ActionScript 1/2 :: Call Methods Using Exposed Interface?
Apr 12, 2010
I hav created a pure actionscript project which defines few methods.What i want to do is to expose an interface for the .swf file generated through this actionscript project created in flex to call swf's methods.This is the following code that i tried writing in mxml:
import mx.managers.SystemManager;[code]....
what error i get is cannot convert AVM1Movie to mx.managers.SystemManager.How can this be rectified?
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Feb 13, 2008
I've written a pre-loader for my game, it uses Loader, URIRequest and LoaderInfo to display a bytes left/total counter as the main game SWF loads - this all works fine.
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<script type="text/javascript">
function helloWorld() {
alert('Hello World');
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Jul 26, 2007
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flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("isActive", ...
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object doesn't support this property or method
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Oct 14, 2009
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Jun 6, 2010
I need to call a function in JS that's expecting a JSON object. Can I do this from External Interface? The company's example (after the include file url) in HTML looks like this:
//there's an js include URL earlier//
But, I need to dictate these vars through Flash. How do I call this function using External Interface?This is my EI code, but I'm obviously off base, since it's not working:"Shopwithme.Initialize",[{ "id":"prod1234",
What do I need to do to call this javascript?
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Sep 29, 2009
completing the code to get a return value from JavaScript to flash, but all the code was in a frame. My issue is I need to apply this code to multiple buttons, and then have them navigate to the appropriate frame. I thought I could put some of the code on the buttons themselves, or possibly I could call each button and keep all the code in frame one.....the external interface call function and the button functions....btn1, btn2; etc......I am not to verse in code and need to know what and how the best way to do this would be.
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Apr 24, 2011
I'm hitting a brick wall here, and it's driving me mad. Used to use ExternalInterface to call Flash functions from Javascript all the time, and now under CS5 (and the way it uses object id's instead of embed in html) it's stopped working for me in certain browsers. I put together a really simple program that has the person click a link in the browser that activates a javascript function that simply sends some text in to Flash to display in a TextArea. Here's the as3 code:
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Feb 26, 2010
When I run the flex application, I'm expecting to see 25 records from users table of my database in a list component, and all I see is 25 of this: [object User]. I tried to follow this tutorial: [URL] but as he is using ColdFusion, I am using an HTTP service type. Basically, what I did:
1) Connect to data service (Http)
2) Entered a url of xml data, method GET, operation of getAllItems
3) search as name string as data type for the parameters of this operation
4) users as service name (services.users as service package)
5) test operation (authentication required) and clicked test, which showed the xml data
6) Configure return type, selected User as root (not users), and clicked it for "is Array?" option
7) Then selected the list component, checked "New Service Call", and for bind_to_field I checked "id" (not sure exactly what bind to field does)
The following is the relevant stuff that was generated:
protected function list_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
getAllItemsResult.token = users.getAllItems(/*Enter value(s) for */ search);
} <fx:Declarations>
<s:CallResponder id="getAllItemsResult" />
[Code] .....
I do notice an error message that says "access of undefined property search". But again this was generated code so I have no idea where it was supposed to be defined. My main concern is that it's not showing records from the database (via the xml) but rather just showing:
[object User]
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Jun 29, 2009
I have created a small image gallery for use in a CBT Program.What I am looking to do is, each image in the slide when clicked needs to go to a separate html page.I currently have it working as far as being able to execute a single External Call to go to a HTML Page, but it is working for the entire gallery not individual pictures.I am thinking of separating the way the MC are loading into the container, then tying External Calls Specific to the individual clips.
below is the current code.
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;[code].....
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Jun 26, 2009
Is there a way to query an embedded flash element to determine the available methods that can be executed on it via JavaScript?
It appears that in IE it's as simple as
for ( i in flashNode ) {
After much clicking, they will be some of the very last members enumerated.
Still not able to determine this in Firefox though.
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Dec 22, 2009
In every language there are a lot of tool to inspect the interface exposed by the compiled file, then what is the best tool for Flex swf file? I am debugging my code but the invoke always failed, I am writing my callee like below in my mcml file:
public function playVideo():void
And in another mcml I am using SWFLoader to load it and call it, but it always failed.
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Apr 28, 2010
I m working in flex3.0 and i just want to know that how can i call a function from fms server to my AS3.0 (Client Side) code.i tried the syntax,null,null); but my flex code throw exception unable to call the can i use (methodname,null,null) and is there some special way to declare that method at client side.
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Apr 17, 2012
I am using in AS3 "External Interface ". When I call the JS function that is on the same page as swf everything works fine.
I added a link in the html page to an external JS file, when I move the JS function to the external JS file the website crushes.
I would prefer to have all my JS functions on an external file so I can use them in the future in other project and it also makes it easier for me to update the site.
how to call a JS function that is on an external file from AS3?
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