Actionscript :: Modify Flash Movie Without Fla Files Or Decompilers?
Jun 23, 2011
I have been asked to add just some more text in the last "slide" of a Flash movie. I don't have access to the .fla files. What are my options (apart from using decompilers)?
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I have been given the task of updating my company's website, which is written in ASP and has a menu in Flash. I am not experienced in neither technology so maybe you can help me a little bit.We have a menu in flash and just received a new one from an artist. They are pretty similar but the new one brings some new buttons. So far what I did was simply change the .fla and .swf files from my web project to the new ones. The new menu is working, but the buttons and links are messed up. For example, our website main page is called Default.aspx. In the old menu, when you clicked in 'Home' it would take you to Default.aspx. In the new one though, it tries to take you to 'index.aspx', which doesn't exist. This makes me think that the mapping of the links in the menu is something that is part of the Flash code. Am I right about this?
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if (Number(/scOne:_x)<Number(/:destination)) {
speed = (/:destination-/scOne:_x)/14;
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Jun 7, 2007
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my question is to diplay random files , and i have given the code as
one more question is "where i need to store all these movie files. either in samefolder where the flash file is placed. or make it as a seperate folder and or in the flash file library". and one more thing is "how can i place these 20 files in a order like declaring the dimensions on the screen. do i need to put in a CSS.
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Aug 18, 2010
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Oct 24, 2009
i have seen many events where we import xml data to flash and display them but is thier a way to modify the data in a xml using flash ?
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
the above is a xml about a book... will flash be able to read and modify the data in this xml ?
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Aug 24, 2010
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Nov 14, 2011
I got a very nice article to load files from local disk to flash movie directly.
article link : [URL]
i want to do same thing using as2.0
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Jul 9, 2011
I want to modify the xml file of flash once it generated.
You can see this tutorial [URL] here when i change the position i want new xml file with update.
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Jan 29, 2012
I'm trying to modify my bitmap to change their pixels to a random color. This is the way I do it (I'm using the FlashPunk library):
private var _v:Point = new Point;
private var _speed:Point = new Point(200, 200);
private var _bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(24, 24, false, 0x000000)
private var _bmpImage:Image = new Image(_bmpData);
public function Player(p:Point) {
[Code] .....
So ok, the function that does this is render(), but in the line
graphic = new Image(_bmpData);
I get new memory for graphic, and this translate into a memory leak in the game. Here is an image of this:
And as you can see, the MEM: part is constantly increasing.
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Mar 23, 2012
Is it possible to access and modify flash content via js (JavaScript) and if yes, then, How to do that?
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Jul 6, 2009
I know you can load an external XML file in flash and manipulate it, but is it possible to then save that XMLl? I've found nothing on saving/overwriting external XML files.
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