Actionscript :: Flex Swf File : Inspect The Method Exposed?

Dec 22, 2009

In every language there are a lot of tool to inspect the interface exposed by the compiled file, then what is the best tool for Flex swf file? I am debugging my code but the invoke always failed, I am writing my callee like below in my mcml file:

public function playVideo():void

And in another mcml I am using SWFLoader to load it and call it, but it always failed.

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[Edited - Title changed]

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Flex :: Inspect HTTPS Traffic From SWF Files?

Feb 8, 2010

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XML :: Data Not Being Exposed In Flash Builder

Feb 26, 2010

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1) Connect to data service (Http)
2) Entered a url of xml data, method GET, operation of getAllItems
3) search as name string as data type for the parameters of this operation
4) users as service name (services.users as service package)
5) test operation (authentication required) and clicked test, which showed the xml data
6) Configure return type, selected User as root (not users), and clicked it for "is Array?" option
7) Then selected the list component, checked "New Service Call", and for bind_to_field I checked "id" (not sure exactly what bind to field does)

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protected function list_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
getAllItemsResult.token = users.getAllItems(/*Enter value(s) for */ search);
} <fx:Declarations>
<s:CallResponder id="getAllItemsResult" />
[Code] .....

I do notice an error message that says "access of undefined property search". But again this was generated code so I have no idea where it was supposed to be defined. My main concern is that it's not showing records from the database (via the xml) but rather just showing:
[object User]

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Apr 12, 2010

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import mx.managers.SystemManager;[code]....

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Aug 11, 2011

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public class CustomerContainer extends VBox
public function CustomerContainer ()


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Jan 11, 2012

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Jul 22, 2011

overriding clone() while creating custom events?I read in the Flex cookbook that we need just in case we want to redispatch this event. Does this exactly means that when we want event to be bubbled up the display hierarchy , at that time our custom cloned event should be dispatched and not the Event object.

second - whats the need of metadata tag -
[Event(name="modelEvent", type="")]
public class LoginModel extends EventDispatcher
I understand we need to extend EventDispatcher in case we want to dispatch evnet from class.. but In what cases i would need to specify the MetaData TAg

Third is.. If i write -- "dynamic customEventClass extends Event".. Is there any use of Dynamic i can make?

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Flash :: API Method On The Same Server That Is Hosting The SWF File?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm trying to request to an API method on the same server that is hosting the SWF file. I'm getting a security error 2048. This occurs whether I use POST or GET, and leaving the request data blank doesn't improve things. Nothing is sent in either case, and I get a SecurityErrorEvent to stare at. Everything works smoothly from the IDE.

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Is there anything else that could be causing this error? Furthermore, is there any way I can find out more details about what exactly is going on? Tracing the toString of the ErrorEvent only gives me "Error 2048" - I've seen reference in other questions to messages for this error that read "cannot load data from XXX", but I can't seem to get one of these (I'm using Flash CS5).


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Jan 22, 2010

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Jan 29, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Better Colour Change Method For Smaller File?

Apr 5, 2005

using better code to reduce file size.I've just done a colour change swf for a friend who has a clothing business. Basically it just needed to change the colour of the t-shirt according to button presses.I just wanted to know if there is a better way (more code i assume) to do the colour changes? I'm looking for a really compact file size because there's a lot more to go in it yet.

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Professional :: Satay Method: Firefox Crashes Swf File That Contains 3D Animation

Apr 14, 2010

I have a strange dilemn and the 3D feature in Flash CS4 seem to be the most obvious connection to the problem. I have a page with 2 different swf files ( both under 50KB), which use the satay method. One works perfectly, and the other struggles to work. The pixels are magnified, the 3D animation scales incorrectly, and moves very slowly. Eventually the browser crashes and the whole operation goes down.


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Flash :: Use Publish Method To Record Flv File With Streaming Servers?

Jan 5, 2012

Can i use publish method to record flv file with streaming servers other than Flash Media Server, or it is just meant for FMS? How about crtmp server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: File Reference Download Method - Security Settings

Nov 11, 2009

When using the method to let users download content from my server. Some users get a Security error when trying to downlaod. When studying the fileReference class it says: To avoid this situation, reclassify this SWF file as local-with-networking or trusted. But how do I do that? Do I import the security class and then set secrurity to:
If yes. Should I do that in my base class or the class that is "creating the error"? Or should I change the Local playback security to "Access network only" (I am using the cs3 flash)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Include POST As A Method Of Sending LoadVars To The Php File?

Nov 21, 2008

I was just wondering if it is important to include POST as a method of sending loadVars to the php file. i was using POST before and i still ecountered some problems of receiving empty mails. Since i found an example which do not use POST or REQUEST method i dont have anymore prob. I just wanted to get another opinion about that as i wanna start using server side script with flash and i know that ill be using the POST method.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Method In A Class File That Refers To Itself - The This Keyword Is Not Working?

Sep 27, 2011


import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;
public class Rail extends MovieClip


this is a simple Rail class, what I am trying to do is take the for loop out of the timeline and build into the Rail class itself. How do I refer to the Rail class itself within the method? If I am doing this the wrong way please let me know! Would it be better if I created another class, say a "RailSpacing" class and build the for loop into the contructor into that?

Also, if I wanted to add depth to the rail(textures or something else to make it look real) and still be able to change the color without transforming the entire rail instance, what could I do ActionScript wise. I have come to the conclusion the only way to do this is creating a multilayered movieclip and target the base object and not the highlight/ shading layer.

Also, if I created a nice graphic/movieclip and exported it for ActioSncript, how can I find the class file and add too it? Is this even possible? Is it possible to draw something that is detailed and export it and then add some methods?

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Label Component Defined In Mxml File Within Class Method?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a label component in a mxml file like below

<mx:Label x="700" y="409" text="Label" id="lble" width="131" height="41"/>

if i want to access it and change its text content within a method defined in action script class that i have written, how to do it?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Accessed Differently With The GetBounds Method In An External File Than In The Timeline?

Aug 2, 2011

The following piece of code works in the timeline:

var ball:Sprite = new Sprite;

Is the stage accessed differently with the getBounds method in an external file than in the timeline?

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