ActionScript 2.0 :: Extract Numbers From A String Inside Class?
Feb 20, 2010
I am working on a simple video game where, when a randomized character is struck, an "explode" function kicks in creating an "explosion" unique to that randomized character. The difficulty is that when this._name is passed through the function, the movie clips have numbers assigned/attached to them. Here is the basic code that is found inside a class ([code]...
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//15 9's are there
var str:String="999999999999999"
var res:Number = new Number(str);
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//var rightString:String = new String;
var lastLineIndex:int = leftField.getLineIndexAtPoint(10, contentHeight - 5);[code]...........
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I know
insideInput = String(xmlNode.childNodes[0].attributes.insider)
virusTarget = insideInput.indexOf("kz", [17]);
endTarget = insideInput.indexOf(".", [virusTarget+2]);
trace("ET"+ endTarget)
//endTarget = local.indexOf(".", ["vitesting"]);
clipTarget = virusTarget+3;
zebra = insideInput.substring(clipTarget, endTarget);
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and I'm trying to figure out how to extract everything but the period so I'm left with
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aso#33082.onPress = function ()
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May 1, 2009
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05/01/2009 02:14:59 Ad Package Bonus in amount of 4.
05/01/2009 02:14:59 Ad Package acquired in amount of 16.
04/30/2009 11:05:37 Ad Package Bonus in amount of 2.
04/30/2009 11:05:37 Ad Package acquired in amount of 11.
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So the solution would be: 33
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var noNumbersName:String = name.replace(regEx, "");
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Sep 23, 2011
var myNumber:Number = 1.8;
The above gives "1.7999999999999998"
conversion of String(myNumber) also gives "1.7999999999999998"
This only happens with certain numbers. If (myNumber == 1.4) it doesn't give me this problem.
I've checked with the debugger and the values are correct both before and after the trace or String conversion. However, the string itself is incorrect.
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Dec 16, 2009
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Apr 5, 2010
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Mar 1, 2012
What i want to do is to allow a user to input a time of when the alarm should sound. However, when i press like "2" or any number i get "22" instead of just "2".Also, is there a way to stop people from entering letters along with this piece of code?[code]
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Oct 21, 2010
I have 3 input texts on the stage.
what I want after pressing the button (calculate_btn)is to get thees values entered from these input texts into 3 vaiables.
var $money
var $percent
var $years
and check if the inputs are numbers only not string not empty. I tried to convert the inputs to numbers to insure that they are numbers without making a function to check the inputs but always I get NaN when I entr value like 444bb;
ActionScript Code:
error_txt.text = "Enter some values to calculate your loan";
//--------Make the button listener----------//[code].........
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