Flash :: Capture Uncaught Exceptions Of AS3 Program?

Jun 4, 2010

I want to log those uncaught exceptions of my as3 program. The problem is, where do those uncaught exceptions go? How can I catch them?

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Javascript :: Catching Uncaught Exceptions?

Apr 20, 2010

In my workplace we are mantaining a lot of ecommerce websites,some coded better than others. On some of those, sometimes uncaught exceptions are thrown, and showed by the alertbox from the flash player debug (If you have it installed).To rise the average user experience I'd like to report all those exceptions throught a in house tool we already have.Is there a way to catch those exceptions?Maybe the flash player debug exposes them to javascript, or in some other way.

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Flash :: Swfloader: Catch All The Exceptions From The Loaded Swf?

Feb 9, 2010

I am loading a swf into another swf using swfloader, I want to catch all the exceptions thrown by the inner swf, is it doable?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start An Unrelated Program (such As Window's Media Player) From Inside Of A Flash Program?

Sep 29, 2010

Is there a way to start an unrelated program (such as Window's media player) from inside of a flash program?

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Flash :: Cross-domain Error - Uncaught Exception: Error Calling Method On NPObject ?

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to emulate (in a limited way) the behavior of JavaScript's XMLHttpRequest object through Flash/ActionScript 3, in order to overcome the same-domain limitation. But I'm discovering that ActionScript has its own limitations in that regard. I admit that I might be mistaken, but from what I understand it is theoretically still possible to do this sort of cross-domain scripting using ActionScript, so long as you get all the permissions right. And that's where I'm running into trouble.

First, I borrowed some open-source code for a class called AjaxRequest, which I have saved as /ajax/AjaxRequest.as. I then created a Flash file called /jsajax.fla which exports to the final SWF file, /jsajax.swf. Now, here's the ActionScript code that comprises the first and only frame of the Flash file:

import ajax.AjaxRequest;

This is the only case I could not get working, and this is the case I need to get working. The first two were really just test scenarios to see if the script was working at all. When I try to run my jsAjax function here, I wind up with an error that shows up twice in Firebug:

uncaught exception: Error calling method on NPObject! [plugin exception: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.].
uncaught exception: Error calling method on NPObject! [plugin exception: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.].

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Javascript :: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected Token %?

Mar 26, 2012

I have a page with multiple YouTube embedded players that I need to listen for events on. I am trying to use the solution posted as the answer to Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery, but I am getting a strange error: (in Chrome 18.0.1025.137 beta-m)Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %That is the extent of the error, including stacktrace. My code is like this:

var onYouTubePlayerReady = function (id) {
var evt = '(function(){})';
alert(eval(evt)); //just to verify that the snippet is syntactically correct


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Actionscript 3 :: Catch ALL Exceptions At Some Top-level?

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Is it possible to catch ALL exceptions at some top-level in Actionscript 3?

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Actionscript 3 :: Catch PHP Exceptions In Flex Without AMFPHP?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm looking for a way to catch an Exception thrown by PHP in Flex using HTTPService. Is it possible to do it without using AMFPHP?

In my current implementation, if an Exception is thrown in PHP, a FaultEvent.FAULT is indeed dispatched on Flex side. The only problem is that the exception's message string is nowhere to be found in FaultEvent.[code]...

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Java :: Handling Custom Exceptions With Throwable Cause In Flex

Mar 8, 2012

I am using a custom java exception to provide the flex client with more info than the exception itself. My exception extends Exception and it has a attribute with the needed info for the client. Well, my problem is the following: when I build my exception if I invoke super() or super("message") the flex client can access all the info properly. But if I build the exception with a Throwable cause, super(cause), then the flex client can only access to stackTrace.

public class MyException extends Exception {
private String errorCode;
public String getErrorCode() {
return errorCode;
} public void setErrorCode(String errorCode) {
[Code] ......

By using MyException(String msg) the flex client can access to errorCode
By using MyException(Throwable cause) the flex client can't access to errorCode

In the flex side the code is:
var faultEvent : FaultEvent = FaultEvent( event );
var errorMessage:ErrorMessage = faultEvent.message as ErrorMessage;
var codeError:String = errorMessage.rootCause.errorCode;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add An Exit Button Onto Program So When Its Clicked It Exits The Program Completely

Nov 4, 2008

Im trying to add an exit button onto my program so when its clicked it exits the program completely.. I've tried some of the suggestions on the forums but they arnt working. what I have been using and its not working..

