Actionscript 3 :: Reduce Or Remove Triangles Overlapping In Away3D

Jan 12, 2011

I am looking for useful tips for reducing or removing triangle overlapping in Away3D.I already tried to increas segmentsW and segmentsH but it doesn't solve the problem.Here is a snapshot of my problem (The complex cubes are made of Plane objects, Maybe there is a better way to build the complex cubes ?)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Increasing Time To Draw 10,000 Triangles

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package app.simpleShapes {
import;// allows to connect to touchlib/tbeta


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handler_loadSuccess );
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May 16, 2011

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This is my code:


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In application u can rotate mainSphere in both x and y axiss'.

If I rotate main sphere in only x axiss or only y axiss, it works correctly. But if I rotate main sphere around both x and y axiss, sphere is attacing the wrong place.

Here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
// these are the spheres containers. Sphere container class extends form object3d
var mainSphere:SphereContainer3D;
var attachingSphere:SphereContainer3D;


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var view:View3D=new View3D();
I get an output error (not a compiler error) of:
VerifyError: Error #1014: Class flash.display3D.textures::Texture could not be found.

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This is a test program to measure the time it takes Flash to draw a triangle 10,000 times.

The app (code below) calls runTimeTest() every N seconds which draws the triangle 10,000 times.

Now for the "interesting" part: each call takes increasingly more processor until after about the 6th or 7th call it goes to "infinity" (see screen shot of TaskManager)


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How to port Away3d scene with animation into PV3d? Are there any tutorials on how to do that?

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Flash - Where To Get Comparing List Of Papervision3d Versus Away3d

Dec 18, 2010

So I know that PV3d looks quite dead. But it is documented over the internet much better. So I decided to develope my product using old but good PV3d engine. Time goes on so I plan to port it sooner or later to Away3d. So I need a list of things that aere not in Away3d that I have in PV3d. And a list of generall use diffrencies (use of cameras, viewports, etc). So where to get comparing list of papervision3d vs Away3d?

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Flash :: Away3d WireframeMaterial: Setting The Wire's Width?

Feb 26, 2011

I am having a difficult time setting the width of a WireframeMaterial. Things were working well until I upgraded to from 2.5 to 3.6

I am doing: var mat = WireframeMaterial(0xff0000, {width:4, alpha:alphaValue});

but that's not working at all the width is still set to 1

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