Flash :: Keeping The Number Of Objects And Event-listeners On Stage As Low As Possible

May 23, 2010

I am creating a site with lots of big scrollable text-boxes in it. Each text-box object contained some text, and two buttons to scroll up/down with. The scroll buttons each had an event listener so the text moved when you clicked them.

These text-boxes were stacked on-top of each other with all except one having an alpha of 0. If I wanted to change which text-box is active I move it to the front and call a small TweenLite animation.

To the left (outside of the text-box objects) I have an object similar to a menu. It also has about 12 or so event-listeners (one for every button).

This turns out cause A LOT of lag an it's very troublesome for my laptop to run it. reduce the number of event-listeners on the stage and also the amount of text-boxes.

What I was thinking was to add the text-boxes using AS so I only have 1 on the stage at a time but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I also thought it might be better to just use 1 big event-listeners and from mouseX and mouseY decide which button the user is trying to push.

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1) The parent SWF sets up the event listeners when it loads a child. So, I use a loader on Parent to load Child_1 and in Parent add eventlisteners to Child_1.myNavigationform.myButton.

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2) Child_1 adds the event listeners to its own objects. This just reverses the problem. Child_1 has no problem accessing its own buttons but when a user clicks them it has no way of accessing methods on parent so that Child_2 can be loaded.

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Actionscript Code:

function callBack(evt:Event):void
object = null;


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stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onDown);

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this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, unloadHandler);

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private function unloadHandler(event:Event):void {
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onDown);

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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package louiseguchi.game
import flash.display.Stage;


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Feb 6, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Event Listeners To Stage Buttons?

May 11, 2010

I have 22 buttons (each named buttoni where i is a number between 0-21...e.g. button0, button1, button2) that I've created and artfully arranged on the stage in my .fla file. The document class for the .fla file is People.as, and in People I'd like to give each button a rollover and click event listener, but I can't figure out how to refer to them using a loop.

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ActionScript Code:
private function initButtons() : void {
for (var i:int = 0; i<numSquares; i++) {
var thisButton : String = "button" + i;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event Listeners For MCs On Stage And External Classes?

Nov 6, 2010

I found this code for a contact form at msinghinteractive easy-to-use-flash-as3-contact-us-form-class and it dynamically creates input fields and buttons. I didnt like the dynamically drawn submit and reset buttons, so I added my own MCs(my 'buttons') to the stage. I tried modifying the code and took out the dynamically drawn buttons..However, I cant figure out how to add Event Listeners to the buttons which exist on the stage--Im getting undefined errors...The fla is directly associated to a main.as class which just determines the parameters of the .as class it is tied to -to set the size of the Contact form.This is the entire class:

import classes.*;
import flash.display.*;


where btn is the instance name of my submit button MC.My problem is that because my buttons exist on the stage I dont know how to add Event listeners within that class---or rather doing that doesnt work because the listeners are throwing that undefined property errors--I gave them instance names...

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ActionScript Code:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at MyGame()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attaching Mouse Event Listeners To MovieClip On Stage?

Sep 19, 2009

I have a movieClip on stage, inside is a dynamic textfield, and I have set mc.scaleY = 0;
mc.scaleY = 0;
mc.buttonMode = true;
mc.mouseChildren = false;
And suddenly everything above and below (on the whole stage) where the movieClip actually is receives mouse, I can see by the button mode. But it only happens with dynamic text, not static.
I have attached the example:

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Feb 20, 2009

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Code: Select allfor (var i:int=0;i<numOfItems;i++) {
item = new Item();
//etc etc[code].....

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Actionscript 3 :: Android - Attach Mouse Event Listeners To The Stage Or To Individual Sprites?

Aug 16, 2011

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I have been using an event listener to detect mouse / touch input and based on something I read that indicated that performance is much better if you keep the number of objects you are listening to to a minimum I have attached the mouse listeners from each screen to the stage object.

This all works fine but I am finding that as I move between screens (and they get popped or pushed onto the dislay stack) I have to keep track of alot of adding and removing listeners to the stage object. If I don't then windows higher up the hierarchy than the current screen keep receiving mouse events.

If I used listeners attached to sprites in each window then when the window was removed from the display even though it is kept in memory (ready to be popped back when a child window is closed) it won't receive any mouse events....

Performance doesn't seem to be impacted using listeners directly on sprites when using my HTC phone to test with, however I obviously don't know what it will be like on other phones. Does anyone have any experience either way or a view on the best approach?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Function That Remove The Object From The Stage As Well As Removing Its Event Listeners?

Oct 12, 2011

I want to make a static function that I can use in all the custom classes.It should be some kill(); function that would remove the object from the stage as well as removing its event listeners. I made it in Document class, and it didn't work. Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
public static function kill(e:DisplayObject)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Of Nested Object - Remove Only The Event Listeners From Objects Only On Frame 1?

Jan 21, 2011

I have 3 frames each with a movie clip called map_mc. Each different map_mc have different objects that call the CollisionDetect class. Heres whats happening. objects from frame 1 will start freaking out when I goto frame 2. How do I remove only the event listeners from objects only on frame 1?

