 100px (square)...does that scale up proportionally when the flash is made full screen? Or does that object stay 100px x 100px?

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Flex :: Spark RichEditableText Word Wrap With Percent Width And Fixed Height?

May 11, 2011

I know this question has been asked before but the other solutions didn't work for me quite well. here's my sample application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


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100% Of The Width And Height Of The Screen - 10 Pixel Gap On The Left And Right Side Of The Movie?

Oct 13, 2009

I have published my movie to take up 100% of the width and height of the screen.It takes up the entire height of the screen, but there is about a 10 pixel gap on the left and right side of the movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweenlite - Scale Up In Both Width And Height?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a strange and extremely annoying problem.I have a simple would-be navigation bar that works perfectly with this code:

import gs.TweenLite;
var buttons:Array = new Array();
var btnProps:Array = new Array();[code].....

It takes the 5 items in the menu and when they are individually moused-over, they simple move 10 points to the left, then when the mouse is off they move back to their original position.Now I want to change it so that they scale up a tiny bit in both width and height. I've been trying to do this for some time and I have no idea why this code does not work:

var _rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(_btn.x, _btn.y, _btn.width, _btn.height);

Everything in these two versions is EXACTLY the same except for this part I've posted.

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Make Fullscreen Feeling Without Using 100% Width And Height?

Jul 16, 2010

I've done a website in Fullscreen Flash(Not Fullscreen like when you play agame but the full of screen of the browser). To achieve the result, I've set the Flash Width and Height to 100% and I've had a HTML code so there's No Margins. But now the problem is that the jpegs files into the flash are squashing alot. I'd like to keep the perfect quality of jpgs but when it resizes to 100% of a widescreen it squashes for sure and I totally understand. How can I make a Fullscreen Feeling without using 100% Width and Height?I've seen couple of fullscreen flash sites that did it but I don't get how they do.URL...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Angle Scale - How To Tween Its Width Or Height

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If I have a rectangular shape under some angle, 45 or similar, how could I tween its width or height so that it scales with that angle?

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Actionscript 3 :: Retrieve Original Stage Width And Height After Scale?

Jul 11, 2011

Does anyone know how I can retrieve the "ORIGINAL" stage height and width that was set during compile of an Air/Flash ApplicationI have set the Application to compile to 1920x1080;I have stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;and stage.nativeWindow.maximize();But when I trace stage.stageWidth I get 1280 which is the resolution of the screen.I was hoping to get the 1920.I cannot use stage.width or stage.getBounds(stage) because this returns 6000. Due to items being masked off screen.

With the stage.stageWidth being the screen resolution, I was hoping I could use that and mathematically work out the original using stage.scaleX. but even with SHOW_ALL scaling the entire application, stage.scaleX returns 1EDIT: I know what "Show all" does, you do not need to tell me about it.I also know what stage.width and stage.stageWidth do, but stage.stageWidth is returning what I believe is incorrect in this example and need an alternative.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Referencing Stage.width/height References Mc.width/height?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to reference to top level (stage) width and height of the main stage for the placement of something located inside a movieclip on the stage.

My code is:
my_loader.x = (stage.stageWidth - my_loader.width)/2;
my_loader.y = (stage.stageHeight - my_loader.height)/2;

But this seems to just relate to the width/height of the mc that my_loader is nested in...

I have tried the following and had no luck:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Expand To 100% Width / Height To Have Certain Elements Within Video / Maintain Inherent Size And Not Scale ?

Nov 5, 2008

Is there anyway (with action scripting) when having a Flash Video set to Expand to 100% Width and Height to have certain elements within that video maintain their inherent size and not scale ?URL...Notice how the BG Scales, but the video in the center does not nor does the footer. Is this performed with CSS and using multiple DIVs with varying Z Indices.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Change Width - Height And Width / Height Ration In Flv?

Mar 25, 2011

I would like to use a movieclip to load a flv video. The problem I have is that I want to change the video dimensions. I've tried several software to change the video dimensions but as far as it seems all of them keep the same height-width ratio than in the original video. Is there any software that would allow me to change the height and width without keeping the same height/width ratio as in the original video file?

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Actionscript 3 :: Scale Swf Up To 100%, But At Any Percent Down?

Feb 18, 2011

I want to allow the swf to scale when the browser window is resized, but I don't want it to increase over 100% (so it should only scale down).This is an example of the kind of scaling the client wants:[URL]But again, it should stop at 100% going up.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Map At 50 Percent Scale On First Frame Of Movie

Jun 30, 2010

On loading the first frame of the movie I am trying to load a map at 50% scale. I tried loading into the frame where the map is located...
That did not work.
I will be inserting hotspots which will bring it to 100%scale.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloader Doesn't Show Percent And Scale Of Progress Bar

Jun 13, 2011

I used the preloader AS3 found here and it work fine localy but in firefox 4.0.1 it doesnt show the percent and the scale of the progress bar.
is there an issue ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Random Image Into MovieClip (Scale 100 Percent)

Oct 27, 2004

I am trying to load a random image into a movie clip that will scale 100%. Then have the content MC noScale and stay the same. If I insert a picture into the bg movieclip, it scales and shows up no problem. Soon as I try to load a random image into the bg movieClip the picture just does not show up!! But what is even weider, is that I have it set up that if the picture is 100% loaded for another MC to play, which it does! So the picture is there, but it's invisible? And no the picture is not progressive.

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "LT";
bg.onResize = function() {
this._width = Stage.width;
this._height = Stage.height;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Spark Percent Height Not Working?

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First of all I know there is a spark VolumeBar component but, for design requirements I can't use it..