// CLICK to Exit
exit_Btn.addEventListener("mouseUp", goExit);
function goExit(evt:MouseEvent) {

View 9 Replies

Windows :: Flex Web - Warnings Or Exceptions Were Found While Compiling Null?

Jul 17, 2009

I did have the capability to compile my mxml files via the browser on my local machine. I've had to do a reinstall but now I'm having problems trying to compile.My current setup is:

WAMP 2.0i
- Apache 2.2.8
- PHP 5.2.8
- MySQL 5.1.36

FlashDevelop 3.0.0 RC1
Win XP

I've tried compiling in Firefox 3.5, IE8 & Chrome but all receive the same error:

Compilation results

Errors, warnings or exceptions were found while compiling null.Visit the online Flex documentation or API reference for further information. An error occured on the server.

Server error is: 'Error occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.lang. NoSuchMethodError: flex.license.License.(Ljava/util/ Map;Ljava/lang/ String; Lflex/ license/Logger;)V'

I've followed the instructions from adobe:

http:[url]....I can compile without an issue via CMD but I prefer to use the browser as I find that much faster.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Handling Exceptions When External Data Doesn't Load

Sep 23, 2010

I'm loading external data from a txt file into a MovieClip. It contains data that is crucial to the presentation viewing. It is necessary to load, not right away but at some point (the sooner the better). When the txt is on the same server it works instantly, but I'm loading data from another server.

Two problems: the onLoad code is stuck if the file doesn't load (connection problem, server down?) and in offline mode what happens if the data is purged out of browsers cache (history problem)?

How can i handle these exceptions?

1. Some code that uses a "timer" to periodically try to load the data again if the connection is slow and the txt doesn't loads the first time?

2. When it doesn't load at all, and the onLoad fails, how can I simulate notOnLoad - exception for data download fail? And retry the dataLoad?

I've already made cross-server data loading possible using crossdomain.xml policy.

The site is still in development. This problem occurred when the server which contains the data.txt was down due to maintenance, and when one of the test-visitors was downloading so much in the background that his connection didn't had enough bandwidth to load data correctly (browser thought he had connection problems).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Program A Timer For A Typing Tutorial Program?

Mar 24, 2003

I need to program a timer for a typing tutorial program. It needs to go to 5 minutes. When the timer gets to 5 minutes the movie has to go to frame 13 which displays the results of the typing test.

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Flash8 : Run A Flash Program From Another Flash Program?

Jan 29, 2010

I have created a flash program and I would like to run a second flash program from inside the first. To explain, say I am running a program that draws a circle and fills it with a color. Then, I have designed a second program that will divide a circle into sectors by entering percentages, to turn that circle into a pie chart. Is there a way to be running the "draw a circle" program and have a button that opens the "divide the circle into sectors" program in a new window and then passes information from that program to the first program. I am sure I will have to send the information from the second program to an XML file and then have the first program recieve it from the XML file (which I can do), but I don't know if I can run the second program from inside the first program.

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Uncaught Exception: Error In Actionscript. Use A Try/catch Block To Find Error?

May 3, 2010

I'm calling a function in my actionscript called GrabWidget() from the javascript. When I do this from a plain page with just the flash and the javascript link, everything works flawlessly. However, when I add this to a page, I get the error: uncaught exception: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.I've even gone so far as to empty out the contents of GrabWidget() in my actionscript and I still get the error.

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Jquery :: Uncaught Error: Error Calling Method On NPObject?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a flash video on my page as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {


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Actionscript :: Connection From Program To The Server Using XAMPP Server And Program In Flex?

Oct 26, 2010

i have the following code ]


but no connection established what is the reason behind not know help required and one more thing XAMPP is installed in D: drive.

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Capture The Browser Screen As JPG/PNG/etc With Flash?

Jan 20, 2010

Is there a way to create a screenshot of the browser in Flash? I know that in Java this is possible, and it will popup a dialog asking for trusting the signed Applet, but is there a way to do this in Flash?

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Flash :: Webcam Capture On Web Application

May 26, 2010

I need to take a picture from a webcam into a webapp (PHP5/JQuery/HTML5) but I cannot use Flash; Is there a light java applet or any alternative technology for this?.

