Actionscript 3 :: Intermittent/staggered Loading Of An Object?
Jun 14, 2010
I've just recently tried my hand at actionscript 3 and have come across a road block.How do I go about rendering the cubes (cube1) intermittently, ie. staggered loading. I need the cubes to load a split second from each other.Below is a snippet of what I have so far:
var rows:int = 5;
var cols:int = 3;
var spacery:int = 100;
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Oct 20, 2010
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"private function FlipWinCard( card:MovieClip ):Void
// save card so we can flip it back over.[code].......
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Are the images showing up out of center? I'm having intermitent problems with the images not coming in the right place. Then if you click on one for a second time it may show up in the right place???Below is the code used to load the images... it was from a tutorial... I don't see
spacing = 10;
containerMC._alpha = 0;
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Aug 30, 2010
We have an old Flash application that has worked fine for years, but intermittently fails on latest versions of Firefox. Using the same version of the Flash Player, the application runs fine in Internet Explorer. Recompiling the product is risky, and I'm trying to fully understand the problem before resorting to that. I'd like to be able to point to a known browser or player bug, but I can't really say where the problem is yet.I've gather the following information using Charles Proxy:The Flash application gets a list of files it needs to load. It requests a file then waits until the Flash Plug-in dispatches an Event.COMPLETE before requesting the next file. During this process I can see the HTTP requests and server responses. When the application "hangs", Charles Proxy reports that the response actually completed; however, Firefox's status bar shows "Transferring ..."
Sometimes for an extended period, I can't recreate the problem at all. At other times, the hang-up happens over and over again.Finally, if we switch to using https instead of http, the problem NEVER happens. Because Charles Proxy shows Status Complete while Firefox shows that a Transfer is still occurring, I speculate that the problem is actually in Firefox. I believe that Firefox is failing to recognize when the file actually finished loading, and therefore it fails to tell the Flash Player. The end result is that our code gets no Event.COMPLETE from the player and cannot continue requesting files.
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Dec 14, 2011
In my case I need to be able to cancel loading as the user could possibly be scrolling through alot of images and the if not canceled it can take a few minutes to catch up to the scroll position.So after research the URLStream class seems to cure this problem and I found a good streaming class hereThis class works very nice except when there is heavy load on the server causing lag.When this lag happens the class will dispatch the complete event yet the image will not show.Watching the download with HTTPFox shows the image in fact does get loaded.
I assume there is some kind of delayed issue with the URLStream class and the author of this class tried to correct it using the setTimeout method. I also tried delaying the dispatching of the complete event using a timer and not dispatching until if( this.width != 0 ) was detected and this seemed to work much better.But it is still haunting me just not as often.
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Jul 9, 2004
I was playing around last night trying to learn simple AS to make a movie clip act like a button. I wanted the button movie clip to reduce the alpha value of the other movie clip when you rollover the button and when you roll off the button the alpha of the movie clip goes back up. It works, but if you keep rolling over and out of the button movieclip sometimes the alpha gets stuck at a certain value for a bit, then does what its supposed to. I'm using onEnterFrame () to do the hitTest constantly.
Here's the SWF and FLA files for you to look through:
hitTest SWF
hitTest FLA
Here's the AS code I used in the frame to do this:
onEnterFrame = function() {
if ( background._alpha > 100 ) {
background._alpha = 100;
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May 17, 2010
I know the problem is with how I have this structured. Here's the code:
scrollHand.buttonMode = true;
scrollHand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, beginDrag);
var bounds = new Rectangle(747,200,0,handLimit);
var dragging:Boolean = false;
var dy:int = 0;
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var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("photo1.jpg"));
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Oct 14, 2010
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private var fr:FileReference;
private var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
private var dataXML:XML = new XML();[code]....
The Byte array is created by loading a file using FileReference
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Mar 31, 2011
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The layout looks something like (the img is there so that if the user doesn't have flash, the gif animation will play instead):
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Feb 10, 2009
Below is the javascript code,
//code starts
var so = new SWFObject("flashassets/sim_engine-1_0_0.swf", "customRightClick", "1000", "630", "9", "#CCCCCC");
so.addVariable("productID", "productFolder");
I need write the same code in flex. I able to load swf file using swfloader but not able to pass parameter and variables.
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Dec 30, 2009
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May 13, 2010
I am trying to load an sprite into a bitmap, but cannot get the sprite to fill the bitmap. Here is the results I am getting: [URL]
here is the applicable part of the code I am using that gets these results:
function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}addChild(container); //add sprite to see true sizebd = new BitmapData(container.width,container.height,false,0xff0000); //colored for effectb = new Bitmap(bd);bd.draw(container);addChild(b); // add bitmap to compare to sprite
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Jun 2, 2011
What is the correct syntax to calculate an XML object's loading status and relay the value to a movieclip? I'm using the following, but nothing's happening. The math is being loaded but the movieClip doesn't change size.
xmlLoader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, barProgress);
function barProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
My barPro movieclip remains the same size.rong?
