Actionscript 3 :: Store A ByteArray In Adobe AIR Local SQL?

Nov 12, 2010

I can read an image from hard drive and get a ByteArray from its source. Is there any way to store those bytes in local SQL database? What datatype for this field I need to choose?Or maybe there is a more clever way to save an Image file itself into AIR SQL?..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using ByteArray To Store Multiple Datatypes?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm making an Air app that involves users being able to load in a bunch of pics (of their choice), label them and move them around to place them in some sort of order. No problems there.
Crucially, I need them to be able to save the results for later use as it's an educational resource for teachers who might wish to prepare the resource at home or in their office for use in the classroom. Consequently, portability is crucial and I would like to simplify the process as much as possible.
As it stands, I could easily save all the necessary data as jpg's (maybe even one big jpg for the images) and the data as xml. However, having to move various files is guaranteed to confuse a lot of my users and so I'd like to create one file, with a bespoke file extension that they can move easily and then just double click to open the app, much as you would a Word document, for example.
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Flash :: Get A Bytearray From File Stream In Adobe AIR?

May 27, 2010

I read limited (small - 15 - 500 mb files). I need to be able to put all file bytes into one single bytearray. So I have a function:

public var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
//.... code ....//


But it does not work=( - gives me Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.

How to get a full bytearray from stream to use it as normal bytearray?

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private function encode(data : ByteArray) : ByteArray
var channels : uint = 2;
var bits : uint = 16;


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Actionscript 3 :: Use The Method SetPixels(rectangle, ByteArray) Of BitmapData In Adobe Flex

Feb 3, 2011

Error #2030: End of file was encountered.

This method is not working

I am using it like this

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ba = bmd.getPixels(bmd.rect);
bmd.setPixels(srcRect, ba);
bm.bitmapData = bmd;
img.source = bm;

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Database :: Flex - AIR's Encryption And Secure Local Store Secure Enough?

Apr 7, 2012

We are planning a desktop client application with Adobe AIR. The client app will be delivered to our customers with a database, which contains monthly updated marketing data provided by our company. As different customers will buy different sets of data from us, for example, a customer is only interested in marketing data in a specific product category, while another customer need all data in a certain region. After a customer installs this client app, new data will be emailed to the customer every month.

So, the requirement is to keep the data accessible only by the customer who bought it. After reading through AIR's secure local store and database encryption feature, I came up with the following design: each customer will have his own secret key (stored in AIR's secure local store), the secret key is used to encrypt the data that the customer has purchased. Of course, the monthly data that we sent to the customer will be encrypted using the same secret key. So my questions are: is AIR's database encryption and secure local store secure enough for this use case? If someone gets the encrypted database file, can he decrypt the DB?

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Flex :: Adobe Air Local FLV Playback?

Jul 22, 2009

I'd like to distribute FLV files from my website, however I want a level of DRM control over the files. So far, I've been able to modify the FLV files to contain a 60 character ID at the very front of the file, but I can't figure out how to get AIR to extract the ID and therefore play the file. All I can figure out is using NetStream, but that won't let me skip 60 bytes, and so it thinks the FLV is invalid.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe AIR, URLRequest, And Local Ports?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm looking at writing an app with Adobe AIR, but I wanted to figure out if this is feasible with the platform first. (Mostly new to Flash and AIR).What I would like to do is know ahead of time what local port a URLRequest will be using. If possible, I would like to hold a connection open even and keep using the same socket.What I'm basically trying to accomplish is doing some NAT-Traversal and port negotiation ahead of time. Once I have both the client and the server negotiated, I'd like them to connect and basically use HTTP in a peer-to-peer way to stream media, like this sample:

var s = new air.Sound();
var url = "";
var req = new air.URLRequest(url); [code].........

The problem is that I don't see this happening unless I can get some information from AIR on what ports it's planning to use. I would be OK with creating my own Socket connections to the server and using them, but I would need a way to leverage the Sound framework to stream in the same way from a socket.

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Flex :: Adobe AIR. Local Network Error?

Apr 16, 2011

For example, in local network, when Adobe Air is reading files from local server (\Serverstorage) and network will be in down for a second, Air becomes eat a lot of memory and it is increasing up to 1GB (while normal memory use is 100 kb or less).Just reading file with File('file path on local server'); from unstable network can cause this error.
Have anybody seen that in projects?

private function init() : void
file = new File("\Serverdragracing


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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe AIR - Save Local Data

Sep 9, 2011

I'ld like to save variables to an Encrypted Local Store. This example is working but how can I extend it to save more than 1 variable?


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Actionscript 3 :: Unzip Local File In Adobe Air?

Oct 12, 2011

Does anyone know a good library to unzip local files in adobe AIR for with actionscript 3? I have: A local file named I need:To give some external library a path where I want to save the unzipped version of file.It must be able to process the file and not load it all into the memory.I found the FZip library - but it loads all archived data into the memory.And also found the nochump library, but there is no such parameter to choose where I want to unzip the file.

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Flash :: SWF Local Trusted Sandbox And Adobe Air?

Oct 27, 2011

We are a research group from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). We are developing educational games for children with special needs, (in particular, with)social and cognitive disabilities. We develop our games with Adobe Flash CS5, so we are enough handy with Action Script language.The emerged problem is related with the security sandboxes in Flash.

