ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Content Slider Has Intermittent Movement

May 17, 2010

I know the problem is with how I have this structured. Here's the code:
scrollHand.buttonMode = true;
scrollHand.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, beginDrag);
var bounds = new Rectangle(747,200,0,handLimit);
var dragging:Boolean = false;
var dy:int = 0;

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Determine Whether Intermittent Failure Is Due To Bug In Firefox Or Flash Plug-in?

Aug 30, 2010

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Flash - Create Image Slider Like Nivo Slider With Builder

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I'd like to build image slider like Nivo slider with Adobe Flash Builder.

i'd like to have image controls, image titles displayed above the image(like layers in flash). i'd like to read the data from xml.

i'd like to have nice transitions between images.

mayebe u can provide tutorial or source code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Intermittent Failures Of .gotoAndPlay?

Oct 20, 2010

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"private function FlipWinCard( card:MovieClip ):Void
// save card so we can flip it back over.[code].......

Most of the time the animation plays correctly but sometimes the animation fails. This has lead me to place most of the followup code in a function that is called by the animation (so I don't change state without showing an animation to the user). I would like to get some clues as to why gotoAndPlay inconsistently fails.It's not always the first time in a run, so I can't blame loading. It just gives up sometimes.The frame is a constant so it's not like I'm guessing a number that should change, in my opinion.I made a watchdog timer to check for the animation so my question isn't a "how to workaround" kind of question.I think there might be better coding practices I'm overlooking and maybe you've seen this before.

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var rows:int = 5;
var cols:int = 3;
var spacery:int = 100;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Intermittent Error Talking Between Classes

Mar 17, 2011

I am building a quiz using XML for the questions and a ButtonTopLevel class to control the behaviour of the buttons tasked with choosing a question. Basically, the docClass imports the XML, makes sure it is fully loaded and then adds these top level buttons as children. I need to maintain the MouseEvent.CLICK in the button class because once the button has been used, it will switch to feedback mode and no longer be available as a button. Once clicked, the button says:


I have a sort of "go back" button in during development, and if I go back to the top level buttons and click any one of them, it works as it should. There is nothing undefined, with the possible exception of a variable or two I've declared and not yet used. Is it something in the way I'm telling the child to talk to its parent? My code is rather lengthy, but I will post if need be - just hoping it might be something I'm missing in this call to the parent.

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Mar 29, 2006

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spacing = 10;
containerMC._alpha = 0;


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Actionscript 3 :: Streamed PNG Using URLStream Intermittent When Server Is Bogged?

Dec 14, 2011

In my case I need to be able to cancel loading as the user could possibly be scrolling through alot of images and the if not canceled it can take a few minutes to catch up to the scroll position.So after research the URLStream class seems to cure this problem and I found a good streaming class hereThis class works very nice except when there is heavy load on the server causing lag.When this lag happens the class will dispatch the complete event yet the image will not show.Watching the download with HTTPFox shows the image in fact does get loaded.

I assume there is some kind of delayed issue with the URLStream class and the author of this class tried to correct it using the setTimeout method. I also tried delaying the dispatching of the complete event using a timer and not dispatching until if( this.width != 0 ) was detected and this seemed to work much better.But it is still haunting me just not as often.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip As Button HitTest Working Intermittent?

Jul 9, 2004

I was playing around last night trying to learn simple AS to make a movie clip act like a button. I wanted the button movie clip to reduce the alpha value of the other movie clip when you rollover the button and when you roll off the button the alpha of the movie clip goes back up. It works, but if you keep rolling over and out of the button movieclip sometimes the alpha gets stuck at a certain value for a bit, then does what its supposed to. I'm using onEnterFrame () to do the hitTest constantly.

Here's the SWF and FLA files for you to look through:

hitTest SWF
hitTest FLA

Here's the AS code I used in the frame to do this:

onEnterFrame = function() {
if ( background._alpha > 100 ) {
background._alpha = 100;


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Can't Get Zoom Slider To Work With The Position Of The Slider

Mar 25, 2010

What I have is a map that you can click on points and it will zoom in, you can also click on a "plus/minus" buttons to zoom in and out (I even have the mouse wheel zooming in and out). The client wanted me to add a "zoom slider bar" to it so you know you could move it up and down to scale it. Everything is working except the slider, I can't seem to get it to work with the position of the slider. All of the zoom functionality is there but the slider is killing me.

I am putting up the fla file since there is a lot of code in there and I didn't want to put it all in the forum. if you look in the fla in frame ten on line 726 you can find the function that is supposed to handle the zooming when you move the slider. Up on line 74 you can find the slider onPress and onRelease functions, but those I believe should be fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slider To Drag Another Slider On Collision?

Dec 1, 2009

I am trying to create a basic timeline, similar to the timeline we all use in flash (see attached).

