Flash - Attach() Or Listener For Events (such As OnTweenComplete, OnTweenUpdate)?
Feb 18, 2010
I have an instance of an object that starts and stops tweens for sub-movieclips. However I want to do stuff when the tween is finished.So I would like to assign a calling object to events; such as the attach() function does. However when using the attach() function on events it is called right away with the correct object, but when the event is triggered it is called with the object that executed the event (in my case the sub-movieclip).
If that's not possible; something similar to how Mouse events and MouseListeners work would also fit my needs Mouse.addListener(this). By adding a listener for specific events to the current object, then when these events are called they are called on our own object.
var myObject = this;
myMovieClip.onTweenComplete = function() {
I notice in actionscript 3 that when a handler gets called, its able to access the senders properties. If I dispatch an event from my custom class. can all the listeners inherit all my public properties and methods?
The main window is like a dashboard. With the menu bar, I can open other windows with dashboard details. When I close these, I'd like to refresh the main window.
I tried to use an event listener, but the result is not good. If I open detail windows directly from the main window, I know how to add an event listener - and it works - but I don't know how to do it, if the detail window is opening from the menubar!
I am trying to attach a double click property to a listener like this button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, function); but having read the help files it says that this will not work unless you activate the doubleClickEnabled property. But i cant work out how i need to do this!
I have created a map (1 frame movie) at Flash MX 2004, that each area is a movieclip. Each movieclip has a unique name. I am trying to dynamically attach events to each movieclip, by reading their corresponding names from an XML file, with the following code:
Code: areas_xml = new XML(); areas_xml.onLoad = initAreaBtns; areas_xml.load("map_data.xml");
As you can see I am trying to create a roll over effect for each area/movieclip. The problem is that only the last movieclip is affected.
My problem is: 1- When I press FIRST BUTTON I want to Slide My_mc to X position (x position could be for example "0") and after tween (onTweenComplete). I want to load EXTERNAL.SWF ONLY IF I PRESS FIRST BUTTON
2 - When I press SECOND BUTTON I want to Slide My_mc to NEW X position (x position could be for example "250") and now I don't want to load EXTERNAL.SWF onTweenComplete again
EXTERNAL.SWF is still load onTweenComplete when I press SECOND BUTTON as well as FIRST BUTTON
I keep running into problems where I want to add an event listener onto a class instance RIGHT after it's instantiated, like this: Code: storiesXML = new XML(XMLdata); storyBook = new vStories(XML(storiesXML.stories)); storyBook.addEventListener("storyBookLoaded", storyBookLoaded); . . .
But by the time we arrive at the third line, the "storyBookLoaded" event has very often (inconsistent) already been dispatched from my class instance: Code: var evt:Event = new Event("storyBookLoaded", true, false); dispatchEvent( evt ); ...
(Even though quite a lot has happened in the class before that.) To be clear, I don't want to add storyBook as a display child, and even if I did, the addChild() method would have to be called after instantiation of storyBook, so we'd have the same problem. I know I could set a timer in the vStories class to artificially delay the dispatching of the event, but that seems really hack-ish, and would have a real compounding problem if I have to do it too often as everything builds up. How to make sure custom communication events happen after their listeners are set?
This isn't an exact duplicate of AS3: add event listener to loaded swf, actually it seems to be a mirror situation with non-mirror solution..
I have a test flash file that registers its own listener at first frame's actions.
trace("it's going to be OK"); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, aKey);
Unfortunately neither line works when .swf is loaded into another movie. Assuming that stage object is wrong for such situations, which object should be used to get listener?
Is it necessary to rewrite loader in parent swf, as said in the linked question?
I want to have a single event listener for multiple events and depending on the type of event i want to handle them separately.Something similar to Swiz framework see: 'Handling Multiple Events from a Single Method'.i have a piece of code like
var toolOptions:UIComponent=ToolOptions.createToolOptions(type); if (options != null) {[code]....
In above toolOptions is a mxml component which get dynamically created based on 'type'.Also which type of event should be dispatch the event from the component? eg: Event.SELECT. To be more precise the above is basically required for a toolbar.When user selects a tool,he is shown options for a tool and when he selects options,tool should apply them to object on the view.
Can I create a single event listener for all mouse events ?
my understanding is no because: what's happening is that each listener is checking for a string in an event and comparing it for a match against a list which is the listener.
I have multiple items in my app that I would like the user to click on.Some items are completely different classes.The classes dispatch events and then when the events are captured, some modifications are done to the transform properties of a loosely coupled display object.I want two separate classes to dispatch the same type of event, since I already have an image class that draws images based on a given url... I want the classes to dispatch the events, but then I think I want the difference to be detected when the event comes along... i.e., I would like to recognize the 'origin' or 'sub-type' of the event. Some sort of if/then logic would suffice.
