Actionscript 3 :: Set Up Flex Documents And Environment In TextMate
Apr 2, 2011
I have been trying to find solutions to this everywhere and cannot find any concise, clear instructions on how to set up Flex and Actionscript properly on TextMate. That is, I have the bundles but in terms of setting shell environments etc so that you can compile with ANT, find documentation for keyword (Reference Doc) within the app. For the latter ,when i try and do that it says no documentation found.
My shell env stuff is as follows:
TM_FLEX_PATH /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder Burrito/sdks/flex_sdk_4.5.0.17689 TM_FLASH_HELP /Users/doronkatz/langRef (this is where i have the as doc zip file i downloaded)
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Apr 11, 2011
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{ shellVariables = (
{ name = 'TM_COMMENT_START';
value = '// ';
but no luck. I'm hoping that someone who speaks Ruby much better than myself (ie. at all) can find a simple fix for this. You can reproduce in any (recent) install of TextMate by creating a new actionscript 2 file and trying to ⌘ + / a section of code (or even a line). Contrast to a JS file which will use a line comment. Copy the "Comments" snippet from JavaScript to Actionscript bundles, and the problem will persist.
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Jul 5, 2010
i usually write my code with textmate.
a custom command for testing the proj directly in flash is:
echo 'document.testMovie();' > /tmp/fc.jsfl
open -a /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5/Adobe Flash /tmp/fc.jsfl
what about the flash standalone player?
echo 'document.testMovie();' > /tmp/fc.jsfl
open -a /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/player/mac/Flash /tmp/fc.jsfl
works great but it only open the doesn'pass the file to it.
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var timer:Timer = new Timer(10);
var myString:String = "";
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Jun 13, 2011
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Apr 24, 2008
i'm trying to create a mix and match clothing application using flash for a school project but am having trouble with xml documents. Using an old gallery tutorial on the site, i found it was quite easy to load up one xml document, excerpt of code below.
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function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
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May 25, 2009
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Apr 19, 2010
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The problem we're seeing is that when we try to use this method to connect directly to Office documents, the links fail to open the documents in Internet Explorer. When using Firefox, they work fine, and soon after clicking the link the user receives a dialog asking if they wish to save or open the document. This is the behavior which we expected in IE, and which one can achieve by holding the CTRL button and clicking the link (and don't ask me how that was figured out, 'cuz I don't know). But when just clicking the link in IE, a browser window briefly pops up, then the thing disappears and nothing else happens - no file opens, no dialog appears, nothing.
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Jul 21, 2010
Just fired up Flash CS5 to a surprise. My screen-based SWF from years ago will no longer load. how does one achieve the equivelant of nested screens in CS5 now? I have outer chrome that's common to all screens and switch between nested screens to show different shared form screens that get populated with content from a database. Short of duplicating the shared content over and over, how do you get the layered effect I'm after? Does everyone simply jump around on the master timeline? Or does CSS play a role here?
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May 25, 2011
Is there any way to load Word Documents, PowerPoints, and .pdf files within a label using AS3?
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Jul 11, 2011
My team and I are considering switching to using the "Flash CS5 Uncompressed Document (*.xfl)" option in Flash CS5 based on the assumption that it will allow better collaboration and conflict resolution when working in a version-controlled (SVN) environment. We would like to avoid the common situation of irresolvable conflicts when multiple people edit an FLA. at least in the initial release of Flash CS5: [URL] Has anyone had success or failure with this approach? Is this a favourable or detrimental change in workflow?
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Oct 3, 2011
I want to know is there any flash viewer which i can embed on my website, for opening word, pdf files?
or is there anything else that i can put on my php website, that can view the document
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Jun 17, 2009
I am a beginner when it comes to Flash and Actionscript. I know how to create a few things using Flash, but when it comes to programming in actionscript, I am clueless. I work for a local government agency; my boss and I want to simulate a digital signage system using Flash.
I have a document that changes weekly, I want to load it in a Flash file that will display it as is and autoscroll it and loop back to the beginning. The file itself is created by a secretary in different office. We want her to save the file in a designated folder and it will automatically apear on screen. (does any of this make sense?)
I was able to set up an application that uses xml and css. I had to go through the microsoft word document copy and paste it to an xml editor which was 14 plus pages and add xml tags. I was able to get it to show up online, but I could not find code in actionscript 2 that uses autoscroll.
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