Flash :: Add Event Listeners To Objects In SWFs That I'm Loading Dynamically?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a parent SWF (Parent) that handles user navigation between multiple children SWFs (Child_1, Child_2, Child_3). How do I add event listeners to the navigation buttons on the children SWFs so that the user can move laterally between Child_1, Child_2 and Child_3? I can think of two options but can't get either one to work:

1) The parent SWF sets up the event listeners when it loads a child. So, I use a loader on Parent to load Child_1 and in Parent add eventlisteners to Child_1.myNavigationform.myButton.

The problem here is that the Parent is only handing the loader instance and I can't think of how it would drill down to the individual objects within Child_1.

2) Child_1 adds the event listeners to its own objects. This just reverses the problem. Child_1 has no problem accessing its own buttons but when a user clicks them it has no way of accessing methods on parent so that Child_2 can be loaded.

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Flash :: Keeping The Number Of Objects And Event-listeners On Stage As Low As Possible

May 23, 2010

I am creating a site with lots of big scrollable text-boxes in it. Each text-box object contained some text, and two buttons to scroll up/down with. The scroll buttons each had an event listener so the text moved when you clicked them.

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To the left (outside of the text-box objects) I have an object similar to a menu. It also has about 12 or so event-listeners (one for every button).

This turns out cause A LOT of lag an it's very troublesome for my laptop to run it. reduce the number of event-listeners on the stage and also the amount of text-boxes.

What I was thinking was to add the text-boxes using AS so I only have 1 on the stage at a time but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I also thought it might be better to just use 1 big event-listeners and from mouseX and mouseY decide which button the user is trying to push.

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Removing Event Listeners And Null Objects?

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I was just wondering--and it's probably an obvious question really--if I make an object null and that object had one or more event listeners registered, are the listeners removed?

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Actionscript Code:

function callBack(evt:Event):void
object = null;


In this case have I removed 'object''s listener when I made the object null?

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IDE :: Apply Event Listeners To Multiple Objects/functions?

Jun 24, 2009

I'm currently working on a nav bar but I've run into a questionable situation. There are several links in the menu, and for each i'd like a mouse event on over and on out. Do I have to specify both of these events for each link, or is there an easier way to do it that I don't know about? Can you apply event listeners to multiple objects/functions?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Event Listeners Dynamically?

Oct 17, 2010

public class Principal extends MovieClip
public function Principal()


The output doesn't show the text 'teste'. How do we add eventlisteners to ANY object we create?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Problem Adding Event Listeners Dynamically?

Sep 24, 2009

var chArray:Array = new Array("ch1", "ch2", "ch3", "ch4", "ch5", "ch6", "ch7", "ch8", "ch9", "ch10", "ch11", "ch12", "ch13", "ch14", "ch15");
for(var i:int=0; h <chArray.length; i++) { 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Passing Parameters To Event Listeners

Sep 28, 2011

I have a 16x16 grid of buttons, and want to add an event listener to each of them so when clicked it will return its unique grid position number (anything between 0-255);

What I have so far:
public static const GRID_SIZE:Number = 16;
private var i:int;
private var j:int;
// Constructor
public function Grid()
[Code] .....

Unfortunately every time the listener function is called by each button, it uses the last two values of i and j, which in this case return 255 for every button.

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Flash :: Loading A SWF Dynamically Causes Previously Loaded SWFs To Misbehave

Mar 26, 2010

I have run into a very strange problem with Flash and Flex. It appears that under certain circumstances, movie clips from a SWF loaded at runtime (using Loader) cannot be instantiated if another SWF has been loaded in the mean time. Here is the complete code for a program that reproduces the error. It is compiled using mxmlc, via Ensemble Tofino:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding And Removing Event Listeners On Dynamically Loaded MovieClips?

Jan 21, 2009

I've created a drop down list and populated it with dynamic buttons. (I made a DropDown_btn class with a dynamic text field in it and then filled the button text from an xml file). On rollover I tint the button blue and then set the tint back to black on rollout. When you click on the button I'd like it to stay blue until a different button is clicked.

I thought on CLICK I'd run a function like this:

ActionScript Code:
function removeRollover(evt:MouseEvent):void {
evt.target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnOut);
evt.target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnOver);

...and then I need to addEventListeners back to any button that doesn't have them and set that button back to black. I could do this by looping through an array of the buttons but I can't figure out how to access them as objects.

I also gave them each a property of "buttonValue" when I loaded them so I can access event.currentTarget.buttonValue (which in this case is a number from 1-5) but once again I can't figure out how I might leverage this information.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Of Nested Object - Remove Only The Event Listeners From Objects Only On Frame 1?