I'm trying to create a custom component but heights are not responding as should. [Update] This is were I call the class

<components:VolumeSlider steps="4" height="100" /> The problem is that the volume slider is adapting perfectly, but My custom items component doesn't.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make MC Width 100 Percent With Tint

Nov 18, 2010

I'm fairly new to flash especially AS3 and I'm trying to make a MC width 100% with the color changing (tint) but I want the rest of my content to remain a fixed size/non scalable and centered. I've seen this tutorial [URL] but don't have a clue where to start.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Widht, Height And Width/height Ration In An Flv Video File?

Mar 25, 2011

I would like to use a movieclip to load a flv video. The problem I have is that I want to change the video dimensions. I've tried several software to change the video dimensions but as far as it seems all of them keep the same height-width ratio than in the original video. Is there any software that would allow me to change the height and width without keeping the same height/width ratio as in the original video file?

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Professional :: SimpleButton.width Doesn't Change - Width And Height Remain 0

Jun 1, 2010

I am looking at the SimpleButton entirely wrong. Here's what I'm doing (inside of a MovieClip):


the close_btn.width and height remain 0. Am I supposed to just rely on the DisplayObject members of the SimpleButton completely and ignore width/height/x/y or what?

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Flex :: CommitProperties In A Custom Component Doesn't Work With Percent Width

Apr 1, 2011

I'm creating a custom component (based on ComboBox) and overriding some base methods. Recently I've found it acts weird when I set it's width in percents, rather than a fixed width. It tends to continuously call the commitProperties method and fail in the end. When I set it's width to fixed value - all works like a charm. What am I missing to implement? Here's some code ..

override protected function commitProperties():void {
//some stuff ...


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Flash Scaling - Scale The Width To Fit The Browser?

Sep 10, 2009

if i was to make a flash website is there a way that i could have it scale the width to fit the browser, and scale the height so that it keeps the same aspect ratio and doesn't stretch the contents out of proportion?

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Flash :: Change Width / Height Of SWF?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm trying to edit an HTML that uses swfobject to load a flash file.

What I'm trying to do is to reduce the size of the SWF file.

I've tried editing the height and width parameter within the swfobject(), but that didn't work.

I tried reducing the width height in the HTML css, but that also didn't work..

How can I pass a 'width' or a 'height' parameter to the swfobject so it will actually load the swf in a smaller or 'zoomed out' way?

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Javascript :: Make Flash Movie To Scale Proportionately To Div Width?

Jun 20, 2009

My website is going to have a main wrapper that is set to a max-width property for compatible browsers. It will stretch to 940px across at max. When scaled down I would like the swf to scale proportionately with it. Like an image with width percent applied. The flash movie has the dimensions of 940 × 360 pixels.

I can't seem to figure out the correct attributes to add to the embed tag to get it to do this.I am currently using jquery flash embed, but am open to other options, though this is my ideal.In the example I have set the flash background to black.

When resize the browser window the flash movie doesn't scale proportionately to the div, only the photo does, leaving a blank canvas (black), while the div height stays the same. I can't add a height value in the CSS.How do I make this scale correctly? Adding a noscale param only crops the image. The swf's height doesn't scale also.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pixel Alignment Of Children Bitmap With Scale/rotate?

Dec 14, 2008

I'm implementing a frame class that builds a graphical frame around children using 9 bitmaps (4 corners and 5 middle pieces).The frame extends sprite, and the 9 frame bitmaps are attached as children. They are repositioned as necessary to encompass any other children on the sprite.

This works fine, normally, but as soon as I rotate or scale the frame, the children split apart, showing what appears to be a one pixel or partial pixel gap between the pieces.

I've tried setting pixelSnapping = PixelSnapping.NEVER on the 9 bitmaps. I've tried turning smoothing=true. The children bitmaps are always positioned at integer x, y's, never fractional. I've tried setting the scale of the children bitmap to 1.01 and PixelSnapping to AUTO. None of it works.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scale A Movie Clip To Certain Pixel Dimensions With Easing

Dec 5, 2003

i am trying to scale a movie clip to certain pixel dimensions with easing. I have four buttons on the stage and one mc( a square). when a button is pressed i want to scale the mc to a certain size. i.e button 1 scales the mc to 200 pixels by 500 pixels.

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Actionscript :: Flash MovieClip Width And Height Always Zero

Jan 26, 2010

I'm loading a flash MovieClip (Test.swf) like below. The problem is I can't read the size of mc (mc.width and mc._width both return 0, for the height as well), but I need to scale it. I have the stage size, I can scale, but I don't have the size of Test.swf, so I can't scale it to fit into the stage... ActionScript2, not actionscript3. If it was 3, I could get the value from the loader, but with as2??? The problem is I don't have control over the swf I load, so I can't put it's dimensions in the first frame...


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Flash :: Get Width And Height From Loader Object?

Feb 22, 2010

import flash.display.*;


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Flash :: Dynamic Height And Width With Swfobject?

Mar 27, 2010

swfObject embed has the following signature,swfobject.embedSWF(swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj, callbackFn)with width and heigth required attributes,What can I do to signify dynamic height and width.

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HTML :: Flash - Height And Width Of SWF File

Apr 18, 2011

In the following code Only the button image has been embeded into the flex code. But in the html object or embed tag why the height and width has to be specified. Even though for this is a normal button if we do not specify the height and width there seems to be some error

<div align="center"><br />
<div style="display:block;width:100px;height:100px;" id="audio"
class="testsound" align="center"/>
<p class="clickable">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="400" height="100" id="myMovieName">
[Code] .....

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