Actionscript :: Count The X And Y Coordinates Of A Point From The Object's Rotation (angle) And Leg's Length?

Feb 2, 2012

how I can count the B point's coordinates (see attached image... or not as I am a new!). I know the arrow's rotation - so the angle (let's say it is -120), A's coordinates (0, 0) - A is the middle point of the arrow, and that the distance between A and B is 50 px.

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function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void


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[AS]var angle:Number = 180;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("temp", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Correction Applied To The Rotation Y Angle When Using PerspectiveProjection?

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var squares:Array = [c1, c2, c3];


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<label>History of Smoking</label>


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ActionScript Code:
// setting variables
var centerX = Stage.width/2;    // Stage Center X
var centerY = Stage.height/2;   // Stage Center Y


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Mar 5, 2010

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import flash.geom.Matrix;
import fl.motion.*;
var mat:Matrix = clip.transform.matrix;
function EnterFrame3(event:Event) {
var center_point_x = clip.height / 2
var center_point_y = clip.width / 2 //
clip.transform.matrix = mat;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Atan2 Outputs The Following Angle Scheme - Assuming The Point Relative To Which The Math Is Done Is In The Center Of The Circle

Sep 16, 2011

So let's begin. I want to build a wheel which you can spin, similar to a roulette wheel. You can do this both ways (CW and CCW, this issue causing the bug, actually). The wheel has some acceleration to it too, and I achieve this by measuring the start and final angle of the drag movement, using Math.atan2(dy, dx). The problem is the following: atan2 outputs the following angle scheme, assuming the point relative to which the math is done is in the center of the circle.

atan2 returns a value measured in radians, so I'm using the classic angle*180/Math.PI formula. I've changed this original scheme into the following, using some simple math to shift the angles a bit, to resemble more accurate circle angles (going up to 360 degrees) The problem that I'm facing at the moment is should the user decide he wants to swipe clockwise, and moves through the right point, where 0 turns into 360 or 180 turns into -180, the whole angle difference thing is capsized. It registers a CCW movement (as if the user swiped his mouse all around the circle). So, I'm looking for some ideas as to how I can work around this small issue.

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Flash :: Export Animation Data - X And Y Coordinates And Rotation Values For Individual Images In A Sequence?

Mar 22, 2011

From Pro Adobe flash can I export an animation's data? like the x and y coordinates and rotation values for individual images in a sequence

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Designate Coordinates Of The Point Between Two Other Points?

Sep 19, 2009

I have two point p1 and p2 and I want to designate coordinates of the point that is exactly between them. So I used the Point.distance method to designate the distance between them but I don't know what to do next to achieve my goal.

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Dial In Anchor Point For 3D Rotation?

Jul 13, 2009

Flash knows where the anchor point is in 3D space in order for the symbol to rotate around it, but I can't seem to figure out how to see the coordinates of the anchor point or type in new ones. Please tell me how to do this. I am already very annoyed that Lynda, a pay service, doesn't think this is vital information. Apparently they think we would never want to do anything more visually stimulating than one simple spinning logo! But I digress...

Just to be clear, I know how to move the anchor point visually on the stage, but I want accuracy. I want to be able to give two symbols the exact same coordinates to rotate around.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Rotation Center Point?

Jul 9, 2010

I am new in action script 3... i am not able to rotate movie clip from center point(movile clip is a containear holding many clips).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation Around A Point, With Easing?

Jan 6, 2012

I have encountered a need to build what amount to classic boardgame spinner.

1. When you click on the spinner it spins clockwise

2. There are several places where it can stop.

When the user clicks the spinner I run a method to determine where (what target) it should stop on.

How can I make the spinner spin a few times, decrease in speed (ease) then stop at a certain angle?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting The Rotation Point?

Oct 26, 2004

i'm working on a flash game at the moment, and i would like to know if i am able to set the point that the movieclip rotates around using actionscript.

i don't want to do it by simply moving all of the contents of the movieclip closer or nearer. is there any other way of doing it? i couldn't find any simple functions for it. am i just going to have to use some complicated maths?

[edit] rotation point, aka, registration point.[/edit]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Rotation Point?

Nov 14, 2007

I am making a 'simple' template builder in flash which allows the user to add/remove text boxes and images to the stage.
I can rotate any of the movieClips fine but it rotates from the top left and i want it to rotate from midpoint. Is there a way to set the midpoint/rotation point using actionscript?

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