I have a playhead slider, which when dragged, just drags within its startDrag() limits.

I also have horizontal window scroller which also when dragged, just drags within its startDrag() limits.

I am trying to work out how to get the horizontal window scroller to scroll when the playhead slider hits the left or right edge. I am using hittest for this collision.

I have the playHeadSlider scrolling along the top. When playHeadSlider collides with hittestThing I want mcContents to then move.

It kind of works.. mcContents moves when the playHeadSlider is in collision with the hittestThing.. but it just moves rather than 'drags' across. I have it set up so that mcContents is twice the width (approx) of mcScrollWindow.

I need to somehow update what I have so that if the playHeadSlider collides with hittestThing on the right, mcContents only moves to the right and if playHeadSlider collides with hittestThing2 on the left, mcContents only moves to the left.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Content To Load Into The Loader And Have Its Content Change Once Click On The Other Button Flash 8

Aug 15, 2009

I'm have made some buttons (movie clip) and when I click on it, I want a file (home.swf) to load in a loader (mx.contents.loader) and I want the other buttons to do the same, all load into the same loader. I have no Idea how to do that. The way I have it set up now, the home.swf will load over the entire screen and that is not what I want. I just want the content to load into the loader and have its content change once I click on the other buttons. Here is a copy and past of that I have at the moment, I'm using Flash 8 to do it all.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edit Dynamic Content And Modify The Content And Save It All Within Flash?

Oct 1, 2007

how it is possible to edit dynamic content and modify the content and save it, all within flash.I have tried some experiments in the past and have got the text to change etc which is easy but i need a way to save the content so the next time anybody sees the flash it will have the latest content until i change it again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Loading External Content On Top Of Main Content?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm loading one SWF into another but the internal one is coming over the main content and that can't is the part of my code where the external content is being loaded anyone hason what I can do to fix this? here is my code:

var loadAnimBox:Loader = new Loader();
var vid_mc:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Circular Movement To Linear Movement - Carousel To Conveyer Belt?

Jul 9, 2010

I've been playing with carousel code, and was wondering how to change it from circular animation (carousel) to left/right linear (conveyer belt) style animation, how to change the mover code and 't.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2)/numOfItems);'


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Intermittent "child Cannot Be Null" Error

Jun 18, 2009

I have a slideshow which has an image preloader on it. I get an intermittent error - it only pops up sometimes, and sometimes it pops up once, and sometimes 4 times. After dimissing the error, the movie runs fine. Here's the error[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flowing Mc Movement Opposite Of Mouse Movement

Feb 12, 2003

I have a mc (fStrip) which looks like a piece of filmstrip with thumbnail images in it. I want this mc to move when the users mouse is positioned over it, but I only want it to move only along it's x-axis and in a direction opposite that of the mouse. And I want it to move or flow smoothly.

I've been trying to figure this out (see my lame attempt below) but without much luck.

onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
buffer=20 //movement buffer
mousePos=_root.fStrip._xmouse //store mouse position
if (mymouse!=_root.fStrip._xmouse){ //if the mouse has moved


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ants Movement (based On Snow Movement)?

Jun 22, 2004

I wish to get the effect of ants scuttering across the screen or up a tree, I have not decided which direction yet. I started with the tutorial code for the snow effect from kirupa, and changed it around to fit the little vector ant I created. The way I have it now looks pretty good, but the movement is a little too fluid. They obviously move in sinusoidal paths bc the code tells them to. I have about 20 copies of the main obj, and they're all a little different in size and specs (speed, transparency, etc) but what I was wondering was if there is any way I can change the code to make it a little more hectic, or erratic, not so fluid. If there is no way of doing so, it looks pretty good right now. If there is, however, I think it could look awesome. here's the code I'm using for the object.

onClipEvent (load) {
movieWidth = 850;
movieHeight = 50;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Circle Slide ( Slider That On The Shape Of Circle Instead Of Vertical And Horizontal Slider)?

Jul 3, 2009

I'd like to make a circle slide ( Slider that on the shape of circle instead of vertical and horizontal Slider) like this one:


Is there a ready Component on the web.

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Html :: Content Displaying With Flash Content In IE8?

Apr 23, 2010

The HTML content below the flash content not displaying in IE8 browser. Here is the code:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,24" width="100%" height="100%">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 2D Character Movement With Camera Movement

Jun 10, 2011

how to get the camera to move with a character? At the minute he just moves off screen when i press right rather than the camera following him.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Movement Speed On Any Particular Movement?

Oct 2, 2002

I have a Mogli (Junglebook-like) Character that i got to move with the arrow keys on the keyboard.

I want the character to jump (so for example , he must while moving to the right of the "gamearea" , you must be able to hit a key (say for example the "control" key ) and then the character must jump ( go up ) and as soon as the key is released he must obviously come down.

And also how do one set movement speed on any particular movement.

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