I have been trying this.currentFrame but the problem is that all the objects are inside map_mc on the first frame so no matter what it will always be 1. On the other hand MovieClip(root).currentFrame will always give me the current frame but wont tell me what the objects frame is relative to the stage.What I want to do is have something to this effect:MovieClip(root).this.currentFrame would output that this object is on frame 1 and MovieClip(root).currentFrame will tell me that the stage is on frame 2 so I can remove the listeners accordingly.

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Flash :: Flex - Click Event - Objects On Stage To Be Listen To Mouse And Keyboard Input

Oct 19, 2010

If I plan to implement 100 objects on stage to be listen to mouse and keyboard input, is using "function" call responsive enough? How good does eventlistner work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Return Number Of Objects On Stage?

Feb 1, 2011

I want to be able to return the number of specific movieclips on the stage.

For instance, i could have multiple movieclips like so on stage.[code]...

Is there a way to return the number of 'myMovie' movieclips that are on stage (4 in this example)? I guess this will involve using a 'for' loop and returning the number?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reducing Number Of Eventlisteners And Objects On Stage?

May 23, 2010

I am creating a site with lots of big scrollable text-boxes in it. Each text-box object contained some text, and two buttons to scroll up/down with. The scroll buttons each had an event listener so the text moved when you clicked them.

These text-boxes were stacked on-top of each other with all except one having an alpha of 0. If I wanted to change which text-box is active I move it to the front and call a small TweenLite animation.

To the left (outside of the text-box objects) I have an object similar to a menu. It also has about 12 or so event-listeners (one for every button). This turns out cause A LOT of lag an it's very troublesome for my laptop to run it. What I need help with doing is to reduce the number of event-listeners on the stage and also the amount of text-boxes.

What I was thinking was to add the text-boxes using AS so I only have 1 on the stage at a time but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I also thought it might be better to just use 1 big event-listeners and from mouseX and mouseY decide which button the user is trying to push.

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Actionscript 3 :: Extends Event Class Without Keeping Any Existing Event Types?

Dec 20, 2011

I would like to extends the Event class to add some events I am using in game. But I don't want the new Event Class to have the old public static types. For instance I don't want to have:


How do you go about extending the Event class without getting the old types mixed in?

Is there any way to outsmart AS3 to leave out the uneeded types?

Or should I avoid creating a new Event type altogether and just add the new strings?

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Flash :: Why Are Event Listeners Firing More Than Once

Jun 14, 2010

In my Flash project I have a movieclip that has 2 keyframes. Both frames contain 1 movieclip each.

frame 1 - Landing
frame 2 - Game

The flow of the application is simple:

User arrives on landing page (frame 1) User clicks "start game" button User is brought to the game page (frame 2) When the game is over, the user can press a "play again" button which brings them back to step 1

Both Landing and Game movieclips are linked to separate classes that define event listeners. The problem is that when I end up back at step 1 after playing the game, the Game event listeners fire twice for their respective event. And if I go through the process a third time, the event listeners fire three times for every event. This keeps happening, so if I loop through the application flow 7 times, the event listeners fire seven times. I don't understand why this is happening because on frame 1, the Game movieclip (and I would assume its related class instance) does not exist - but I'm clearly missing something here.

I've run into this problem in other projects too, and tried fixing it by first checking if the event listeners existed and only defining them if they didn't, but I ended up with unexpected results that didn't really solve the problem.

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AS3 :: Flash - Define Own Event Listeners?

Nov 9, 2010

How do I define my own event listeners in AS3?

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AS3 :: Flash - Removing The Event Listeners?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a basic question about manually removing event listeners in actionscript 3.If I have a function like:

private function doStuff(event : Event):void
//let them save
var f:FileReference = new FileReference();


How do I remove the event listeners when the saveDone function is called? Normally I just change the "add" to "remove" like:


However, f is a local variable, and I can't get to it after the doStuff function ends.

private function saveDone(ev:Event){

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Flash - Event Listeners And Syntax For The Actionpanel?

Mar 4, 2010

I've done most of my code in as3, working from either document class or classes. I've never done action script from within the actions panel (within Flash cs4). My question is do I need to follow the as2 manual in order for majority of code to work ? for example. If I want to do a loop. I can't do a

I have to do
varible = onEnterFrame()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Event - Add Listeners On A MovieClip

Feb 22, 2011

I have this problem with mouse events simply I added two listeners on a movieClip that simply contains two keyframes 1 and 2 the code is in external class file of the movieClip


but when it goes to frame 2 it does not answer the moseUp event and stucks in frame 2

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Iterative Changes To A Number While Keeping It To A Baseline?

Feb 13, 2011

Here is a very difficult math problem I was unable to solve, its an excellent opportunity for someone like newblack or lordofduct or some local genius to demonstrate their superior math skills to the community: I want to change a base Number over many updates/iterations, by a random % of this Number in a random direction within a pre-defined threshold WHILE, keeping the averages across the iterations the same as the original base Number. here is it in pseudo-code:


Some restrictions: Ideally this would be a pure 100% straight math solution without any kind of Weighting, tricks or additional variables. (IE a weighting would be if the number deviated from an additional baseline or hit some kind of limit, then we started artificially increasing it back to that baseline. )

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