Professional :: Multiplying The Alpha Value?

Oct 7, 2010

I have this code:


It is called recursively. The problem is the alpha value augments, apparently multiplying itself. Why? I successfully remove the child.

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Actionscript Code:
on (release) {duplicateMovieClip("movie", "movie2", 1);}

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Oct 11, 2011

When multiplying a floating point number that is very close to 1 with an int > 0, can it ever be interpreted as 1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Practice For Multiplying Swf In Flash Page?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiplying Numbers With Decimal Points?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a function that adds the values of an array together and displays the output in a textArea(myText).
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Oct 20, 2011

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90 / 3.7

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Note the extra 2 at the end.

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Why is Actionscript truncating the value and how do I avoid this so I get the proper amount that the calculator gets?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Best Practice For Multiplying Swf In Flash Page

Oct 16, 2010

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Mar 20, 2008

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Mar 29, 2010

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reviewQ.calcBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, calcAns);
function calcAns(e:MouseEvent):void
reviewQ.calcAns_text.text = "Your calculated result is " +

Right now, all I am getting is the actual values entered in the text fields and selected in the combo boxes. How can I get the sum of this values to show on my "calcAns_text.text"?

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Professional :: Should Alpha Tween Go 1 To 100 To 1 Or 1 To None To 1

Sep 27, 2010

I have a line that starts invisible then becomes solid then invisible again. First keyframe is alpha 1%, should the two keyframes that follow next in the timeline where it shows as full strength colour be left alone, showing still as colour>none in properties, or should I choose alpha and 100% ? Last keyframe again sees it given alpha 1%. ( I was told dont use 0% as it causes flash more work !)What is best practice here? I have many of these to do so leaving keyframes as 'none' for colour would make life much quicker.

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Professional :: Best Way To Tween Alpha In Code?

Jun 2, 2010

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Mar 3, 2011

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However, the films I have on my site are now playing back with a very "jerky" behaviour and not smooth at all. I tried compressing the film as much as possible, but it's still not working as before. The site in question is [URL] if you would like to see for yourself. I've tried it on both my laptop, which is even worse, and my fairly powerful dual core 64 bit stationary PC.

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Professional :: Integrating Video With Alpha Channel?

May 9, 2007

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Professional :: View Layers As Outlines Even With Alpha Set To 0?

Jan 7, 2010

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Professional :: Unable To Use Alpha And Outline Mode?

Mar 3, 2010

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Mar 17, 2010

have trouble with the Alpha slider (Color Effect>Alpha) not going all the way to 0% or 100%? A lot of the time, I can only get up to 99% or down to 1%, even if I manually enter values into the textbox accompanying the slider. Some of the time, it will not even take a manual entry in the textbox. For example, if the slider is set at 65%, I can enter 0%, and it will just go right back to 65%.

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Professional :: Controlling Alpha On Embedded Fonts?

Apr 13, 2010

There's a site I'm working on I have the alpha on the navigation buttons set to 0.2 the text appears with full alpha as I want  I have a nice Old English font I want to use but when I embed the font it takes on the alpha settings of the background.I set the alpha for the text field to 1 but the text remains at 0.2.n how to set the alpha of a container without affecting the embedded text in it or to set the alpha on the embedded text independently?

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Professional :: Repositioning An Alpha Tween From The Stage?

Jul 6, 2010

attempting to reposition an alpha tween on the stage.
i'd like to do this without creating another keyframe that changes the position of the alpha tween.

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Professional :: Changes The Alpha Of Both The Black Field And The Text

Oct 25, 2010

I have imported an object "DD_dropdown_clip" from the stage with this code:


The object is a black field. The fn "setup" writes text on this field. The problem with the code commented out is that it changes the alpha of both the black field and the text, whereas I simply want to change the alpha of the black field. How can I do this? Can I do it in the IDE?

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Professional :: Alpha Tween Not Working Properly

Jan 5, 2011

If I have this line of code:
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(contHolderMain, "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 100, 100, true);
contHolderMain's alph value should move from 0 to 100 in 100 seconds, but it only take about 5.

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Professional :: Experience Effects Of AVI With Alpha Channel?

Nov 29, 2011

Is there any SWF to Video converters can convert flash to AVI with 32-bit RGBA transparency? Whats good?

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Professional :: Default Colors In Flash CS4 With Alpha Settings?

Mar 15, 2010

In Flash CS3 you could set a default color with an alpha setting.  I have not found a way to do this in CS4.  Is there a way?  Its nice to have some default colors for shading that are easy to get to.

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Professional :: Looped Playback: Alpha Tween End With Start?

Apr 20, 2010

Is it possible to alpha tween (or any tween) the end of an animation with the start?For example, here we have a simple animation that alpha tweens three images with looped playback (keyframes capitalized):
IMAGE X: xxxxxxxxxxxxX--->X
IMAGE Y:             Y--->YyyyyyyyyY--->Y
IMAGE Z:                           Z--->Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Image X alpha tweens with Y, and Y alpha tweens with Z.Is it possible to alpha tween image Z with image X when the playback loops?

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Professional :: Alpha Fade On A Type Symbol Won't Publish?

Jun 14, 2010

First project in CS5 upgrading from CS3. I've got a very simple movieclip. A couple of layers of jpgs that pop in, scale up and run to the end of the clip. Two layers of type I have set in Flash and converted to symbols on separate layers. I did an old school tween and set the first frame symbol to an alpha of 0, and the last frame of the tween to 100%. I scrub the playhead and it works fine. I've done this thousands of times in Flash back through Flash 4.
I add the movie clip to the main timeline, give it a little alpha fade in to the main sequences and when I test or Publish the movie, it doesn't render the alpha fade on the type. It's as though the tween isn't there at all the type pops on screen full strength.Everything else works. All the tweened scaling, a couple of other alpha fades on other art symbols, but the type fade doesn't render.
I even went in and re-did the fades as motion effects. Scrub the playhead - looks good.Test or publish, there's nothing. 

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Professional :: Alpha Value Option Is Not Show Up On The Properties Menu?

Sep 19, 2010

where the Alpha Value is located?  It is not show up on the properties menu. I'm trying to animate and object to fade in and out similar to this walk through.  CS flash 5 seems be different.

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