Jan 21, 2011

I have 3 frames each with a movie clip called map_mc. Each different map_mc have different objects that call the CollisionDetect class. Heres whats happening. objects from frame 1 will start freaking out when I goto frame 2. How do I remove only the event listeners from objects only on frame 1?

I have been trying this.currentFrame but the problem is that all the objects are inside map_mc on the first frame so no matter what it will always be 1. On the other hand MovieClip(root).currentFrame will always give me the current frame but wont tell me what the objects frame is relative to the stage.What I want to do is have something to this effect:MovieClip(root).this.currentFrame would output that this object is on frame 1 and MovieClip(root).currentFrame will tell me that the stage is on frame 2 so I can remove the listeners accordingly.

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Javascript :: Dynamically Loading SWFs Into A Container?

Aug 19, 2011

I'm writing a preview site that will load SWFs/images from a URL into a preview pane. However, the primary problem I'm running into is actually loading these SWFs. It seems that the object/embed tags require width/height attributes. I will not know the exact size of these SWFs; in fact, I will know absolutely nothing about them.

What I'm asking is, what is the best way to load in these SWFs? Is there a library that exists to do this? Or do I need to do it myself?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Dynamically Loading Sequential Swfs W/o Using Buttons?

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- Flash CS4 Actionscript 2.0 internal training project- Main movie is a single frame project, containing just the interface. This includes a menu listing 80+ individual "chapters" for the training series.- Each "chapter" is its own project/swf. Once the main interface loads, it should begin to play the chapters sequentially without the user selecting anything from the menu. When one chapter finishes, the next should load. If the user DOES select a chapter in the menu, it should load that SWF, and continue auto-playing from that selection forward.- Each chapter has a built-in play/rewind/ff bar, various movie clips with animations, dialogue audio track and a fairly lengthy embedded FLV movie, and therefore a preloader before each chapter is mandatory.What I have so far works, but it's embarrassingly crafted:- First frame of main movie (let's call this main.fla) contains the following code (most of this code was taken from an online tutorial):

var slideName = "modules/intro.swf";
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Series Of Dynamically Generated SWFs

Oct 6, 2008

I'm working on a project where I need to load a series of dynamically generated swfs. The catch is that the composition of each swf depends on the result of loading the previous swfs. For example, if I generate a swf (just writing bytes to a ByteArray), call it A, then load that swf...

//wait for COMPLETE event
//generateBytes for B
//wait for COMPLETE event
//generateBytes for C

It turns out that this is very slow. It doesn't matter how simple the swfs are -- 40 or 50 of these can take several seconds. This is just too slow for my needs. How I might speed this process up? Is there some way to make the loadBytes calls finish more quickly? Or maybe an alternative, faster way to dynamically load actionscript bytecodes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Swfs Dynamically From Folder?

Mar 18, 2011

// Array of external clips to use. Variable index refers to next clip to be displayed.
var clips:Array = ["clips/clip0.swf", "clips/clip1.swf", "clips/clip2.swf", "clips/clip3.swf"];


I am hoping to modify it so I don't have to "hard-code" the "folder/filename.swf" into the var clips:Array line...that way anyone can upload swfs into the "clips" folder and thisLoader will take care of the rest...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Objects To A Resize Event Dynamically?

Jan 14, 2010

I have is as I add objects from other classes to the stage, is there a way to automatically add them to the resize event I have on the main stage to keep them in position in my fluid flash layout? Currently I am declaring all the variables in the project at the top of my primary class, adding them to the stage in the opening function, and then finally adding them to the resize event.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Event Listener To Multiple Dynamically Created Objects?

Apr 17, 2009

So I have an object, generated on each click of the mouse. It's set up as a series of points with properties, with values for position randomly calculated, and set around where the user clicks the mouse. Lines are drawn from where the mouse is clicked out to each of these points, so it kind of looks like a star, but only lines, rather than a solid shape (like those old 50's atom clocks?). So once clicked there's an enter frame event listener on the object so that each of the points 'wobble' (using a randomly generated number) up and down around the original point.

For some reason, I can either set it so that on each new click of the mouse and newly generated object, the last one stops "wobbling" and only the new one does, or each new object moves to where the new object is, and maybe is still wobbling(?), but is underneath the new object. This way has the event.target as a new object in the wobble function, so I think it may be just a case of where the centre point is - i.e. saving the mouse x and y for each object individually, or perhaps I have too much of the setup function code repeated in my "wobble"function?


