Flash :: Flip Image Around Center?
Jan 5, 2012
To flip an image around the center i am using this piece of code:
// Calculate offset
var offsetWidth:Number = image.contentWidth/2.0;
var offsetHeight:Number = image.contentHeight/2.0;
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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.events.*;
import com.greensock.TimelineLite;
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
[Code] .....
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Nov 17, 2009
I'm a real noobie with flash and I was wondering if somebody could help me with this one. I have this actionsript 3 code, where the cursor image "ball_mc" follows the mouse's position with a slight delay:
1) How can I get the cursor image automatically return to the center of the stage on mouseout? As of now, it stays at the position where the mouse leaves the stage.
2) How can I reverse the movement of the mouse? So that when I, for example, move mouse to the right, the cursor image would move to the left? And when moving the mouse up, the image would go down. The stage is 800 x 250 pixels, in case that makes any difference.
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Mar 4, 2009
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imageContainer._x = (-(imageContainer._width - Stage.width) / 2);
imageContainer._y = (Stage.height - imageContainer._height) ;
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Feb 21, 2011
I am in the midst of finishing up a design application where you can upload images and colors. I use the greensock transform manager. I am taking anything a user does and recording it so I can recreate what they made on larger scale behind the scenes (to be exported for printing purposes)
The problem I am running into is with rotation and moving x and y values. The transform manager does everything relative to a center point, but when i recreate the image object the registration point is at the top left. I have found how to rotate around the center of the object using the transform matrix, but I can't seem to move the x and y correctly because these values change when you rotate. I want to just move the image to the left or right relative to the center. How could I go about doing this.
Here is how I rotate.
private function rotateAroundCenter (ob:*, angleDegrees:Number, ptRotationPoint:Point) {
var m:Matrix=ob.transform.matrix;
m.tx -= ptRotationPoint.x;
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study about multiple 3d flip based on[URL]..i don't have any errors for now but my problem is this. the top & the bottom movie clip rotates different from the middle, i look for the solution and i found about Flash CS4 - Vanishing Point, my vanishing point is on the center, but when i change my vanishing point to top, my middle movie clip change its rotation.
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Mar 13, 2008
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Feb 4, 2009
I would like to know how to do the image flip effect featured on this site:[URL] Things I noticed: the images fade to white a little between flips. The flips are contained within a clear but drop-shadowed rectangular container. The images have a very flexible quality to them, bending kind of like a sheet in the wind. The flipping isnt prompted by anything, it just plays in a loop and the images are randomized.I decompiled the flash but was not able to find anything of use; the flipping images just appear as blue boxes in my window. I suspect these flipping images are really individual flash pieces embedded into the main flash doc?
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This is a part of a more complex app, so that's why I won't paste any code.
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Dec 11, 2011
I would like to understand the process and create them with ease.
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Jun 25, 2010
I know I can horizontally flip an image using ActionScript Code: image.scaleX *= 1;
However, this seems to move the left border of the image past its x coordinate.
I would like to make sure that the image stays within the same borders as before and that (x,y) is still the top left corner. Short of wrapping it in another image, is there a way to do that?
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Feb 3, 2009
does anyone know of a tutorial the will give a similar effect to what can be seen at http:[url]....the only thing is i dont want the page flip to look like it is a book but for it to look like a flip chart gettin pages removed.it also needs to display small video clips as well as images. would the last part be possible.the files do not have to passed from an xml file or streamed from the server this will only ever be played locally from a laptop.
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Jan 3, 2008
[URL] I was Wondering if there is any code that can flip the image Horizontally when movement travels to the right and of course flip it back when it travels left.
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Apr 14, 2010
created in flash. The issue i am having is when an image is loaded it always appears on the left handside attached to the top left point of the stage. Is there anyway i can get these images to load in the centre of the stage? This is the AS that is attached to my flash document.
Actionscript Code:
function initGallery() { function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { xmlNode = this.firstChild; total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
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Nov 9, 2009
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Feb 21, 2010
I have am trying to establish the center of the imags that load so that I can put them in the center of the stage. I am doing this as each image is a different size.
Here is the code i have gotten to work before but its not working now and I have been searching to find what I have done wrong with no luck. : ( Would you look it over and maybe you will see what I am doing wrong?
public function placePicture(e:Event = null):void {
rawImage = imageData.image[imgNum].imageURL;
lastImageIndex = imageData.*.length() - 1;
and I tried doing all of the above by inserting the loader into a sprite and then applying the code to the sprite and then adding that sprite to another sprite and putting that at 640 and not inserting it in another sprite and trying to straight up put the existing sprite at 640 (hopefully that all makes sense). And I have tried to put it to width/3 and nothing different happens.
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Jul 31, 2010
I'm trying to load an image and center it within a movie clip already on the stage.
function loadImage(){ image_mc.loadMovie("fullImage/"+imageNum+".jpg"); image_mc._x= Stage.width/2 - image_mc._width; image_mc._y= Stage.height/2 - image_mc._width;}
I know it's something simple and there are forums dedicated to this topic but I can't seem to view the code examples that the helpers are using.
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Nov 5, 2011
with the formula below I can center one image horizontally.
var xPoint= stage.stageWidth / 2 - imgWidth / 2;
In case if I may have more than one image, how can I center them horizontally?
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Mar 23, 2010
I try to put an extern image in my flash movie. No i have problem to center it.This is the code i tried to use:
var container:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var image:MovieClip = container.createEmptyMovieClip("image", container.getNextHighestDepth());
var listener:Object = new Object();
But I can't see the picture....
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Jul 7, 2011
As the title says, I'm trying to figure out how to center and image to a movie clip. I am familiar with centering images to the stage.
imageLoader.x = (stage.stageWidth - Number(rawW)) /2;
imageLoader.y = (stage.stageHeight - Number(rawH)) /2;
But I do not know the correct actionscript phrases to implement this same concept into my movie clip known as "gallery_mc".
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