C# :: Flash - Video Displaying Wonky In WinForms WebBrowser Control?

Oct 11, 2011

Here is the issue. I'm making a web browser for my 3 year old so that I can specify which sites he can go to and make it easy for him to get to those sites. One of the sites that I have specified is the Disney Junior site. However, when I load up that site in the WebBrowser control the flash is kinda wonky. This is the only flash site that does this. The top and side nav are like twice the size they should be. This has happened on multiple machines, so it's not just my dev box. Also, the site looks just fine in IE9. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is happening, but I'm running dry on ideas.

At first I though it had something to do with zoom in IE, so I created a new control inherited from the WebBrowser control and added a zoom property, but that didn't fix it. Then I thought maybe the User Agent string might be an issue so I tried modifying it to no avail ... plus it turns out that the WebBrowser control identifies itself as IE9 anyway ... so that's not it. I've thought about using GeckoFX or Webkit.NET, but those projects are both way out of date, so I would rather use something more modern like the built in IE control (ironic, I know)

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Oct 24, 2010

I am trying to make myself a simple metacafe uploader, and I am using the webbrowser to do that. Everything was working great with loggin in, navigating to upload page etc... I used the HtmlElement and setAttribute/Invoke to click and set the text fields:

HtmlElement password = wb.Document.All["sPass"];
assword.SetAttribute("value", this.password);

Now I have a problem. To upload a video to metacafe, you first need to click on a flash button caleld Upload. There, a window appears to select a file, and after you press OK, the upload begins and you can enter the form information. My question is this: How can I enter the video file without seeing a popup window? Knowing that it's flash . Here is how the flash object looks: [URL] Above I copied only the part from the upload page that it's important to me. As you can see, a simple flash file appears. Now I want to simulate the click/enter of file without showing the file window.

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Unfortunately, Mr. K wasn't very specific, and all he left behind for people reading his question was that he "got the handle and then iterated through the handles." I'm not extremely sure what he meant by that. I iterated through all visible handles using EnumWindows to no avail, as that did not return a window that was a flash window.

EDIT: I've just settled on inserting an SWF Object into my form and posting messages to the handle of that.

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1119 Access of possibly undefined property printOut through a reference with static type flash.net:LocalConnection

Here is the actionscript:

var feedback = "";
var receiving_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();


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import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
public function init():void {
var item:Object;
var array:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....

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Sep 26, 2009

I am trying to use HTML to embed a flash video, however I encounter the following errors:

Error #2044: Unhandled skinError:. text=[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=" Error #2035: URL Not Found. URL: SkinOverPlaySeekStop.swf"] Here is my HTML code:


Whenever I open the page I'll get a popup window with the above errors and once I click "continue" it will go ahead and play the video, but without the control skin. how to get the skin to show up?

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Flvplayback - Create Flash Video Swf Without An External Control Swf

Sep 9, 2010

Creating a simple video for embedding by importing a video into flash creates a separate swf for the controls. Is there a way to have the controls embedded in the main SWF, so you don't have to worry about paths to the control swf?

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Javascript :: Control The Video When Flash Takes Over From HTML5?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a HTML5 video with jquery hooking into the player like so: video.currentTime += 1; But when IE comes along and insists on using Flash plugins, none of my JQ will work - How am i supposed to control the video when Flash takes over from HTML5?

The player im falling back to is JQplayer as "player.swf"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] Making Buttons To Control A Video In Flash

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I am making buttons to control a video in flash and all is working fine except I would like the fast forward button to continue going forward as you hold it. At the moment I have this code:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: NetStream Video Control Button - Play Video Automatically

Jul 18, 2011

The stop button plays as expected. The play/pause button plays as expected. The issue is when you press pause which will cause the play button to appear, then press stop. the video automatically plays and it shouldn't. I have bolded the control button script for convenience.


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Flash has an API to control the volume for a Sound object. Can volume be controlled like this currently or is there support planned for <audio> or <video> html5 elements?

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Actionscript :: Control The Depth (layer Position) Of A Flash Video?

Jun 4, 2009

I would like to place a video object above one movieClip instance ("mc"), but below another movieClip instance ("mc_top").

I instantiated the _root.flashVid object by dragging a "New Video..." from the Library to the stage, and giving it the instance name "flashVid".

I create mc, then paint a blue box, then I create mc_top, and paint a yellow box. The flashVid instance is on the Stage (_root) from the beginning. Now how do I get the flashVid above "mc" but below "mc_top"?

// Create movieclips and paint boxes.
var mc:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("test",
mc.beginFill(0x0000ff, 50);


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