Actionscript :: Coldfusion - Rounding Bug When Dividing Then Multiplying

Oct 20, 2011

I am doing the following in actionscript in Coldfusion Flash Forms:

90 / 3.7

Gives me:


Whereas the calculator gives me:


Note the extra 2 at the end.

So my problem occurs when I am trying to get the original value of 90 by taking the 24.3243243243243 * 3.7 and then I get 89.9999999999 which is wrong.

Why is Actionscript truncating the value and how do I avoid this so I get the proper amount that the calculator gets?

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Warning: Failed to load policy file from http://localhost/crossdomain.xml
* Security Sandbox Violation *
Connection to http://localhost/flex2gateway/ halted - not permitted from file://ourServer/folder/ourProject/bin-debug/ourProject.swf

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Coldfusion - Create A Treemap And Depict It Through Flex?

Jun 9, 2011

So basically what I'm trying to do is make something like this:[URL]... I've searched long and hard to find a site that would show me some pseudocode (at least) or an algorithm as to how to implement this type of application. But everything I find are only applications that take in data and do all the work for me to create the graph. I need to actually create it for myself, just a simple one for now. Does anyone know where I can find this? What I want it to do is take data from a database and use it to create the treemap, then express it in a GUI like in the link above. If any specifics are needed I can provide it. I'm trying to do this in Flash Builder using Flex and using ColdFusion as the backend.

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However, the code I am placing in the Actions panel:

function PartsList_Result(result) {
DataGlue.bindFormatStrings(test_cb, result, "#name#", "#partsID#");

doesn't appear to be working correctly. The only result I see is a blank box that when I hit the arrow, the first item in the query is returned. From what I have read, I thought that the code above would be all I need. So I'm not sure why:

1. The first item is not automatically selected

2. The rest of the list is not there.

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Nov 26, 2009

I've developed a project with the help of kglad in which the user enters in a numerical amount into an input text box and 3 other boxes (dynamic text boxes) display numerical amounts based on that input.With the great help of kglad I have gotten everything to work just perfectly except that those 3 boxes don't round off the results they display.
For example, if I input 265.35 into tf1 (text field 1), tf2 displays 132.675, tf3 displays 66.3375, and tf4 dispalys 132.675. Now according to the math that is programmed, that is correct. But I need them to display: 132.68, 66.34, and 132.68, either rounding up or down accordingly.

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