Actionscript 3 :: Make Windowless Flash Projector Without A 3rd Party Application?

May 29, 2010

i'm trying to finish an educational cdrom done in flash, how can i make a window less projector, or position the window on the center of the screen without a 3rd party software?

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2) Or even better "masked" projector applications (where the window will be able to take any shape depending on a mask, and not only rectanlge shape)?

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Or we are "doomed" with every non-fullscreen projector application to suffer from the "Adobe Flash Player 9" window title?.... :/...

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video.mpg --> call quicktime
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Adobeacrobatreader.dmg .

I try fscommand, but not work...I try use applescript to call the file, but don�t work.

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on (release) {
fscommand ("exec", "manual1.bat");

and bat file open a pdf i want to do the same thing for mac, that is using the fscommand to open up a pdf in acrobat. I read messages here that use applescript but i dont understand it too well so what id like to know if possible is the applescript, what it does and do i apply it to the button in my projector or do i tell the button to look at the applescript or what? I guess thats it for now.

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I updated flash. I deleted the  whole macromed folder and reinstalled flash, did a system restore. and nothing worked. I tried to update java but it gave me error 1606 and that it couln't get to %appdata% did the offline manual thing and got the same error.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX: MouseOut On Transparent Windowless?

Feb 20, 2003

I'm having some trouble with a drop-down menu I made. I found a cool script on this board that worked perfectly for me, but the problem is that the implementation needs to be in midst of HTML - so that it works seamlessly. What I'm doing is using this to replace a clunky DHTML style menu, and it works great, except for one thing...When I use this in a TRANSPARENT WINDOWLESS environment, the menu won't collapse back

It works fine if I use Opaque or Windowed, but Transparent just kills me. Unfortunately, this needs to be transparent, because it's going to be implemented like this:


I found the script for this menu here on the Kirupa Forum, and it works well, except for this one particular quirk. I've uploaded the file, and it's attached. As well, I've copied the script for it below:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {;
if (this._currentframe == 10) {


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Professional :: Make Projector Full Screen Bug?

Nov 25, 2007

I have a Mac (intel) CS3 flash fla that I am exporting asprojector. The exported Mac projector and windows exe file will notopen full screen w/o the flashplayer's top toolbar. I have testedthe projector file on Mac 10.4 and Windows XP and all show theflashplayer's top tool bar. The only way to go full screen is tomanually select view/full screen in the player toolbar. I havetried the fscommand("fullscreen", "true"); toggle (true/false/true)workaround w/o any success. Any other workarounds I can try

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Professional :: Make A Projector .exe With Transparent Window?

Nov 15, 2011

I want to make an SWF2EXE application that will run Flash Player inside but will show SWF in transparent window.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Password Changeable In .swf Or .exe Projector?

Jan 31, 2012

I have created a projector/swf for a friend. He wanted it password-protected, which I did, but he wants to be able to change it - without using Flash (which he doesn't have). I thought about writing to an XML file, but that would be way too easy to crack, wouldn't it?Is there any way to write to the .exe file's shell?

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Flash - 3rd Party Multiplayer Game Server Platform With .NET Capabilities?

Feb 19, 2011

We're looking for a good server to purchase to develop games with Flash/Android/iPhone clients with a .NET backend server (And even more importantly, that supports clustering and scaling in general).Now we've examined both ElectroServer and SmartFoxServer (both products look fine and suitable for our needs), however both can only be extended using Java.

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Flash :: Embed A Facebook Connect App In A Hosted (3rd-party) Site?

Jun 2, 2011

We are writing a new social app that connects to FB using FB connect (actually, it's in Flash so we're using the FB AS3 SDK, which uses the FB Javascript API under the hood AFAIK).

When the flash app is served from our site - it works fine.But when we try to embed it in a 3rd party site (using an Iframe that points to our site) the following happens: when we try to perform a login to FB using the AS3 function Facebook.login(onLogin, opts), a small browser-based login to FB pop-up comes up, but it has the following error first

Or is it possible that FB don't support FB connect apps that are embedded in 3rd party sites?

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Identify Which 3rd Party Flash Object Called A Javascript Function?

Jul 21, 2011

I have a page with multiple flash objects which are written by a third party and thus can't be changed. They call a JS function but don't seem to pass any identifying parameters. Is there any way to determine inside the function which flash object called it?

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Professional :: Transparent Windowless Mode Not Working?

Feb 26, 2011

Even while publishing in Transparent Windowless mode, I'm still unable to see the background pattern I have implemented in my HTML page, as follows:
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="BlackHollows.jpg">
I see the background while in design mode within FrontPage, but not in preview mode nor once it is published online.I have also tried adding the following code:
1. Add the following parameter to the OBJECT tag: <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> 2. Add the following parameter to the EMBED tag: wmode="transparent"

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Javascript :: Injecting A Context Menu Item Into 3rd Party Flash Object?

Nov 16, 2011

Within a Chrome extension, how can I inject items into the context menus of 3rd party flash objects?

Is it possible to simply inject items using JavaScript? Is it possible to wrap the players in a container .swf that adds our context menu item along with the items included by the original swf?

Edit: To be clear, what I'd like to do with my extension is add a context menu item to any 3rd party Flash program. So for instance, if a user visits YouTube, I'd like to add my own menu item along with YouTube's custom items.

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Windows :: Create A Windows Projector .exe From Flex Application Using A Mac

Feb 6, 2012

I have a flex application (.swf) and want to create a projector file. When I choose File-> create projector I get the .app file because I work on a Mac. I know I can create both projector formats for windows and mac using the export feature in Flash Professional. But this is not an option since it's Flex.Is there any other way rather than switching to windows to create the file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Key.addlistener - Publish My Movie With WMODE Set To Transparent Windowless?

Nov 28, 2005

im using key.addlisteners to check for key presses. but if a person presses all 3 keys at once (RIGHT, LEFT, UP) then releases one at a time, only the first release is noted by flash. see a demo at:

http:[url] there any way to solve this?

NOTE: I do not want to use if(Key.isDown...etc) to get this to work. if you are interested in why see is the code:

myListener = new Object();
myListener.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode()==39) {[code]....

i want to publish my movie with WMODE set to transparent windowless. there is a glitch in flash that makes it so if(key.isDown(key.right)) sort of codes dont work in anything but IE when WMODE is set this way.

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Make An Application To Capture Video Using Flash?

Sep 23, 2010

I need to build an app. that will record video from the webcam, show the user what's being recorded and have buttons to start the recording, stop and send to the server.

Here at SO people said the easiest way would be using Flash, but I never used it and searching the web it's being kind of confuse so where should I start?

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