Actionscript 3 :: Return NaN Or Undefined While Using Integer Datatypes?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm working on a function that takes the stage mouse coordinates in Flash AS3 and returns tile in a hex-grid below the cursor. I want the function to return NaN or undefined if the cursor is not on a tile and if it is, the integer index of that tile in an object array.

public function getCursorTile(mX:Number,mY:Number):uint
var tileIndex:uint = new uint(NaN);


I've been using uint for most integer variables, perhaps this data type doesn't support NaN or undefined? This code traces 0 after tileIndex is defined. I'm using hitTest because the hexgrid isn't square and is randomly generated. Tile 0 is the first tile and returning 0 when the cursor is off the hex-map is going to cause problems.

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private var a1_m1:int;


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num:0, str:2
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