Flash :: Access Variable In Added Movie Clip?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm in class file right now and made a new movie clip using the linkage name

var mc = new ExampleLinkageName();

all good, I can see mc on the stage. In the ExampleLinkageName movieclip, I have a variable defined in it (on the physical timeline) called test.

In my class, I try trace(mc.test) and I get null. how I can read that variable?

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AS3 :: Flash :: Access Variable Of Parent Movie Clip?

May 24, 2011

How to access variable of parent movie clip in child movie clip in Action script 3.0

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Catch A Variable Content (set On The Main Timeline) From A Movie Clip Added To The Stage?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm trying to catch a variable content (set on the main timeline) from a movie clip added to the stage. I need to set a condition with that variable, so here's my line :

Code: Select allif (MovieClip(root).screenMode == ("full"))

But it's not working, I'm also trying to trace the variable with that command :

Code: Select alltrace(MovieClip(root)[screenMode]);

But this doesn't work too.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Access Variable Within Child Movie Clip

Sep 9, 2009

I have a flash file which uses php to manipulate a database and returns a variable (data_xml) of xml formated data from the database. This happens, along with other things, within the parent. Now I have a child movieclip that displays the parsed data but I am having trouble accessing the variable from within the child movieclip. The code related to this is:

var myXML:XML = new XML();var myXML = XML(event.currentTarget.root.data_xml);

and I get the following two errors which point to the second line as the problem:

1151: A conflict exists with definition myXML in namespace internal.

Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.

I have unchecked "Automatically declare stage instances" because I've seen that suggested for the 1151: error, but I still get the same two errors.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Added Clip Via Code?

Oct 19, 2010

I want to access a clip that I dragged onto the stage , claed it mcBlocker and I am trying to access it from another clip thats in another layer but same frame and the code is inside that second clip: this is the code:

trace("::"+(this.parent as MovieClip).mcBlocker);
for(var i:int=0;i<this.stage.numChildren;i++){


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Professional :: Line Added To Movie Clip Doesn't Appear?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm trying to add a line to a movie clip. When I trace the width of the lineadded it traces correctly, but the line doesn't appear. If I do everything the same but add the line to the stage instead of the movie clip it does appear. I know this is one of those cases where I can't see the forest fro the trees but

Here's the relevant code:
var xAxis = new Shape(); graph_mc.addChild(xAxis); xAxis.graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 1) xAxis.graphics.moveTo(startX, startY); xAxis.graphics.lineTo(maxX, startY) xAxis.name =


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild For Movie Clip That Was Added In Another Function?

Jun 9, 2011

I have 3 different functions for my preloader.  I have an Event.OPEN, ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, and an Event.COMPLETE.  In the event.OPEN function, I create a new variable that is data typed to the class name of my preloader that I set in it's property dialogue box.  This is just a simple circle animation.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking If Movie Clip Chiled Is Added?

Aug 3, 2011

I have few movie clips that are added and removed automaticly by users choice. The problam is I can't find a correct "if" condition that will check if the movie clip exists before I remove it. This is the part of the code:

function removeAnimation():void {  if(Boolean(getChildByName('wheelChair'))){  removeChild(wheelChair);  chairTimer.stop();  }}

I tryed getChildByName and everything I could find in google and came up empty

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Added Movie Clip Won't Animate

Oct 2, 2009

I am working on a project where i have been given an FLA that has lots of images contained in movieclips that animate when you roll over them. These animations are all contained on the timeline of each separate movieclip, so the code was basically a lot of gotoAndPlay("2") statements and so on.

I have been given it to work on because the different movieclips need to go to a URL read in from an XML file when clicked on, and i have this part working no problem.

I also need to be able to read in image paths taken from the same XML file as the urls, and load these images into a movieclip holder within the movieclips on the main timeline. However the problem that i am having is once the images are loaded into img_holder which is placed inside a movieclip they will not animate on that movieclip's timeline.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Through Array?

Feb 11, 2012

i made a movie clip name floor, and inside it are movieclips called plan0, plan1, plan2, plan2, and so on.

so to make it easy, it put the movieclips inside the floor movieclip into an array, like this:

daFloor = new Array();
for(a=0; a<10; a++){
daFloor[a] = "plan"+a


both didn;t work. how to access the inside movieclips through array;

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Professional :: Added A Movie Clip To A Loaded .swf And Now It Won't Load Get Error #1056?

