Actionscript 3 :: Streamed PNG Using URLStream Intermittent When Server Is Bogged?

Dec 14, 2011

In my case I need to be able to cancel loading as the user could possibly be scrolling through alot of images and the if not canceled it can take a few minutes to catch up to the scroll position.So after research the URLStream class seems to cure this problem and I found a good streaming class hereThis class works very nice except when there is heavy load on the server causing lag.When this lag happens the class will dispatch the complete event yet the image will not show.Watching the download with HTTPFox shows the image in fact does get loaded.

I assume there is some kind of delayed issue with the URLStream class and the author of this class tried to correct it using the setTimeout method. I also tried delaying the dispatching of the complete event using a timer and not dispatching until if( this.width != 0 ) was detected and this seemed to work much better.But it is still haunting me just not as often.

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"private function FlipWinCard( card:MovieClip ):Void
// save card so we can flip it back over.[code].......

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var rows:int = 5;
var cols:int = 3;
var spacery:int = 100;


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spacing = 10;
containerMC._alpha = 0;


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Determine Whether Intermittent Failure Is Due To Bug In Firefox Or Flash Plug-in?

Aug 30, 2010

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hitTest SWF
hitTest FLA

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onEnterFrame = function() {
if ( background._alpha > 100 ) {
background._alpha = 100;


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scrollHand.buttonMode = true;
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var bounds = new Rectangle(747,200,0,handLimit);
var dragging:Boolean = false;
var dy:int = 0;

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I successfully built a XML gallery; everything seems to work fine. But everytime I click on a thumbnail, I will get the following error:Error: Error #2029: This URLStream object does not have a stream opened.I researched on this error, and it seems this error involves sounds. Something about trying to load something that's already fully loaded. Therefore, I'm confused since I don't have any sound in my gallery. On top of that, the gallery works just fine but this error keeps popping up in Flash.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [mx] Making Variables Available In Streamed Movies?

Jan 11, 2011

I am loading various movies into a "shell"movie as and when they are needed using loadMovie... However I have one movie which I am loading in to the shell "holder" movie which is supposed to load in variables from a php file. Now when this swf file is run in the browser outside of the shell, it loads in all the variables just fine. The loadVariablesNum command loads into "0" the root timeline, but when I run the shell and navigate to the swf file, none of the variables appear.I am guessing I need to load the variables into 'this' movie, but I have tried that by using the complete path...

_root.holder_mc.loadVariablesNum("scorevars.php"," post");

But this doens't pick up the vars. My problem is I am not fully understanding the relationship between swf's loaded into each other and how the timelines interact...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Variables Available In Streamed Movies

Feb 24, 2004

I am loading various movies into a "shell"movie as and when they are needed using loadMovie.However I have one movie which I am loading in to the shell "holder" movie which is supposed to load in variables from a php file. Now when this swf file is run in the browser outside of the shell, it loads in all the variables just fine. The loadVariablesNum command loads into "0" the root timeline, but when I run the shell and navigate to the swf file, none of the variables appear.I am guessing I need to load the variables into 'this' movie, but I have tried that by using the complete path _root.holder_mc.loadVariablesNum("scorevars.php"," post");My problem is I am not fully understanding the relationship between swf's loaded into each other and how the timelines interact.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [mx]Making Variables Available In Streamed Movies?

Feb 24, 2004

Scenario:I am loading various movies into a "shell"movie as and when they are needed using loadMovie... No problems there.However I have one movie which I am loading in to the shell "holder" movie which is supposed to load in variables from a php file. Now when this swf file is run in the browser outside of the shell, it loads in all the variables just fine. The loadVariablesNum command loads into "0" the root timeline, but when I run the shell and navigate to the swf file, none of the variables appear.I am guessing I need to load the variables into 'this' movie, but I have tried that by using the completepath..._root.holder_mc.loadVariablesNum("scorevars.php"," post");But this doens't pick up the vars. My problem is I am not fully understanding the relationship between swf's loaded into each other and how the timelines interact.

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Jun 27, 2009

Is it possible to pause / resume downloads with the URLStream object?

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Actionscript 3 :; URLStream Throws Error # 2029 In Flex AIR App?

Nov 2, 2010

In my AIR app,I am trying to implement a file downloader using URLStream.

public class FileDownloader {
// Class to download files from the internet
Function called every time data arrives[code].....

I simply create an object of the above class and passing the url and the file and call the load function. For some files I get the following error.

remotePath: http:[url].....error while writing bytes from...Error:Error #2029: This URLStream object does not have a stream opened.Which means the error is from the file stream(fileAccess) that I am using. I am unable to figure out why this could be happening. If I try to open the url http:[url]... in the browser, it opens properly. This happens randomly for some files.

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Flash :: Comet-style Long-Poll In AIR Using URLStream

Sep 26, 2011

I'm attempting to connect to an existing Comet-style long-poll service using an AIR app. The service expects a client to make a GET request with a Connection: Keep-Alive header. This request will remain open for long periods of time so that the server can push data through. In my app, the connection is terminated with an IOError after 30 seconds.

Is this an undocumented limitation of URLStream? A restriction on adl (I've only been running my app through adl)?

The server does not send any "keep-alive" messages to the client but, unfortunately this is not something i have control over.


To test this, I've set up a stripped-down version using a little php script (linked by leggetter below) and am hitting it from a simple AIR app. I'm finding that my connections are closed after 30 seconds whether I use URLStream or URLLoader. the PHP:



If i adjust the initial sleep time in the php script to anything over 30 seconds, the IOError event is triggered. If I lower the sleep time, but the request continues adding data past 30 seconds, the onComplete event is called, but is empty.

The only way this process completely successfully is if the entire thing is over before 30 seconds elapses.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If A URLStream On A Loader Is Open Or Closed

Jun 30, 2010

I have to be able to cancel and kill a Loader process properly and many times. If I dont do this, it seems that the flash player (at least on mac) eventually crashes as some loader processes are flying about , strangling the CPU.

There doesnt seem to be a straightforward way to know this and just calling a Loader.close causes an error, if the stream is not open.

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Professional :: Getting Information From ID3 Tags From Streamed Mp3 Files In Flash CS4

May 3, 2010

I have spend my whole day trying to find a good way to access ID3 tags in AS3.0;In my project I am making a sound object and assigning it a URL: Then I stream the sound into a sound channel:[code]I want to read the ID3 tag somehow and display the artist name or anything in the ID3 tag, onto the screen.I Have the URL change through user input, and naturally I want to update all the information with the new ID3 tags information.[code]

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ActionScript 3 :: How To Create Sound Spectrum From Streamed Data

Oct 13, 2011

Just wanted to ask, is it at all possible to create sound spectrum from the data that RTMP server streamed? I read this computeSpectrum and it says
"In addition, this method cannot be used to extract data from RTMP streams, even when it is called by content that reside in the same domain as the RTMP server."
I will not be using FMS so it stays inpossible. Are there any available hacks with php and the server or whatever?

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Actionscript 3 :: Internet Explorer Close() Method

Jan 15, 2012

Is anyone else aware of the fact that Internet Explorer (at least version 8) keeps downloading a file even if the close() method is called on an URLStream instance? Heck, it even keeps downloading if you close the tab displaying the site which called the load()/close() methods on an URLStream instance. Does anyone know of a solution to overcome this problem? More details: My preloader is loading a dozen of files and immediately closing the download streams with the purpose of checking each resource's file size. In Mozilla Firefox all goes well, exactly as expected, but Internet Explorer keeps downloading the resource even if the stream has been interrupted by the action script close() method.

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