Actionscript 3 :: Framework / Engine For Building Social Game Like FarmVille?

Sep 8, 2010

The current architecture of the game is:PHP + MySql backend,Flash and ActionScript 3 frontend.Major criteria for engine/framework selection are:Support for isometric view. Resuability : The current game development should easy the work for building similar social game of diffrent story type in future.

Ease of development as3isolib - for isometric rendering, but restricted only to the rendering part. PushButton Engine - open source engine, component based Open-space engine - But That works with Smart Fox Server only I guess.

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May 5, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Building A Multiplayer Game In Flash?

Feb 17, 2012

I want to develop a game like wordfeud for android and iPhone. For now I don't have a mac so I am not able to use xcode to develop for iPhone. Therefore I have decided to use adobe AIR so I can link the game to both android and iPhone.

I am able to build offline games like tetris etc. but what should I look into when I want the game to be multiplayer just like wordfeud where you can have several games running at the same time. I know I need a server for this, but can I use xampp for now just to test the application and then export the db to a real server or is it a different kind of server I must use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building An Online Mulitplyer Game?

May 31, 2011

if anyone knows of any great tutorials on building an online mulitplyer game

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Load The Level Data Externally - Building A Tile Game

Jun 14, 2011

I'm building a basic tile game containing 3 layers of 'tiles' image the game has a dimension of 3x3 my data array's look like this:


How can i load this data from an external file which is easy to edit for the level-desiners ? (and what is best to use, xml, json,?) Is is not better to just use 1 datafile instead of 3 and what is the best way to do this?

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Flex :: Building Java Multiplayer Server Game - Difference Between Sockets And Webservice?

Aug 8, 2011

I'm building a multiplayer card game using Flex on the client side and Java on the server side and I wanted to know if I must sockets and the accept method in order to connect users to the server for in order for them to join a game room or create one or to chat.In the past I've learned how to build a game server which both sides are JAVA and connection was in sockets but now days the client side will be in FLEX which has few ways to connect to a Java server (XML,SOAP,BLAZEDS(AMF)) and I find it hard to understand how to write the Java server in order to do all the features of a game server,especially managing the rooms and sending data back to the users.

In the sockets way, when a user was connecting to the server and he had opened a room, this room was opened on a thread and who ever was joined that room then he was connected to the same thread and sending the messages to the right place was easy, so the problem is understanding how to do the same using SOAP or BLAZEDS.

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Oct 7, 2011

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Jul 27, 2010

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