At the moment, we are designing a new educative application where image and sound resources come from the Internet, using web services through a "loader.load(new URLRequest(name))" command. We are using the adequate crossdomain file, and it is working fine when published on the web.HOWEVER, now we are thinking on developing a desktop educative application, where educators will configure the game, and keep their work in a local system file. This is where problems arise. As the Flash player sandboxes limits us to "only network", or "only local file system" use, we are not able to access the Internet and to generate local files at the same time.

We are not trying to make a flash virus, we are only trying to make an application for educators, where resources came from the Internet but the application requires access to local file system in order to let educators to save and to load their work in their disk.Reading the Adobe doc, we found the different flash player sandboxes: http:[url]....

It seems that there is a sandbox which enables us to both access internet and local files:"Security.LOCAL_TRUSTED—The SWF file is a local file and has been trusted by the user, using either the Settings Manager or a Flash Player trust configuration file. The SWF file can both read from local data sources and communicate with the Internet." And it seems that Local_trusted SWF files are set by the final user or by installer programs. As we intend to publish the application on the web, and educators will download the application, the installer programs seems a nice option, but we are not able to find info about SWF installer programs.

On the other hand, we know about the Adobe Air solution. We understand that AIR is a substitute to Flash Player. It seems adequate as it will expand our application to other environments like android IOS (tablets, mobiles, ...).The question is: using AIR, would we gain network and local access in our SWF application? And what about the final user? Would he/she be able to download the SWF from our web, and any kind of AIR player and executing our application in an easy way on the device? Finally, what do you think is the best solution for the kind of application we are aiming to?

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Professional :: Adobe Air - Packaging External Local Files With Application?

Feb 17, 2011

I'd like my application to be pretty light so it loads quickly. So i'd like to place all my assets (XML files, graphics, etc) outside from the main Air file and when the main Air file is loaded into memory, I'd like it to load in the asset files at runtimeSo how do I go about telling Flash builder to save my asset files locally when it packages my Air Application and also ensure I can access these files while debudding my application?

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Adobe - Access Local File System From Flex Web Application?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm trying to access local file system from Flex web application. I know it is pretty difficult, but I think there must be a way. Is there a way that Flex app can use AIR components or maybe web application can call some AIR module in order to choose files and upload?

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Flex :: Show A Local Html Content In Adobe Air Application?

Apr 19, 2011

I want to show a local html file into my application but I could't find to do that.

I used <mx:HTML> component with using its location property but it is not working when I try to do it with a local file which is in applicationdirectory.

EDIT: Here is my code :

private function init():void {


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Flex :: Fix Choppy Video Playback Of Local Flv File In Adobe Air Application?

Aug 17, 2011

I have made a application that plays videos that are stored in a assets folder of the air application but when ever I run it on an hp slate the videos are really choppy. Is there a way to preload the video or does it have to do with the processing power? the videos are 1.72mb or smaller. They are flv format and they auto play when that application is started. I am using flash builder.

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Iphone :: Is Application Developed By Adobe Flash Professional CS5 (not CS5.5) Visible In App Store On IPhone 4

Jul 4, 2011

I just finished with developing my application by Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and I wonder if this will be visible to iPhones 4 because support for Retina displays was added since CS5.5.

There is section in my info.plist:


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Flash - Adobe Cirrus (Stratus) Doesn't Work If User Have Local Network

Aug 20, 2011

I am developing flash p2p chat. It works fine on my friends' computers (they can chat each other), but not on mine. The problem is that I have local network at home, and I think that Flash Player tries to make p2p requests to peers inside my local network.Can I check if user have local network in AS3 and up the level of network to the WWW?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2148: Only Local-with-filesystem And Trusted Local SWF Files May Access Local Resources

Jul 4, 2010

I'm trying to load a local xml file:

xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("../xml/xmlData.xml"));

But I'm getting this security sandbox violation:

#2148: Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.

I don't get this error when I embed the XML file directly with the EMBED metadata tag.

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Actionscript 3 :: Introduce A Sound From The Library To A ByteArray (and Then Play That ByteArray)?

Feb 16, 2011

I am working on a game, made with Flash (using AS3) The game has a fast ball and when this ball hits an object it has to make a sound... but the sound starts with delay (so the ball is far away when the sound is played).This sound is edited by me and it hasn't got any silences at the beginning.The method i'm currently using is the simplest one:

public var sonidoPuntos1:sonidopunto1 = new sonidopunto1()

and then...

I am trying to introduce the file into a ByteArray and then playing it from there...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Wav ByteArray To Mp3 ByteArray?

Mar 28, 2011

I know its a true Pain but does anyone know any way to convert wav ByteArray to mp3 ByteArray.

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Flash :: Execute An External .exe From A Local .swf Using A Local XML Socket Server (C#)

Jan 7, 2012

I'm developing a game add-on/plugin which replaces a built in feature of an online game. The game loads an .swf therefore, my solution also has to be an swf for it to work 'in-game'.

I would like to be able to have the user press a button in the custom .swf I am making - and this would open an external application (amongst other things). I.e. if there was a button that said Notepad, it would open Notepad.exe on the machine.

My initial thinking was that i could have a XML Socket server 'daemon' runnning (c#) , which i could connect to with flash - however, as both the swf and the daemon are local, flash complained and gave this error: "Error #2010: Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not permitted to use sockets."

The only way i know to fix this - is to change the security settings of flash - not very user friendly!

So! Any thoughts on how I could otherwise go about this? I was thinking a custom http server could do the trick (connected with URLRequest) although i'm not too sure.

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