Flex :: Environment-dependent Compilation Properties In AIR?
Jan 19, 2011
I'm building a Flex/AIR application that connects to a remote server, the URL of which changes depending on the environment (development/production, and possibly others). For now, this URL parameter is hardcoded in my root application MXML file but it means I have to change it everytime I build my app for a different environment.Is there a way to externalize such a parameter so that when Flash Builder automatically builds my app (in development mode), it uses the development URL
If you don't add an asset (text field, mc, btn etc) to the stage / create the object dynamically, is it possible for the asset to move x,y position or alter it's properties depending on the user environment? If so, what environments can cause this? IE what browsers, op. systems, player versions etc?
i don't know how to say that in technical terms. and i think this is the reason to why i cant get good answer from Google.i have xampp on my local winxp machine. i use it for developing websites locally then upload these files to my clients shared hosting accounts.
the problem that in 2 years i have always found differences between how xampp works and how the web server work.some code work locally but dont remotely and the opposite. also flash behave differently on xampp than the remote web server.is there is a way i can get the server configuration and use it with xampp like get the server php.ini and use it with xampp?
Flex's new States re-parents visual items that are marked with includeIn/excludeFrom. If I have a Group (MainGroup) with 5 children/elements that are state controlled, is there still a way to get a reference to MainGroup's children? mainGroup.numChildren and mainGroup.numElements don't work since the children are re-parented. At best, they show 1.
I'd like to have a double click event on a datagrid in Flex3. The following example only works if the Accordion (id = "mustBeSecond") container comes after the DataGrid. Why is the order of the components important and what can I do to prevent this behavior? (The example does not work. If you change the order of "mustBeSecond" and gridReportConversions" the example works fine)
It seems it isn't possible at runtime to change styling defined in CSS files, ex.: colors. This is seemingly because the CSS files are compiled into SWF. Is it possible to externalize styling information in CSS (or any other format) without compiling it to SWF file so that it can be changed easily at runtime just as normal CSS can be changed when it is used in HTML.
Is there any way to speed up MXMLC compiles using Flextasks in Ant in Eclipse. Compared to FDT and Flex Builder's in-built compilation, it is painfully slow.
I'm having an odd problem that isn't mission critical since I can use the command line with no probs.In my earlier post http:[url]... I had problems getting the web compiler to work.Now that it's working I use this in a browser to compile: http:[url]...
and I get this error as a result:
ERROR : Could not resolve to a component implementation.
Everything is legit and the most recommended solution is that the namespaces aren't correct. I've checked those and they're fine. Other answers I've come across relate to external components causing a problem but as you can see, I'm not using an external component.Here's the kicker. If I do a compile via command line:
mxmlc topsight.mxml
it compiles perfectly.Specs are still the same from the prior post and I'm using the Flex 3 SDK.Not sure if this would help but I did the download from http:[url]... and I clicked on the Open Source Flex SDK - Milestone 3.3
I am trying to set some public static constants on a class conditionally by passing variables to the compiler e.g. -define=CONFIG::ENVIRONMENT,'testing_server'
Obviously this means I have to tinker with long command line setting each time. I thought my initial approach was possible given the documentation and various tutorials I have read.
I have a web application written in Flex and I'm trying to build an AIR application from the same code base using conditional compilation.
In the AIR application, I need to have import statements such as the following: import flash.data.SQLConnection; import flash.filesystem.File; but I cannot have these import statements in the web application because they are AIR only classes.
and similar approach to include web or AIR specific functions during compilation. The approach seems to have worked so far The only place I have run across issues is in my Cairngorm's model locator. If I put CONFIG::desktopMode around import statements in Cairngorm's model locator, it starts giving "Uncaught exception in compiler" or "1131 classes must not be nested" error. I'm not sure how to address this error!
In Flex it is now possible to use the -define compiler option to do all sorts of cool stuff.In my program, I am using the option such that some of my code is excluded by blocks like this:
CONFIG::FACEBOOK{ //Some code }
And this is working well.How do I get a similar behaviour with MXML?I want to do the same thing, but omitting/including MXML tags in this way, not blocks of AS code.
I am trying to build an application which has a flex front-end and a php back-end. I am struggling to do something with this application which I couldn't figure out a way to do. I would want my flex application to show a view based on an MXML it recieves from the server as a response to some interaction in the flex application. for example, lets say there are two buttons on the current view and if i press the first button, it will load one mxml/as3 from the server, and when i click the other, it will load a different mxml. How do you think i can tackle this situation? how to do this as i've been banging my head on the wall trying to figure out a way.
