Actionscript 3 :: Extract An Integer From A String?
Mar 4, 2011
How do I extract the numbers out of a string like this[code]...
Everything but the currency symbol. Or from something like this:
Just asking if there's an existing function that I'm not a aware of.
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May 29, 2010
I'm having some trouble converting a string to an integer. Here is my code:
var str:String = as String; // Getting values like "song1", "song2"
str = str.replace("song", ""); // Changes it from "song1" or "song2" to "1" or "2"
var num:int = str as int; // SHOULD be converting the "1" to 1 and "2" to 2
trace("num:" + num + ", str:" + str);
The trace is always outputting:
num:0, str:1
num:0, str:2
The str value is there, but when it gets put into num then it zeros out.
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var returnValue:* =;
if(returnValue is int)
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Jan 27, 2009
I'm currently trying to convert a string that I get from a text box to an integer. Seems simple enough, but the string's got a pile of formatting on it.
This is the string (named answer):
As you can see, I want the 80 from that.
After a lot of tinkering around, I used the following to get the number out:
Reason I used this is because I knew that the formatting would stay the same so I can slice off the same amount each time.
What I'm wondering is, is there a more elegant method of getting the entry that I want out of that mess of formatting? If not, then is there a way I can minimize the formatting?
Note: I'm using Adobe Flash CS4, with ActionScript 2.0.
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Feb 19, 2009
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I want to do be able to do math in actionscript with these numbers I'm calling up from the .txt file, but the problem is that when I call up the variables, they are recognized as a string, instead of integers.
How would I convert the string to an integer in actionscript, or write the number in the .txt so that it's recognized as an integer.
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(external file: var1=20)
(flash: loadVariablesNum("datafile.txt",0); works but the var1=20 is a text string :-(
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parsed string: 2,000,000
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May 12, 2006
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list.push( {id: "1"} );
list.push( {id: "4"} );
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Feb 15, 2009
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//var rightString:String = new String;
var lastLineIndex:int = leftField.getLineIndexAtPoint(10, contentHeight - 5);[code]...........
The commented out code represents the alternative method I've tried (still fails).
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Jun 6, 2008
I know
insideInput = String(xmlNode.childNodes[0].attributes.insider)
virusTarget = insideInput.indexOf("kz", [17]);
endTarget = insideInput.indexOf(".", [virusTarget+2]);
trace("ET"+ endTarget)
//endTarget = local.indexOf(".", ["vitesting"]);
clipTarget = virusTarget+3;
zebra = insideInput.substring(clipTarget, endTarget);
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Feb 21, 2012
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Jul 18, 2010
I want to have a dynamic integer reference.
For instance
ActionScript Code:
var heart:int = 5;
var stalker:int = heart;
Obviously stalker traces as "5" while "heart" is "7". However, I need to make stalker a pointer reference to heart.
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May 31, 2011
when I try to type cast something, there r 2 ways to do it:if var integer holds a integer (Uint)
text_txt.text = integer as String;or text_txt.text = String( integer );
but sometimes when I want to pass a value to a function both ways don't work and only one way works, when should I use option 1 and 2???
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Feb 18, 2010
I am trying to convert a string having numbers to an integer.
//15 9's are there
var str:String="999999999999999"
var res:Number = new Number(str);
But it is not able to convert correctly as the the var res now has the value 100000000000000000. I know that the number has 52 bits of memory, then why is it not able to do the conversion?
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Jan 1, 2011
This is just a simple problem, i have two integers (for example)
var myInt:int = 3357;
var myOtherInt:int = 10;
Then i ask flash to trace myInt divided by myOtherInt
trace(myInt / myOtherInt);
And in the output menu i get 335.7 as the traced number and i need to get an integer which would be 335.
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Jul 5, 2010
Somehow I cannot get the value of an integer inside a for-loop.
I define the vars like this:
ActionScript Code:
public class Fig2 {
private var a1_m1:int;
This gives me a: "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Array to an unrelated type int."
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Jul 29, 2010
Is there a simple way to test whether an integer is odd or even withing a conditional statement? Example:
ActionScript Code:
if (integer /*insert code that checks for odd or even*/){
/*execute whatever*/
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Mar 29, 2010
I try to increment each 2 hours but I don't know how to proceed.
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