Professional :: Cannot Preview Flash Movie Files Locally?

Oct 27, 2010

I have created many flash video over the years so I definitely know how to embed an flv into flash. Also, it is very hard to screw up the import video wizard in flash so I have eliminated that as a potential problem. I haven't created a movie in quite a few months and yesterday I tried to create one. I used the wizard in flash to import the working flv and when i hit ctrl+enter to preview, a blank white screen showed up. When I right clicked, it said movie not loaded.  So I tried to use AS3 and netconnection to embed the movie. When I previewed it, the same thing happened. I then went to view one of my existing swf's that did not have a video and that did not work either. I searched and found the adobe flash player security preferences and changed settings and NOW I can view swf's that do not have video. I can ALSO view old swf's that have video embedded BUT as soon as I open the original fla file and press ctrl+enter to preview, the swf's DO NOT preview anymore

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May 3, 2010

Working in Flash CS4. When I publish my flash movie it opens fine on my computer but when I copy the folder with all the contents to another computer the skin show up fine but I get a white box where the movie should be. The same goes if we try to place it on a website.

When I'm in flash should I be going to
File Publish or
File Export SWF
To be placed in a website.

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Flash :: Professional - Movie .works Locally But Not On Server

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preview With Flash's Html Preview - GetURL Not Working

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I'm having some trouble with getURL (I think). It works fine when I preview with Flash's html preview but it's not working on my server. It's pretty simple. [URL].selected1 is a user-defined variable pointing to a page: ie, when the user selects variable page1 the page to be opened is [URL]. Like I said, it works with Flash's preview, but not on my server(no 404 or any response). Does there seem to be a problem with my code or might I be overlooking a server error? Here's my code:


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Flash :: Professional - Cs4 Wont Play Movie Files

May 6, 2011

basically ive made a movie file and every time i publish it or publish preview i just get the first frame, i can scroll through the animation frame by frame but it wont play and it wont start! are there some settings i need to fiddle with or is something turned off? its really annoying me now because i cant for the life of me find whats wrong or even google an awncer. there's no error message, it just acts as if i didnt animate anything, ive tried going to propertys and putting the first frame to play but nothing ive tried worked!

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Professional :: Flash Working In Preview But Not In Any Browsers?

Jun 22, 2010

I've created a Flash animation and inserted the SWF file (created in Flash 8) into my Dreamweaver CS2 file. It all works fine in preview (both in Flash and Dreamweaver). But on any of the browsers the public file doesn't show the flash animation.
I have a transparent layer in Dreamweaver over the SWF file so that I could put hotspots which are working.
Here is the link to the website:[URL]
I've updated AC_RunActiveContent and downloaded a trial FlashCS5 but still no luck.

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Professional :: Preview Of Generated Graphics In Flash IDE?

Oct 7, 2011

Let's say I create an empty movieclip called "Test_mc", then I create an as3 class "Test_mc" like below and then I set the movieclip class to "Test_mc".

public class Test_mc extends MovieClip {
public function Test_mc() {

Now I can drag out instances of the Test_mc into the scene and get red circles when I test the movie. The problem however, is that I can't see the circles on the canvas inside the Flash IDE. Is there a way to get these actionscript generated grapics to show up?

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Professional :: Get Moviecontrollers In The Flash Player Preview?

Feb 7, 2012

I test my flashfiles (banner ads) several times during making by pressing Ctr+Enter. The movie then opens up in the Flash Player. It would be really useful to have play/skip/forward/backward/pause/stop (just regular moviecontrollers) buttons in the player to skip straight to the right part (not as part of the file). Is there any way to add this to flash? A plugin/extension maybe?

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Professional :: Can't Play Flash Movies Locally On Mac?

Oct 26, 2011

Im creating a website and when I test flash content in an html page locally on my mac, I get this annoying message

"Adobe® Flash® Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network: /Users/myname/Documents/Websites/mysite/version 1/site/Scripts/expressInstall.swf

is trying to communicate with this Internet-enabled

To let this application communicate with the Internet, click Settings.You must restart this application after changing your settings." 

Ive tried following the settings button and adding "/Users/myname/Documents/Websites' to local storage settings by site but no joy the content still wont play and every time I refresh or test the page I get the same message. I want to add the whole websites directory so I don't get this message again, when testing other sites pages and content.

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Professional :: Sounds In Flash Distorted On Playback Preview?

Aug 21, 2011

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For the HTML file, I'm using swfObject. The problem is that I can open up the SWF file just fine from third party apps like SWF Player from the market. In addition, I can load up the HTML page from the browser by calling it directly through file:///. However, when I load it up using my webview, I'm stuck with a blank screen.