I moved from using the Flex Builder 3 IDE to Flash Builder a couple weeks ago and have noticed a ridiculous jump in compile times with the same project. It almost seems like every time I build it does a clean build. The project I am working with is pretty big, but when it takes more than 4 mins to build, something is wrong. I tried adding more memory to eclipse and all the tricks I could find on the web but the compile time never really changed. I am running under Windows 7 32bit, and I get the same performance from the plugin and stand alone version of the IDE.
I have an air application that loads a swf ( built in flex ) , this swf loads moduls and basicaly my air application is a testing environment for this swf .
when i run it in flex environment ( eclipse ) it runs fine , when i run it from my programs ( as an air program ) it gets stuck , what i was thinking is that it has to do with security issues because it gets stuck when my main swf try to loads the moduls .
I have been trying to find solutions to this everywhere and cannot find any concise, clear instructions on how to set up Flex and Actionscript properly on TextMate. That is, I have the bundles but in terms of setting shell environments etc so that you can compile with ANT, find documentation for keyword (Reference Doc) within the app. For the latter ,when i try and do that it says no documentation found.
My shell env stuff is as follows:
TM_FLEX_PATH /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder Burrito/sdks/flex_sdk_4.5.0.17689 TM_FLASH_HELP /Users/doronkatz/langRef (this is where i have the as doc zip file i downloaded)
Are there any differences implementing Flex application security in a clustered Java environment (such as Oracle Application Server/OC4J or a JBoss cluster) vs a single application server environment? (And/or does it depend on the specific environment software?)
What considerations are there in a situation where you need to authenticate with LDAP (AD) and store user access information in a database (ex. USER table containing username + permissions/roles info)? Any differences between Blaze DS and Granite DS?
I'm drawing a 3D pie chart that is calculated with in 3D vectors, projected to 2D vectors and then drawn on a Graphics object. I want to calculate the most left and right point of the circle after projected in 2d. (So not 0 and 1 Pi!) The method to create a vector, draw and project to a 2d vector are below. Anyone knows the answer?
Does MXML get compiled down to as3 and then converted to flash bytecode? Also, is there a significant performance penalty to compiling mxml vs compiling as3?
In AS3 you can pass a constant to the compiler -define+=CONFIG::DEBUG,true And use it for conditional compilation like so:
CONFIG::DEBUG {trace("This only gets compiled when debug is true.");}
I'm looking for something like #ifndef so I can negate the value of debug and use it to conditionally add release code. The only solution I've found so far was in the conditional compilation documentation at adobe and since my debug and release configurations are mutually exclusive I don't like the idea of having both DEBUG and RELEASE constants.
Also, this format works, but I'm assuming that it's running the check at runtime which is not what I want:
I've got a Flash site that uses a loadvars object to load a csv file that I then parse into arrays. The swf works great locally and on two hosts I have tested it on. However, I can't get it to work on the host server I own (er..rent). The HTML file, swf and csv are all stored on the same level and I've even included a policy file just in case. Additionally, I have changed the path to the csv in the Flash file several times to see if that was the issue. I created a trace that indicates my data is loading, but the functionality isn't working, leading me to believe the parsing is at issue. Any ideas why this file would work fine on two other servers but bomb on a third?? I'm completely stumped.
I'm trying to test a custom Flex 4 skinnable component, using the FlexUnit UIImpersonator class. If I run my tests from a FlashBuilder Spark only project everything works fine. If I try to test from a project with the mx component set on the classpath I get a "getElementIndex not available in non Flex 4 projects" error.Can I unit test spark components in FlexUnits visual test environment while still having the mx component set on the classpath?
UIImpersonator delegates it's method calls to a "testEnvironment".The implementation used for this "testEnvironment" is decided by the VisualTest EnvironmentBuilder class and the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class. If the FlexEnvironmentBuilder class can find the "mx.core.Container" on the classpath it returns a MX environment, else a Spark environment. Only the spark environment has valid implementations for Flex 4 relevant method calls on the UIImpersonator - like the addElement method.
I'm making a simple puzzle-building game. It's working, but I have just spotted an odd in-game behaviour...When I pick up a piece of the puzzle and move to the left side of the swf, the game runs at a playable frame rate. The farther I move the mouse to the right, the frame rate (or at least update rate) seems to drop.The only code it's running at that point is a method that checks which piece is carried and moves that piece's x and y coords to match the mouse.I've already tried using 'updateAfterEvent' with no change.
Hopefully this is a straight forward question but as far as resources when compiling a flash project is flash more cpu dependent or gpu dependent? Trying to spec out a machine and need to determine what flash is going to use more.