Mar 4, 2012

was all working fine until I added a simple shape movieclip (rectangle that I want to have visible and invisible) now just by adding this MC I get this error..

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property largeframe on aavariable.
at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
at flash.display::Sprite()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Drag And Drop Works Until Content Added To Movie Clip Using Loadmovie

Apr 21, 2008

I have a blank movie clip on the stage with drag and drop capabilities and it works fine!!

That is, until i call the loadmovie() function and attach an image into the empty movie clip.

why the movie clip is no longer draggable when content is loaded into it?

function downloadImage(file:Object):Void {
var Pic = "./files/" + file;
loadMovie(Pic, "_root.imageLoader");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Movie Clip Within A Movie Clip (hitTestObject)?

May 22, 2011

I'm making obstacles for my game, and basically what I have is a movieclip called char on the maintimeline and a movieclip called floor.. within the movieclip floor i put a movieclip called obstacle in. What I want to do is check to see if char hit obstacle, so itd be like hitTestObject(floor.obstacle) then make the main timeline go to frame 2..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible On Flash To Access Inside Movie Clip Of External Swf File?

Dec 23, 2011

Is it possible on flash to access inside a movie clip of an external swf file?im trying to link this button which is currently inside a movieclip to the frame inside this movieclip of an external swf.[code]

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Flash :: AS3 Add Movie Clip To Stage Using Variable Which Holds The MC Name

Dec 1, 2010

how to add a movie clip to the stage from the library but i'm strugling to do it when the I need to load a movie clip from the library when the name of the movie clip is held in a variable.

for(var i:Number = 0; i < 64; i++)
var blueIconS:blueIcon = new blueIcon();


The above code works for adding the blueIcon but I have a variable in that loop which tells which icon to load.


The above will tell me what MC name to load but how do I load a MC from library by that variable value?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Using A Variable To Target A Movie Clip

Apr 15, 2012

It doesn't really seem to say anywhere which version of Actionscript he uses, but at least it seems to show that what I'm trying to do is possible for someone, which is a start.

I'm trying to do exactly what he describes--I have several squares on a grid that are numbered, eg. grid_0101, grid_0102, grid_0103, and so on, for about 100 squares altogether, and I want to be able to target a given square dynamically.

This is the basis of the code I started with:

var digsquare_x:String = "01";
var digsquare_y:String = "03";
var digthis:String = "grid_" + digsquare_x + digsquare_y;
this[digthis]._alpha = 50;

I don't need to change the alpha specifically, I was just trying to see if I could get it to affect a given square in any way, and apparently the answer is no. I know that the value of "digthis" is accurate, but even blatantly telling it to refer to _level10[digthis] still gives me no results. Neither does _root.level10[digthis] which I tried just to see if it would work.

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Adding To A Variable And Removing A Movie Clip?

Mar 23, 2012

The portal in my game is suppose to be unlocked after you collect all the coins. The portal is locked but when I go over a coin it neither adds to the variable or removes the movie clip by instance name of coin1 coin2 and coin 3.also if the remove movie clip doesnt need _root I've already tried it without it I know that is not the problem.

var openportal = 0;
function moveStuff() {
//-Very long code that is working. [code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Calling Variable From Scene To Movie Clip?

Dec 9, 2011

tes is a movie clip.when i click zkanada button. movie clip will appear and play from frame 1.

//scene 1
var detail_temp:String=null;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete A Variable Containing A Movie Clip Class And Recreate It With A Different Movie Clip Class?

Jul 1, 2009

In my project are pages of text with each word having a button that when pressed will display a movieclip presentation about that word (its pronounciation and spelling etc..). In the project I am working on now I have over 450 unique presentations of words to deal with. I don't want to have all of these hundreds of movie clips on the stage and tell them one at a time to stop and rewind and then have one play each time a word button is pressed. That seems to be very inefficient to me.

add movieclips to the stage using addChild(movieclipname) and remove them using removeChild(movieclipname) but there is a problem. I have hundreds of unique movieclips and I don't want to have to manage hundreds of variables containing the indivudual movieclip instancess. It is a real pain having to figure out what instance is still on the stage before i delete it.In Adobe Director all I have to do is this:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Movie Clips' _y Inside A Movie Clip?

