Flash :: PHP - Add A Logo With Url Link On A Web Player?
May 6, 2010
I am doing a project in PHP in which Users can upload videos to the website.Visitors can watch the videos in the website. There will be a logo on the web player.when the visitor clicks on the logo it has to take him to a new page.I don't know how to add a logo with URL link on a web player.
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import flash.events.MouseEvent;myButton.addEventListener(
MouseEvent.CLICK, myButtonFunction);
function myButtonFunction(event:MouseEvent):void {var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("[URL]");
navigateToURL(request, "_self");}
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Dec 27, 2011
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Nov 18, 2004
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background Value="myback.bmp"
(The Code)
<object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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Mar 4, 2010
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Mar 11, 2009
I have a 100% flash site that I would like to layer a png logo above. I would like the logo to appear top left of the window at all times, above the flash movie.
I have looked online for hours and found wmode tips, etc but I'm a beginner coder and am unsure of how to piece it all together.
I created the flash index.html page within flash CS3, using publish settings and would like some step by step info or guidance on how to achieve the logo png. layer above the movie.
here is my flash code:
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Sep 28, 2009
I am trying to do: [URL]. This is a little webpage I'm building as I learn more and more flash. I am at a point where I need to link .mp3 files to the buttons on the "Dan's Top Songs Playlist". If you like, you can download my flash file here: [URL]. I am working with ActionScript 3.0. The buttons in the Media Player are all instances of the same button. How do I tie each button to a different .mp3 song to play when clicked (and stop when another song is clicked or the pause button is clicked)? Because of the size of song files, I'd like to stream it. Also, is there any way to use the "repeat" symbol to just play all the songs in order and the "shuffle" symbol to play them in random order?
Attachments: fbar.zip (1.8 MB)
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I tried copying and pasting it onto Paint or Word, but it was really small and fuzzy, so the resolution was very bad.
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Jan 16, 2004
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