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Flash :: Capture Image From Webcam

Jul 26, 2010

we have the below code and it captured the video but not the actual video which displayed in the webcam. It only captured one third of the image like from x 100 and y 40 something how to capture the whole image displayed in the webcam like 320*250 below is the code


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Looking For Flash Video Capture Card?

Aug 31, 2010

I would like to do some video capture through flash. Is there a good video capture card I should use? Or will any do?

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PHP :: Flash - How To Capture Textarea With Linebreaks

May 14, 2011

I'm trying to experiment with taking text from a textarea in a flex project and open it up in a php page. But the php isn't line breaking where it should be. An Example of the text i'd like to bring over to php would be:

You: Hi there
Them: Hello
You: This is a great example
Them: I know right?

Here's my php:
$text= $_GET['text'];
echo $text;

Right now I came up with something like this in the actionscript...
var chatBox:String=chat_box.text;
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("savelog.php?text="+chatBox), '_blank');

I also tried something like:
var chatBox:String=chat_box.text.valueOf().replace("
var chatBox:String=chat_box.text.toString().valueOf().replace("

But apparently the isn't translating over no matter how I get the chatBox var so its not even making a <br/>. But, even if i did get that to work it wouldnt be ideal. Because eventually in the end I want to be able to just incorporate the pastebin API to paste this GET data and post it on there. And I don't think it would look too pretty with having <br/> after every line...Is it possible to bring this text over to php and recognize the line breaks in a way that would work well with what im eventually trying to accomplish?

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Actionscript 3 :: Capture Flash Events Outside Swf?

Mar 19, 2012

I would like to know if flash events (say clicking a button) can be captured somewhere outside the swf. Say, I click on a button and a popup comes up telling which buttom was clicked. The popup should not be a part of swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capture Flash Error Log?

Feb 17, 2009

I want the user's flash error log to be sent to the server when the client clicks the submit button. I know how to send data to the server but I can't find anywhere how to capture the flash log.

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Flash :: Capture A Users Webcam In Flash And Directly Upload It To YouTube Without A Backend Server Setup?

Apr 11, 2011

I would like to know if it's possible to capture a users webcam in flash and directly upload it to YouTube without a backend server setup. Or if there are any third party providers that support this service. I see YouTube offers a live streaming API, but it seems it's only available for selected users.

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Javascript :: Capture Clicks In Flash Adds?

Dec 18, 2009

I am trying to track the exit clicks of the users in the adds in my page.

Can I somehow capture with Javascript the click event of a user in a external Flash add I have inserted in my page?

I have been searching and trying by myself, but it seems like the flash object inside of my page is a black box, where I could not access anyway.

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Javascript :: Capture Flash Player Event?

Jan 5, 2010

I need to capture the event raised when a flash video ends. If possible, I'd like to distinguish this from a user clicking the stop button.

One thing to be made perfectly clear:


What I'm looking for is simple (I thought) js automation of the client player object, not more complex interactivity with the presentation itself. I thought this would be really simple stuff, but a dozen Google and Bing searches later, I can't find anything about it.

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Make An Application To Capture Video Using Flash?

Sep 23, 2010

I need to build an app. that will record video from the webcam, show the user what's being recorded and have buttons to start the recording, stop and send to the server.

Here at SO people said the easiest way would be using Flash, but I never used it and searching the web it's being kind of confuse so where should I start?

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Actionscript :: Screen Capture (sorta) In Flash?

Apr 3, 2011

I am looking for a way to create and display up to 200 stage screen shots. Currently I record each screen shot in a BitmapData object, then play through all of them. This approach works but it takes too much memory - crashes some browsers.

What is the best approach to solve this problem? Can I create .png's, .flv movie or somehow compress BitmapData?

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Actionscript 3 :: Capture The Mouse In Flash Air Application?

Jul 7, 2011

how to capture the mouse in an air application. I know its possible because the flex scrollbar captures the mouse. I want to replicate the scrollbar's mouse capture.

Try this in a flex/air application window:

<s:Scroller height="500" width="300">
<s:Rect width="100%" height="2000">


If you press and hold the scrollbar handle and drag outside, even outside the window, the scrollbar still works. It wont lose focus. So it is capturing the mouse.

what I want:

Mouse and touch capture. (Even outside the window while still pressing down the button or touch point)

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