Jun 14, 2007

i got a school flash project where i need to access the _y properties of many movie clips buttons that set with name like sel 1 sel2 sel 3 and so on the problem is i have 2 sets of those, one on the main timeline which i can access with "for" looped _root["sel"+i]._y and one which is inside another movieclip problem is i don't know how to access the later using for loop? this is the script that i used to access the _y on the _root.selx


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Actionscript 3 :: Access A Graphic That Has Been Added To The Stage In Adobe Flash Pro (CS5)?

Sep 26, 2011

I added a graphic to the stage and I need to access it from actionscript

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Professional :: Access To Movie Clip From An Other MC?

Nov 11, 2011

I wonder how can i find the place or the target of a movie clip i working in.So, i have a movie clip on frame 50 of the root flash;=> On that movie clip 'player' i have a mediaDisplay with an instance name 'video' and in the some movie clip i have another mc 'play'so, how can i access to instance video from mc play.

var = '../.video'
var = _root.video.player.video ;


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Dynamic Access Movie Clip Child?

May 14, 2009

I have an mc called parent_mc.. inside that is child_mc... now if i do in AS2

parents = new Array();
childs = new Array();
parents = [parent_mc];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Movie Clip Timeline?

Oct 2, 2008

I'm designing an interface which lets the user control the timeline of a movie clip, by dragging a slider up or down with the mouse. And I can now drag the slider around, an archivement for which I am way proud. But I have some problems:

1) When the user drag the curser away from the slider movie clip and let go of the mouse buttom, the MOUSE_UP is not detected. I need a way to detect a MOUSE_UP in general.

2) The current frame of mcTheAnimation should always be locked to the vertical position of the slider. How do I access the timeline of that movie clip?[URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Movie Clip From A Class?

Jul 23, 2011

so let's say that i have a movie clip called button_mc on stage in a file called test.fla

how can i access this button from a class (eg: test.as ) to addeventlistener to it

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IDE :: Access Button Inside Movie Clip?

Jan 5, 2010

i have this code in an as layer within a movie clip called pages

ss_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,reportCli ck);
function reportClick (myevent:MouseEvent):void {
// do something in response

but the ss_btn im trying to access is within another movie clip called menu is there a way i can access the button

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Movie Clip From Loaded SWF?

Nov 19, 2010

I have 2 .swf


main.swf loads (using Loader Class of course) application.swf So, i need to do 2 things into main.swf BUT from application.swf I have in main.swf

* BlackBgMC (MovieClip), with a Shape Tween, in Stop on Frame 1
* A Close Buttom that i put invisible in Frame 1

So, FROM .... application.swf in a some point (example Frame 10) i need to get Play the BlackBgMC (that is on main.swf), and the Close Buttom put it Visible.From application.swf i put:


And I always get

"TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties."

How do i gotoAndPlay that MC from application.swf Sames happen with MovieClip(root).CloseButton.visible = true;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access The Movie Clip Using Button?

Dec 18, 2010

I need the following: Using Flash CS4 AS3.

1) GoUp (GoUp is a button to move a square (Box_mc) up)

2) Once it is go up the button label of GoUp to be changed to "GoDown"

3) DoDown (GoDown is a button to move down the square (Box_mc)

4) Once it is go down, the button lablel again to be changed "GoUp"

Just like toggle between GoUp & GoDown buttons.

Note: The Square (Box_mc) is on the same form since there is only one layer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Class From Nested Movie Clip?

Jan 28, 2010

I've instantiated a class on the main timeline where the stage is[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Button Which Is Inside Movie Clip?

Aug 9, 2010

I have one button its name a_btn. this button is inside one move clip name a_mc. this button is on first frame. so when write code for that:
function submit(event:MouseEvent):void
a_mc.a_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submit);

its working. but when i keep this button on 2nd frame or any where not in 1st frame inside that movie clip, then i get runtime error like: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at NewFlashDocument_fla::MainTimeline/NewFlashDocument_fla::frame1(). how can i access that button on second frame...

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