Xml :: Loading Bytearray Into XML Object?

Oct 14, 2010

I get Index out of bounds when trying to readObject on my Byte array into the XML object.

private var fr:FileReference;
private var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
private var dataXML:XML = new XML();[code]....

The Byte array is created by loading a file using FileReference

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Flash :: Loading Image By Loader.loadBytes(byteArray)?

Nov 13, 2011

i like to ask about one thing If i create Loader and load external image by URLRequest , ill have result :

loader.content is Bitmap loader.content.bitmapData is BitmapData But if I use Loader.loadBytes(ImageBytes) , result is different even if ImageBytes is loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytes :

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Feb 13, 2009

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var img:Image = new Image()
img.width = 200;
img.height = 200;

The problem is that if my original image is for example 90x100, I would get displayed an image of 180x200. It seems it cannot modify the proportion of the image! How can I instead obtain a 200x200 image?

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import asfiles.encoding.JPEGEncoder;import flash.display.Bitmap;import flash.display.BitmapData;import flash.external.[code]...

So I have a video that plays stream from a webcam,I will click a button and take a picture. I encode that picture using JPEGEncoder then I store it in a ByteArray.How do I send that data over to either a javascript function or a java class?I don't want to use the navigateToURL (URLRequest) method because that will redirect my page.Is there a way to send the data to a function while still staying on the same page?For example, make a asynchronous call to a javascript function or java method?

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Flex :: Arrays - Write Function Object To Bytearray?

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var func:Function = function f(event:Event):void


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Actionscript 3 :: Introduce A Sound From The Library To A ByteArray (and Then Play That ByteArray)?

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public var sonidoPuntos1:sonidopunto1 = new sonidopunto1()

and then...


I am trying to introduce the file into a ByteArray and then playing it from there...

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Dec 2, 2011

I have a byteArray of recorded sound.But how can I transfer the ByteArray data back to a real Sound object?I know that I can pass the ByteArray to an SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA listener , but that way I would have to keep the raw ByteArray and pass it every time the sound plays.

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Actionscript 3 :: Custom Object To ByteArray Then To Custom Object?

Sep 18, 2010

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public class CustomObject extends Object {
public function CustomObject() {
public var _x:Number = 100


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Mar 28, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading The Object With The Part Pushing The Object To The Array At The End - Not Working

Aug 4, 2009

I created an array in the var declarations with Code: var private eDrag:Array In a function that adds imported mcs to the stage, I also added code to push each to the array. Here is an example of a block of code loading the object with the part pushing the object to the array at the end:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An Already Loaded Object Into Another Object?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm loading a .jpg into an object, and what I'm trying to do is load that same .jpg into another object later on in the script without requesting it to be downloaded (since it should already be in memory). Here is an example of what I'm using:

var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("photo1.jpg"));


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Flash :: Object Not Loading In Safari?

Mar 31, 2011

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The layout looks something like (the img is there so that if the user doesn't have flash, the gif animation will play instead):


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Swf Object Using Swfloader?

Feb 10, 2009

Below is the javascript code,

//code starts
var so = new SWFObject("flashassets/sim_engine-1_0_0.swf", "customRightClick", "1000", "630", "9", "#CCCCCC");
so.addVariable("productID", "productFolder");


I need write the same code in flex. I able to load swf file using swfloader but not able to pass parameter and variables.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An External Swf That Loads An Object From Url?

Dec 30, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Display Object Into A Bitmap?

May 13, 2010

I am trying to load an sprite into a bitmap, but cannot get the sprite to fill the bitmap. Here is the results I am getting: [URL]
here is the  applicable part of the code I am using that gets these results:
function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}addChild(container); //add sprite to see true sizebd = new BitmapData(container.width,container.height,false,0xff0000); //colored for effectb = new Bitmap(bd);bd.draw(container);addChild(b); // add bitmap to compare to sprite

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating XML Object Loading Status

Jun 2, 2011

What is the correct syntax to calculate an XML object's loading status and relay the value to a movieclip? I'm using the following, but nothing's happening. The math is being loaded but the movieClip doesn't change size.
xmlLoader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, barProgress);
function barProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
var loaded:Number=event.target.bytesLoaded/event.target.bytesTotal;
My barPro movieclip remains the same size.rong?