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Flash :: Why Are Event Listeners Firing More Than Once

Jun 14, 2010

In my Flash project I have a movieclip that has 2 keyframes. Both frames contain 1 movieclip each.

frame 1 - Landing
frame 2 - Game

The flow of the application is simple:

User arrives on landing page (frame 1) User clicks "start game" button User is brought to the game page (frame 2) When the game is over, the user can press a "play again" button which brings them back to step 1

Both Landing and Game movieclips are linked to separate classes that define event listeners. The problem is that when I end up back at step 1 after playing the game, the Game event listeners fire twice for their respective event. And if I go through the process a third time, the event listeners fire three times for every event. This keeps happening, so if I loop through the application flow 7 times, the event listeners fire seven times. I don't understand why this is happening because on frame 1, the Game movieclip (and I would assume its related class instance) does not exist - but I'm clearly missing something here.

I've run into this problem in other projects too, and tried fixing it by first checking if the event listeners existed and only defining them if they didn't, but I ended up with unexpected results that didn't really solve the problem.

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AS3 :: Flash - Define Own Event Listeners?

Nov 9, 2010

How do I define my own event listeners in AS3?

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AS3 :: Flash - Removing The Event Listeners?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a basic question about manually removing event listeners in actionscript 3.If I have a function like:

private function doStuff(event : Event):void
//let them save
var f:FileReference = new FileReference();


How do I remove the event listeners when the saveDone function is called? Normally I just change the "add" to "remove" like:


However, f is a local variable, and I can't get to it after the doStuff function ends.

private function saveDone(ev:Event){

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Flash - Event Listeners And Syntax For The Actionpanel?

Mar 4, 2010

I've done most of my code in as3, working from either document class or classes. I've never done action script from within the actions panel (within Flash cs4). My question is do I need to follow the as2 manual in order for majority of code to work ? for example. If I want to do a loop. I can't do a

I have to do
varible = onEnterFrame()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Event - Add Listeners On A MovieClip

Feb 22, 2011

I have this problem with mouse events simply I added two listeners on a movieClip that simply contains two keyframes 1 and 2 the code is in external class file of the movieClip


but when it goes to frame 2 it does not answer the moseUp event and stucks in frame 2

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Flash :: Loaded SWF (using Loader) Event Listeners Sometimes Fails

Jun 9, 2011

i made a SWF which contains a loader which loads any SWF file passed to it... the problem I'm encountering is that for some SWFs, some event listeners doesn't fire anymore... my own SWF file (which contains the loader) doesn't really have any other element except for the Loader object and so I cannot understand what seems to be preventing the loaded SWF (loaded by my Loader) from receiving some mouse events

it seems that the for the SWF where I'm having this problem, the listener seems to be tied up to a location in the stage or somewhere else, and so whenever I resize, the listeners is not responding on the right place, for example, the button appears on a certain position but the listener's hit test or whatever the SWF is using to detect the mouse click is positioned somewhere else

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transparent Flash - Event Listeners On Different Browsers?

Nov 19, 2010

looks like flash has few issues when using transparent mode on different browsers players. Adding and removing eventlisteners on buttons are acting different. In some players everything works OK. FF and Chrome, but in IE, one of my buttons triggers the function even after removing its listener. Is this known issue, and is there any global set I can use to prevent this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Adding Event Listeners To 150 Items

Jan 6, 2011

I'm trying to make a flash version of those refrigerator magnet poetry kits. As such I have about 150-180 little MCs each with a different word. They are all named sequentially, so theoretically I could just make some array counter or something to stick the handlers on right?

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Actionscript 3 :: Removing Event Listeners Not Working - Error #2094: Event Dispatch Recursion Overflow

Nov 24, 2011

I have this in my constructor:


The problem is I get Error: Error #2094: Event dispatch recursion overflow. Why does removechild keep getting called if this.parent does not exist? Why doesn't removing event listeners work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Event Listeners Only Be Added To The Class Which Dispatched The Event

Sep 3, 2009

Can event listeners only be added to the class which dispatched the event? I ask because I want to have the logic for the listener on the main class, and the action is dispatched on click from a thumb which is instantiated in a scroller class. Kinda like this:

ActionScript Code:
pseudo code:
class main {
main() {


This doesn't work. Why can't the main class listen for an event on the thumb class?

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Actionscript 3 :: See The Event Listeners In Flex/Flash Builder Debug

Jul 16, 2011

Do anyone know how to see the event listeners of any component in the debug mode of the Flex or Flash builder?

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AS3 :: Flash - Difference Between Adding Internal And External Event Listeners?

Aug 2, 2011

I have some MovieClip class that has eventListener, added from inside the constructor of the class (it's MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN). Now, I want to add the same listener externally, from parent class, for other purposes. Will these two interfere with each other or it's okay?

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