Center Movie Element Horizontally?

Sep 9, 2009

How do I horizontally center 1 element in my flash movie, so when the movie resizes it stays in the center.Im guessing Iconvert it to a movie clip,

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<mx:LinkButton label="Tag1" />
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Actionscript 3 :: Center One Image Horizontally?

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var xPoint= stage.stageWidth / 2 - imgWidth / 2;

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Keep Center Of The Movie In The Center Of The Scree Regardless Of Browser Size?

Mar 23, 2009

My flash movie is 1440x900 but the area where all the important stuff happens in within 1024x768, i am trying to keep the middle in the center regardless of browers size or aspect ratio.

I can center the page but it doesn't work as i need it to. If the browers is small (1024x768) the swf is justified against the left edge, but not keeping the middle in the middle of the brower.

[URL] is an example of exactly what i am trying to achieve.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flip A Movie Clip Horizontally

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MC.scaleX *=-1;

I can drag the MovieClip from left to right and reverse way across Stage with the mouse. So how do I write a function here to illustrate the above?

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May 10, 2010

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May be this extremely confusing. Here is a very similar example on how it is done. This is actually very similar to what i want to do. [URL] on this link there is count below which increments you hit the download button.

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Center Component In Movie Clip?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm try to build a photo gallery using the flash components SlideShowPro and ThumbGrid. I have put ThumbGrid inside a movie clip called thumbs_mc that slides in and out when you mouse over it to show or hide the thumbs. That part is working, but I would like to have the stage and thumbs_mc resize to the browser width with ThumbGrid centered inside thumbs_mc.

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thumbs_mc.x = (sw/2) - (thumbs_mc.my_tg.width/2);
thumbs_mc.y = sh-25;

View 7 Replies

Center Flash Movie In Webbrowser?

Jan 13, 2009

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Center Align Movie Clips?

Mar 15, 2009

How to Center Align the movie clips you have in the library when you call them through actionscript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center A Movieclip In The Movie?

Jul 22, 2006

Is there a way to center a movieclip in the movie? I have my SWF resizing to 100% wide but not height in the html document.Is there a way, maybe with actionscript, that you can cetner the movieclip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find Center Of Movie?

Sep 26, 2003

How do you find the center of a movie that has has been loaded by loadMovie();

This is the method I was using, but now that it is in a .swf that has been loaded it's stoped working

xcenter = box._x + ( box._width /2);

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting An FLVplayback Component Within A Nested Movie Element?

Oct 24, 2009

I'm trying to get my own buttons to load FLV movies into the FLVplayback component. I've got it to work in a simple test but making it work on a more complex level. The test is here I've named the FLVplayback instance 'my_video'The simple buttons have this script in the actions:

n (release) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Path To Movie Clip Element Of A Button?

Jul 16, 2004

I'm trying to figure out how to use AS to access frames of a movie clip within a button symbol (using Flash MX 2004), and I seem to be stuck. I drafted a small test version of the FLA I'm working on, and it is attached to this message.

Specifically, my intention is to have a two-state button that goes into "selected mode" after the first mouse click, and then goes back to normal after a 2nd click. I can already handle the functional aspect of this using a global boolean like the one in the attached file. The problem is that I want to represent the current status of the button with a visual change; in the attached example FLA, the intention was to change the color of the text label on this button from grey to red when the button is in its "selected" state.

In this forum I found a similar question where someone had provided a "menu.fla" that had a row of buttons that acted more or less like a radio set, which is somewhat similar to my need. I've been trying to use the same sort of method, having converted the "up" state of the button text into a movie clip symbol with two frames (one for each state), and then trying to use AS to do a "gotoAndStop()" on the desired frame of the up label animation. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to actually make this work ... no matter what sort of path I try to use to get to the movie clip animation within the button, I cannot seem to set the text animation to jump to the "selected" frame (2).

I think my problem is that I've been unable to glean any understanding from the Flash MX docs about the differences between an object name and a symbol name and an identifier and an instance name and a blah blah blah, or about which of them (if any) actually is an ID that can be accessed via ActionScript. Also, MX 2004 seems to provide almost no compile-time error checking on the validity of a target path either, so I've been reduced to just throwing every combination at it that I can think of. None have worked, so I'm at a loss.

If anyone can explain to me why the attached FLA doesn't cause the text to stay red after a mouse click, no matter which of the commented out lines I try, it would undoubtedly be a big help to me.

(Please note that the button in this FLA uses a basic flashing animation for mouseovers ... it was just something quick to implement to emulate the mouseover animation in my full file, so please don't be distracted by it. Also note that I haven't tried to implement any code to return the button to a non-selected status yet. One thing at a time.)

RESOLVED: It was apparently the nesting of a movieclip inside of a button that prevented the original target path from working (and one of the tutorials at this website seems to support that). Once I knew what the proper path syntax was and didn't have to worry about that part anymore, eventually the rest fell into place pretty easily once I started using a movieclip for the button rather than an actual button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target Path To Movie Clip Element Of A Button

Jul 16, 2004

I'm trying to figure out how to use AS to access frames of a movie clip within a button symbol (using Flash MX 2004), and I seem to be stuck. I drafted a small test version of the FLA I'm working on, and it is attached to this message. Specifically, my intention is to have a two-state button that goes into "selected mode" after the first mouse click, and then goes back to normal after a 2nd click. I can already handle the functional aspect of this using a global boolean like the one in the attached file. The problem is that I want to represent the current status of the button with a visual change; in the attached example FLA, the intention was to change the color of the text label on this button from grey to red when the button is in its "selected" state.

In this forum I found a similar question where someone had provided a "menu.fla" that had a row of buttons that acted more or less like a radio set, which is somewhat similar to my need. I've been trying to use the same sort of method, having converted the "up" state of the button text into a movie clip symbol with two frames (one for each state), and then trying to use AS to do a "gotoAndStop()" on the desired frame of the up label animation. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to actually make this work ... no matter what sort of path I try to use to get to the movie clip animation within the button, I cannot seem to set the text animation to jump to the "selected" frame (2).


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Center A Flash Movie Vertically On A Page?

Aug 6, 2009

It used to be so easy to centre a flash movie in the center of a web page, but the days of aligning a movie in the center of a 100% x 100% table are over!

how it is done now a days? I'm guessing it's done using CSS code, but I'm a noob when it comes to CSS.

show me the code they would use to center a flash movie (dimensions 955px by 664px) horizontally and vertically on a web page?

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When Add Animation To Library, Movie Clip Goes Far From Center?

Jan 10, 2010

when i add my animation to library movie clip goes far from center, why is this happening and how can i fix it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie In The Center Of Movie Clip

Mar 31, 2010

(using actionscript 2.0) I have a mc titled 'mc_othersitterimage1' Within 'mc_othersitterimage1' I have one layer with a simple shape that measures 85px x 85px, and I have another layer that has this actionscript on it:

this._width = 30;
this._height = 30;

('perfectsitterimageURL1' is a variable for an image url. All of the images are NOT the exact same size.) I'd like the image to load in the center of my 85x85 pixel square. I have the registration point in the center of 'mc_othersitterimage1', but it still doesn't seem to work

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting The Center Of A Movie Clip?

Mar 18, 2009

I am getting some overlap issues when I'm using the hitTestObject function to determine if I am over a particular target area. Is there anyway I can have the center of my movie clip determine if it's over the target area instead of using the whole clip? I am using:


It is the "mc" that i would like to use the center point instead of the whole movie clip.

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