ActionScript 3.0 :: Using ByteArray To Store Multiple Datatypes?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm making an Air app that involves users being able to load in a bunch of pics (of their choice), label them and move them around to place them in some sort of order. No problems there.
Crucially, I need them to be able to save the results for later use as it's an educational resource for teachers who might wish to prepare the resource at home or in their office for use in the classroom. Consequently, portability is crucial and I would like to simplify the process as much as possible.
As it stands, I could easily save all the necessary data as jpg's (maybe even one big jpg for the images) and the data as xml. However, having to move various files is guaranteed to confuse a lot of my users and so I'd like to create one file, with a bespoke file extension that they can move easily and then just double click to open the app, much as you would a Word document, for example.
Which leads me to the 'how'. I bit of research seems to indicate (although I may be wide of the mark here) that the ByteArray class may be of use here. Does this seem reasonable? All I want is to store everything in one file, basically.

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Mar 22, 2011

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private function export():void
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mp3 Creation Using Bytearray?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to make a flash application in which i will load 3-4 different mp3 files of different instrumental music. After loading it I want play all files. Further I want to save or create a merged mp3, from all mp3s sound files in a single mp3 file.

Is it possible to convert different mp3 sound track in to different ByteArray and later using any other technology like PHP or C# can we merge all byteArray in a single byteArray to create a single mp3 file.
So that we can listen all instrument playing in a single mp3 file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Swf As Both ByteArray And Swf?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a load of information in a swf that I'm loading at runtime. From that swf I need to get raw vector data out of some MovieClips, and other MovieClips I need to instantiate and put on the stage.Currently I can get at the vector data by loading the swf as a ByteArray using a URLLoader and parsing it with a bit of help from as3swf.

However, if I want to instantiate one of the MovieClips directly I would usually load it with a Loader and get at the MovieClip via loaderInfo.applicationDomain.My question is: can I either load the swf as a ByteArray with URLLoader and somehow instantiate MovieClips from that, or can I load the swf as a DisplayObject using a Loader, get the MovieClips and then convert the swf to a ByteArray before giving it to as3swf for parsing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does Recording From Mic Into ByteArray Usually Lag?

Mar 11, 2012

Summary: is there usually a lag when recording audio from the mic? I am using Thibault Imbert 'micrecorder' library on google code to record audio from the mic into a ByteArray. I am instructing my users to speak two seconds after the recorder starts. I know its two seconds after the recorder starts, rather than two seconds after the user presses the record button, because micrecorder issues time adjusted events of the recorder progress.

When I get the finished ByteArray the actual floats inside it that record the user speaking seem to be 2.5 seconds worth of samples into the ByteArray! So my question, as this is the first time I have recorded audio, is it usual to find a lag like this when recording? Or do you think I am getting something wrong with my math when indexing into the ByteArray?

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Any way to load an FLV into a ByteArray, modify it (maybe add a water mark) and pass it to the Video Object for display?

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Dec 28, 2011

I have a java server sending the time with:long time = System.currentTimeMillis();I put this in a packet. It takes up the first 8 bytes of the packet and send it to the as3 client.Then in as3 I read the packet but since there is no readLong function with ByteArray, I can only think of reading it with readDouble to read the first 8 bytes of the packet. I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it.

I compared it with the time from AS3's function: Date().time;The time I get from AS3's Date().time is different than the time I receive from reading the packet with the time sent from the java server.I'm not sure if I'm using the wrong time functions or reading the packet wrong.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Convert Bytearray To Video

Dec 24, 2006

I want to convert a ByteArray wich contains a .flv file read through a socket connection to a video playable object and play it, or attach it somehow to the netstrem as its source. Why this ? I'm trying to write an app using AS 3.0 that connects two swf clients to each other directly without a server (after they know of each other) and allow them to exchange video sequences. So the reverse way video -> bytearray -> network -> reciever ->video would be of interest aswell.

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