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Actionscript 3 :: Intermittent/staggered Loading Of An Object?

Jun 14, 2010

I've just recently tried my hand at actionscript 3 and have come across a road block.How do I go about rendering the cubes (cube1) intermittently, ie. staggered loading. I need the cubes to load a split second from each other.Below is a snippet of what I have so far:

var rows:int = 5;
var cols:int = 3;
var spacery:int = 100;


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Flash Object Not Loading In Older Versions Of IE?

Aug 29, 2011

I am trying to load a flash object and I am having a hard time getting it to work in ie6,ie7, and ie8. The flash object is a button for an uploader. The flash object loads in firefox, chrome, safari, opera, and ie9 fine. I have searched google for answers and I have not been able to fix it. Here is the code that i used to load the flash object (it has changed various times with no luck in ie6-ie8)

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="../flash/s3_upload.swf" codebase="http://fpdownload.adobe.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="266" height="46" id="s3_swf_1" style="visibility: visible; ">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />


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Actionscript 3 :: Returning An XML Object After Loading Its Data?

Mar 23, 2012

I have created a class which loads the data from an xml file.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Object Is Not Sufficiently Loaded

May 29, 2007

I'm working on a class to track the loading of N objects.In order to do that, I Use a class called Advenced Loader inheriting from flash.display.Loader.I want to be able to listen to the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS but instead of receiving how many bytes have been loaded so far, I want to know how many byes have been loaded since the last PROGRESS event.So, I have the bytesPerProgress property inside the AdvancedLoader class which listens to its contentLoaderInfo object to calculates the bytesPerProgress.Then, inside another class which uses the AdvencedLoader I could do that:[code]

That's where I get an error #2099. It seems that I can't access the Loader instance only until after it completed the loading proccess.What I really need here is (if I could) to change the contentInfoLoader. loader to reference to my AdvancedLoader class instead of the Loader interface which doesn't include my new bytesPerProgress (implicit getter).What I could have done instead is to listen to the PROGRESS event inside the AdvancedLoader and then dispatch new PROGRESS event from within the AdvancedLoader. That's not quite what I thought it would be like, but I can't think of anything else since the contentLoaderInfo is an implicit getter (read only).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Loader Loaded And Not Loading

Jan 27, 2009

I loaded 5 JPG's into specific locations of an array via the URLRequest. So now when I trace my array:


THE PROBLEM: when I scan getXMLlinksArray and see that its NOT null, and i try to addChil to xmlImgHolder and then to spriteHolderArray, I just get a blank space. The debuger is showing that spriteHolderArray contains some loader info and the appropriate URL up until I load it with the existing loader from getXMLlinksArray. Then it says it doesn't have any conentedLoadedInfo.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking Whether A Loader Object Is Loading Something

Aug 7, 2009

Is there a way to check whether a loader object is in the process of loading something? I need to create an if statement that checks if the loader has an open connection. So far, what I thought of is:

ActionScript Code:
if(loaderInstanceName.contentLoaderInfo.bytesLoaded > 0)
// do something

Here, I'm just assuming that if bytesLoaded is greater than 0, than it's probably loading something. But I don't think it will revert back to 0 after the loader finishes loading an external resource. So after that, bytesLoaded will always be greater than 0 even though it isn't in the process of loading anything. Is there any other property that I can use which says whether the loader object has an open connection?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Shared Object Correctly?

Sep 28, 2009

I have simple slideshow set up where the user presses a button(forward or back) and the image changes. I used a sharedObject to save each frame, so when the page is refreshed/reloaded, the swf loads back to the image it left off on... thats the idea anyway.However, instead of just loading the previous frame when the page is refreshed, it loads frame 1, and i have to click my "next" button, which then jumps to the slide that should have loaded in the first place. I dont know why this is happening..I'm using Sothink SWF Quicker.. so heres the .sqf[URL]

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