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Aug 29, 2011
I am trying to load a flash object and I am having a hard time getting it to work in ie6,ie7, and ie8. The flash object is a button for an uploader. The flash object loads in firefox, chrome, safari, opera, and ie9 fine. I have searched google for answers and I have not been able to fix it. Here is the code that i used to load the flash object (it has changed various times with no luck in ie6-ie8)
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="../flash/s3_upload.swf" codebase=",0,0,0" width="266" height="46" id="s3_swf_1" style="visibility: visible; ">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
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Mar 23, 2012
I have created a class which loads the data from an xml file.
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May 29, 2007
I'm working on a class to track the loading of N objects.In order to do that, I Use a class called Advenced Loader inheriting from flash.display.Loader.I want to be able to listen to the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS but instead of receiving how many bytes have been loaded so far, I want to know how many byes have been loaded since the last PROGRESS event.So, I have the bytesPerProgress property inside the AdvancedLoader class which listens to its contentLoaderInfo object to calculates the bytesPerProgress.Then, inside another class which uses the AdvencedLoader I could do that:[code]
That's where I get an error #2099. It seems that I can't access the Loader instance only until after it completed the loading proccess.What I really need here is (if I could) to change the contentInfoLoader. loader to reference to my AdvancedLoader class instead of the Loader interface which doesn't include my new bytesPerProgress (implicit getter).What I could have done instead is to listen to the PROGRESS event inside the AdvancedLoader and then dispatch new PROGRESS event from within the AdvancedLoader. That's not quite what I thought it would be like, but I can't think of anything else since the contentLoaderInfo is an implicit getter (read only).
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Jan 27, 2009
I loaded 5 JPG's into specific locations of an array via the URLRequest. So now when I trace my array:
THE PROBLEM: when I scan getXMLlinksArray and see that its NOT null, and i try to addChil to xmlImgHolder and then to spriteHolderArray, I just get a blank space. The debuger is showing that spriteHolderArray contains some loader info and the appropriate URL up until I load it with the existing loader from getXMLlinksArray. Then it says it doesn't have any conentedLoadedInfo.
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Aug 7, 2009
Is there a way to check whether a loader object is in the process of loading something? I need to create an if statement that checks if the loader has an open connection. So far, what I thought of is:
ActionScript Code:
if(loaderInstanceName.contentLoaderInfo.bytesLoaded > 0)
// do something
Here, I'm just assuming that if bytesLoaded is greater than 0, than it's probably loading something. But I don't think it will revert back to 0 after the loader finishes loading an external resource. So after that, bytesLoaded will always be greater than 0 even though it isn't in the process of loading anything. Is there any other property that I can use which says whether the loader object has an open connection?
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Sep 28, 2009
I have simple slideshow set up where the user presses a button(forward or back) and the image changes. I used a sharedObject to save each frame, so when the page is refreshed/reloaded, the swf loads back to the image it left off on... thats the idea anyway.However, instead of just loading the previous frame when the page is refreshed, it loads frame 1, and i have to click my "next" button, which then jumps to the slide that should have loaded in the first place. I dont know why this is happening..I'm using Sothink SWF Quicker.. so heres the .sqf[URL]
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Jan 9, 2010
I made some sort of MP3 player based on an XML file, and I want to load the next track when pressed on a button. Well that part works, the problem is, when I play the next song, this is what happens:
- The next song plays
- The bar that is normally buffering is already full
- When I skip to a part of the song, it skips to the first song!
How can I "clear" a sound variable and load another one?
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Nov 24, 2009
C:UsersPublicMusicSample MusicKalimba.mp3
A preferred solution would be with actionscript alone (I know some things like this are possible with php etc.) and without prior knowledge of where the SWF file is saved at author time. And the finished product will not be in a browser because I know that there is no way around it like that, maybe an AIR application or something
I've tried some stuff such as
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("C:UsersPublicMusicSample MusicKalimba.mp3"));
etc, but the problem is obviously that it cannot find this directory in the folder where it was saved
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Oct 5, 2009
I have writing a simple class which has a method that gets invoke when the object of the class is created. I am able to view the loaded XML content when I trace it with in my class method, but cannot assign the content to a instance variable using the mutator method. So the process goes like this:
Class object is instantiated Class construtor then calls the loadXML method which laods the XML And then assigns the XML to a class instance variable.
So now if I would like to access the loaded XML through class object, I should be able to see the loaded xml content which I am not able to see. I have spent over few hours and cannot get the class object to display the loaded XML content. .
package{ import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*;
public class Cars extends MovieClip { public var _CarList:Object;
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