Flash :: DataGrid-CellRenderer: Multiple Colors For Text?

Nov 3, 2009

how I can manage to give single words inside a DataGrid-CellRenderer a different color than defined by the TextFormat for that CellRenderer? It's not how to get these single words, it's how to use more than one color inside one cell...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Datagrid CellRenderer Requirement?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a datagrid whose data keeps updating quite frequently.On every update, I need to change the cell color of only those cells whose data has changed.That too, if the updated value is less than the older value then the cell color should change to RED else, GREEN.

I have tried using labelFunction, cellrenderer, etc. But to no avail.By no means, I am able to access the present data in the cells to compare it with the new data.I have added the sample classes in the attachment. To get them to work, just create an fla with a DataGrid & a Button components in its library & mention 'del' as its document class.Just run the fla & click on the two buttons on stage to see the values in the price column changing.

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Actionscript 3 :: Combobox In Datagrid Cellrenderer

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamically Set DataGrid Row Colors Individually

Mar 17, 2011

I have a datagrid. It is populated dynamically by an XML file. I need to be able to set each row's text color seperately. For example, if my variable "type" is "urgent", it would be a red text color.

I've spent almost 2 hours trying to figure this out. I've tried setStyle, setRendererStyle, setTextFormat and many more and dozens of combinations. I know its simple cause I think I've done it before.


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Flash - Picking Multiple Colors / Designs Of Symbols Dynamically

Mar 12, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening Row Colors In Datagrid?

Jul 21, 2009

I have managed to color the rows of a data grid object separately, however giving them a nice tween effect is proving to be more tricky. I wish to make it so that when a row is edited it turns gray and then fades back to white.When I edit a single row this works fine. But when I edit a second row the tween shows up on both of them. The sprite sent to gridColor is indeed the same independently of which line I am editing (weird imo).(Each element in my dataprovider has two extra values color and color_to so that it knows when to tween. )Managed to solve it by looking at the datagrid source code and playing around. Below is the solution:

ActionScript Code:
package Controls


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Mar 17, 2011

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PHP Code:

import fl.controls.DataGrid;
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
import fl.data.DataProvider;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Alternate FONT Colors In DataGrid?

May 27, 2008

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Import Multiple Text Files Into Individual Datagrid Columns?

Oct 30, 2009

I have 5 text files that contain a list of 50 items in each file.

I want to bring that information into a datagrid; 1 column per text file. I'd also like to extend the code to add more columns when new files are created.

I was able to bring in one column, but maybe an approach with xml, an xml connector and dataset would be better.

Here is the code so far:

var PATH:String = "10-12-09.txt";
var extIndex:Number = PATH.lastIndexOf( '.' );
var extless:String = PATH.substr( 0, extIndex );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Text Flash Two Different Colors In It?

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Media Server :: Flash Chat Alternate Text Colors?

Sep 14, 2009

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Professional :: Flash CS4 - Change The Colors Of The Background Or Text That Shows Up In The Layers Section?

Mar 8, 2010

I am colorblind.I need to change either the color of the background or the color of the text on the layers section on the Timeline.I simply cannot read/see what is currently showing.It is a very light blue background with white text and white dots for seeing, locking, or setting the outline color.I need to either change the text color and dots to black so I can see them, or try to change the background color to a dark blue so I can read the white text.Changing the text color would really be my preference. Adobe hasn't been very concerned about colorblindness when developing these products. I can barely make out all the light grey/grey/dark grey/grey stuff.

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Flash :: Custom CellRenderer For A List With XML Data?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a Game-sprite representing a game room with up to 3 players, it works ok. And would like to populate a List component with those Game's, based on an XML data coming from a socket.I've prepared a simple test case demonstrating my problem -ListTest.fla (should have a List component in its Library):

import fl.data.*;
import fl.controls.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transform Multiple Colors Accordingly Without Taking Each Individual Color?

Jun 27, 2009

I have a project where I've been asked to allow a user to choose between multple color themes of a character.  This object  is complex in that it has multiple colors and that each color needs to change differently based on the theme's color scheme.