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Jan 14, 2011

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Mar 30, 2011

I'm having timing problems with a music video I am working on. The framerate it 24fps which for a 22 second animation should give me 528 frames. However, In the preview of the slides the 22 second mark on the sound is reached by about 310 frames. What's more, the 22 second point in the sound is reached at a later time in an exported swf movie, but still not 528 or 310. Why is the timing different in all viewing modes, which one should I use to time my video or how can I set them to all display the video at the correct timing?

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Nov 17, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Movie Not Loading Locally - 5 Animated Dots Seen

Nov 17, 2010

We built a demo for a product we may build. The demo is in flash for FP 9 and is one master clip that loads about a dozen other clips. All these clips are intended to load locally in a browser window (just from the file system - not a server). What we noticed is that the two computers we developed this on (with Flash CS5 on them) show this fine in it's finished form (1 .html page / 1 main .swf - 12 child .swfs in a subfolder).

But on all other computers without Flash IDE installed it doesn't work. It loads the page in a browser and then just shows a grey screen with 5 "loading" dots that just repeat in the middle of the screen. I have not seen this before and didn't build the app - before i start digging into the code (was told maybe a problem with the loader trying to load from the file system as opposed from a URL) I wanted to know what could be causing this?

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Professional :: Change The Default Publish Preview Player From HTML To Flash?

Jul 31, 2011

How can I change the default publish preview player from HTML to Flash in Adobe Flash CS5.5??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have The Flash Cs4 Preview Display Child Movie At A Selected Frame?

Mar 31, 2009

The only thing that has me puzzled is the preview field. Basically i have a background which is a movie clip, it basically transforms from the loader to the background (over 70 frames).

is there a way to have the preview field for the root movie display a child movie at a frame other than frame 1? At the moment it looks like this: [URL]

But i'm wanting it to look like this: [URL]

It would help or positioning other items if i had the background displayed how it will actually be?

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Professional :: [Flash Website Template] Text Shows Correctly Locally, But Not On The Web?

Jul 19, 2010

I downloaded a XML based website flash template and made some modifications to it. With this template there was few fonts included in separate folder (I had to install them to view swf and edit fla correctly) after all my mods done I published it to swf file and opened local file with browser, everything was working perfectly at this moment. Then I asked my friend if it could upload it on his server to check if this website looks the same on the web. I noticed that text (which is written with custom font that was included) is either missing or misplaced

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Flash :: Professional - Animation Working In Program Preview - Not In Browser With Up To Date Player

Mar 27, 2012

After hitting next on this animation you can see there appears to be blank areas on the animation. If you mouse over them you will see buttons appear which is their "over state." When I publish the animation and preview it in Adobe Flash CS5.5 all the buttons are visible and work correctly. It is only in the brower (chrome, firefox, safari) with up to date Flash Player that is is not working. This is happening in a number of animations I created originally in CS4 last year, and am updating them as CS5.5 using AS3.

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Actionscript 3 :: Security Sandbox To Test Locally With Remote Files?

Aug 30, 2010

If I have a flash file that I'd like to test locally (on my computer) but I have video files on a flash video server and photos on another server, is there an easy way to set up my flash file so I can do this?

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Actionscript :: Download Multiple Large Files And Saving Locally - URLStream Or URLLoader?

Feb 17, 2011

This is absolutely driving me crazy. While I'm a fan of the availability of asynchronous calls in AIR, I'm finding that being forced to use them for something that should be SUPER simple is a severe limitation. So severe that I may end up abandoning AIR and writing native Android and iOS apps instead of using the shared AIR platform.

OK, now that I have that off my chest, here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I have an app that, when deployed, is relatively small. But once deployed to a user's device that user will log in using a login name/password. Once they log in, content specific to that user needs to be downloaded and saved to the local device. Since the content varies by user I can't include it in the package for deployment.

But I cannot figure out how to accomplish this: say I want to download 10 files and each file is 2-3mb and I want to show a "Downloading, please wait..." view during the download. The application cannot proceed until all 10 files are downloaded. But since from what I've seen URLStream and URLLoader are both async I cannot figure out how to block the app from opening the "View available content" and say on the "Downloading, please wait..." view.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Can't Open .fla Files Or Lose Files/graphics?

Mar 20, 2010

I installed Flash CS4 Professional trial version for school use.  It wouldn't install successfully.  I deleted the font files the troubleshooting guide said to, tried again, but gave up. (I'm afraid to run regedit and mess up everything else I have loaded.)  (I previously had the Fireworks CS4 trial version loaded, then uninstalled it.)  My problem is this- I have it running, but it saves files and then they can't be opened, even if I use the save function often- it's worse when I create the file, test the movie and then save.If I try to open it again, it says "cannot open file."  Once it opened a copy I had saved, and it appeared blank, even though it was 544 kb file size.  I only need it for a few more days, one more assignment and I'm afraid my previous files are corrupt.  I have Windows Vista Home Edition.

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