I have a movie clip I am using as a button (instance name btn1) and I added an event listener to it (using the following line): btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, animate1); the function "animate1" triggers some small animation when the mouse is over the movieclip. my problem is that the animation is triggered both on mouse over and mouse out events.
how to eliminate previos attach before move to next attach MC..let say as u can see in my code..I just settign the interval..for 2 second..in other to attach the mc on eby one...so how to set up the code so that if the 2nd mc has attach it'll remove the 1st one attach for certain time...and so on..the scenario like this..
mc1 attach after 2 second mc2 attach --> remove mc1 after 2 second
I try to dispatch an error event in an AS3 application:dispatchEvent( new ErrorEvent( ErrorEvent.ERROR, false, false, "my error message"));but I get the following runtime error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::ErrorEvent@2c04239 to com.adobe.protocols.dict.events.ErrorEvent.at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()at my line of code..
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter listener must be non-null.at flash.events::EventDispatcher/removeEventListener() at project1_fla::MainTimeline/btnName()
I am having a weird problem with scope/reference. I am using a loop to preload a number of thumbs in one go, I am creating a different listener for each one on the fly and then passing event handlers for each one of them. This should not be difficult using a loop, but somehow I cannot access the the parent object on my listener and therefore I can't do much with my thumbs after they are loaded.Here is the relevant segment of my code. myThumb_mc is a temporary variable that does not exist when the loop finishes, you can copy and paste this code to test it though. It should work to that extent. (you'll need an image1.jpg to be in the same directory)
Code: var myThumb_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("myThumb_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); myThumb_mc.clipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); myThumb_mc.clipLoader.loadClip("image1.jpg",myThumb_mc);[code].....
The code above works, but it does not look nice and it cannot be the right way of doing this. Long question short, how can I access the parent of a listener from a listener object? ._parent does not work.
Just wanted to ask if there is any advantage for either using mouse click event or touch tap events, when writing apps for mobiles or tablets (for the iphone especially)?
I know that both of them should work fine, but in term of performance, is anyone better? Are there any things I should be aware of when choosing either?
By the way am using actionscript3 to implement the app.
I have an animation that I want to start when clicking on the flash window. However, I've also have some buttons on the stage. If I add an event listener for MouseEvent.CLICK on the stage, then it 'eats up' the events and the buttons don't work.
I've tried some tricks, by adding some invisible buttons on top of the real ones, and use the MOUSE_OVER event to selectively enable/disable the mouseEnabled flag for the stage, but didn't work because it complains that the property or method doesn't exist (which I find odd).
i'm trying to figure out how to reset or refresh clips that are dynamically attached to another clip based on records returned through xml.asically if the user chooses a different filter for the database query I need to be able to refresh a scrolling list made up of clips which will be different based on the filter.this is what I have for a function. I try to use "attachEmptyMovieClip" but to no avail
Code: getAll=function(){ members = getMembers.firstChild.childNodes;
Say I have a symbol MyButton, as a button with the 4 special frames. When you mouse-over/mouse-out an instance, I'd like another object to be affected... text in some text box changing, or the item becoming visible, or similar. I know AS3 but I'm a real noob at CS3. I don't really get how actions work in CS3.
I am randomly calling images in flash from an xml file--now I need to attach a URL to the image.. randomly. The URL needs to be paired with the correct image. Right now the Image and Thumbnail Image are attached.
I have noticed that using the "addEventListener" and coming back into a frame, I get multiple events tied to the same component.The design I am using jumps to an "I" frame (intermediate) and then back to the "M" frame (main) when the user performs an action.I add event listeners to several components when I enter that M frame. What I notice is that the events seem to stack up for a particular component.
For instance, if I enter M frame, N number of times and addEventListener("click", handleEvent) to a radio button, I get N calls to handleEvent when the user clicks on the radio button. I guess this kinda makes sense but is not what I want. I just want one event of a particular type (in this case "click") to be associated with the a particular component. I get around this issue by removing the event(s) in the I frame. Then they get reinstalled in the M frame. Only one at a time.
So, just wondering about this behaviour. Is there a way to check for the number of events that are currently active on a particular component? Better way to handle adding events?
I am designing a music player using JavaScript (jQuery) and HTML5, with Flash AS3 to fall back. Basically what I want to do is to be able to click HTML control elements and have them interact with the flash in order to play/pause and skip tracks in the playlist (playlist JSON file read by JavaScript, passes file ID to AS3, AS3 reads another JSON file to get URL, then plays audio)
This enables me to only use the Flash to play the audio, thus creating the same user experience regardless of HTML5 browser support. I'm assuming I will have to 'listen' for events in AS3, however any pointers in how to engage these events in JS and react to the events in AS3
i'm editing an actionscript 2.0 file, i have a xml files with images urls in the nodes and it works. I have a symbol with id='mysymbol' in the library and it would be great to attach 'mysymbol' over the gallery while other images slide.
I believe this should be a very simple fix, but I cannot for the life of me get this working, and i've been playing with it all day. Basically I am trying to start working with classes, I want to attach a movieclip to a flash movie, from my class [its for a card game style thing]. But when I attach a movie clip, it does not appear on the screen,. It exists, I can trace its .x position etc.
Code: Select allpackage arrayTrial{ import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Deck extends MovieClip{ private var totalCards = -1; [Code] .....