Is there a way to take a movieclip with multiple colors and apply process to it that will detect different colors and transform them accordingly without taking each individual color, making a movie clip from it, then modifying the movieclip's colors? Each character has a pretty limited color pallette, so this process would only have to find and then change maybe 3 or 4 colors.  But the character in question is hand animated and has a LOT of frames, so I'm hoping there's a chance that I can handle this programmatically rather than doing it all by hand with a few hundred extra movieclips to make color changes to.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Text Field Changes Colors But Bullets Don't For Html Text

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to use a dynamic text field to pull in html text that contains a bulleted list. Easy enough, that works. But the bullets dont take on the color assigned to the field. I've tried putting it in the html text and also using NewTextFormat and neither work. Can someone help me. This should be a simple fix, but I can't find it... I just want my text and bullets to both be white.
Simple code below. Using html text inside the flash document and having a dynamic field on the screen named txt. Code should turn text and bullets green, but it doesn't work, only text turns green
this.txt.html = true;
var my_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();my_fmt.color = 0x00FF00; // hex value for green
this.txt.htmlText = "<P> This is the first paragraph</P><BR><UL><LI>Bullet 1</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 2</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 3</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 4</LI><LI><BR>Bullet 5</LI></UL>";this.txt.setTextFormat(my_fmt);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alternate Text Colors In A Dynamic Text Field?

Sep 14, 2009

How do I alternate text colors in a dynamic text field I tried to use CSS but it changes all the text to the same color i want each line to be a seperate color.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine X Colors Between 2 Defined Colors?

Apr 26, 2010

I wonder what kind of class(es) I should use to accomplish this task. I have two predefined colors, 0xFF0000 and 0x00FF00 (red and green), and I would like to set a number of gradiants of colors between these two colors. [code]This generates a random color, but I don't want to generate just any random one. Does anyone know what kind of color class I should use to accomplish my task objective?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Giving Different ContainerControllers Different Text Colors

Oct 6, 2010

I'm struggling with setting custom formatting properties on different ContainerControllers assigned to a single TextFlow instance. I can assign different columnCount properties and those display as desired, but other properties such as color seem to be ignored. I have tried this syntax:

myContainerController.color = 0x00ff00;
myContainerController.columnCount = 2;


In both cases, the columnCount is set correctly, but the color is ignored. Is it possible to affect the color of the displayed text? That would seem to be one of the primary advantages of TLF text?

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CS3 Dynamic Text - Change Colors Based On Data

Aug 25, 2009

I'm building a project for a gaming website and i have an interesting dilemma. How do i make the font color change based on the data loaded from the external .txt file.


In text files i could have... yes yes yes no no maybe yes no. If the text says yes i would like for the font to change to green, if no to red, or maybe to orange/yellowish.

So basically if i went in and changed the No to a Yes on a .txt file, the next time i viewed that flash section the yes text would be in green instead of the default set by the flash core itself.

I hope i am making sense. I don't even know how to go about starting and i stared at the actionscript list for awhile to no avail.

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Professional :: Changing Pieces Of Text In Dynamic Box To Different Colors?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a dynamic text box that is being populated by this line of code:

feedback.htmlText = myQuestion[counter]+"<br>You:<br>> "+myFoil[counter][userAnswer]+"<br>Chris:<br>> "+fbCorrect[counter];
I am needing to have the three distinct areas to be different colors of text.  Can I do it in this line only?  These elemnts are being pulled in from the first part of my file and I want them all the same unitl I pull the the info into "feedback.htmlText".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Text Colors On The Event Of Buttons?

Sep 24, 2011

when i run this code.. all is good and everything is read from the file trees.txt
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
myLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("trees.txt"))
myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataLoad)

now what i am trying to do, and i am almost certain i am going the wrong way with this, is to add on rollover a button that corrosponds to the text the text will change color from black to red. meaning... if i rollover button_0  the text of tcname_0 with change to red , and if i rollover button_1 text in tcname_1 would change.. and so on. so here is what i did:
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
myLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("trees.txt"))

2- if the loop works and doesnt break, i still have a problem of how to exactly pass the name of the text field that should be changed. right now i am hard coding it as tcname_2 to see if this even works but i would like it to somehow pass the button_x (x being the number) and use that x to change the corrosponding text i.e (tcname_x) .. is this even doable?

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Flash :: Flex - Datagrid Text And Masking?

Oct 19, 2009

I am using AS3, I have a problem in displaying the datagrid. The Datagrid text not showing behind mask. If i put outside the mask, then the data(text) will appear. How do I display the datagridc text/data inside the mask layer?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons To Change Font, Colors And Position Of The Text Box?

Jan 27, 2009

I am working on project as under:on first step ( screen) there are 2 text fieldsuser inserts text in a field and on the second text field same text appear as he typeshe clicks on a button to go to step 2On the second step he has the written text from previous screen and buttons to change font, colors and position of the text box.

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