Flash :: TLF Text Makes SWF Main Symbol Not Able To Be Found?
Feb 27, 2012
Im trying to set some text using a TLF text inside Flash CS5. I create a TLF text inside a movieclip, to later access and modify that text at runtime, the problem is, when I load the symbol of the movieclip from Flash Builder, it says that it cant be found, If I delete the TLF text, and publish it again, it works ok... I have no compilation errors.
What cuould be the issue?, doesn't matter if I assign an instance name to the text or not, as soon as I place the TLF text there, my main swf's symbol cant be found..
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this.createTextField ("imageText",2,95,0,390,96);
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imageText.wordWrap = true;[code].....
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at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
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function nextlevel_function(evt:MouseEvent):void {
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package {
// Flash Classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
In result I receive:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property projectSetupStageFullscreen not found on Main and there is no default value.
at core::InitStage()
at Main()
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Mar 8, 2008
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Now in AS3, I think it should read
but I get an error which reads:call to a possibly undefined method play through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObject
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Jan 4, 2012
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Jun 10, 2009
here's my code (I'll explain in a second):
Code: - CA:true - TC:0 - CA:true - 1 - TC:1There's no logic in that! The output proves that both parts of the array are true. And yet, the "if" statement only activates once!
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May 20, 2011
i used this code to change the text format but the text simply doesn't show up!
_global.formatCima = new TextFormat();
formatCima.color = 0xF0FFFF;
formatCima.size =24;
formatCima.font = "Verdana";
_root.txm1.txfd1.tx1in.txto.setNewTextFormat(forma tCima);
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Aug 20, 2011
So, I've been working on this for a few days and what drives me nuts is this is a simple file with a lot of simple script and I still can't figure out what this error is and how to fix it: Property 0 not found on flash.text.TextField and there is no default value The script below what we're looking at, everything is drawn with AS3, there are no library objects (save for the font). I sort of understand what the error is saying, but I don't fully understand it or how to fix it.
Edit: I've searched through similar problems, but couldn't find a proper solution.
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Aug 7, 2008
I am trying to apply a transition to one of my forms. It seems like everything works fine except for the text disappears when I apply transitions like rotating.
I did a google search and saw that I have to embed fonts but I wasn't able to get it working.
I tried:
var myFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.font = myEmbeddedFont.fontName;
myFormat.size = 12; // the same size as the embedded font
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Jun 29, 2009
I have a movieclip with dynamic text fields and images, when I add 3D animation to my movieclip it makes my dynamic text and dynamic images slightly blurry. Is there a way to fix this? I'm not using papervision or any 3rd party library I'm using the Flash API.
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Jul 12, 2006
does anyone know if there is a way to display the square root symbol in a text box flash 8 using actionscript? For instance I just want to display the square root of 4 just the problem not the actual calculated value.
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Nov 22, 2011
I have a project in Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript 3.
I have a movieclip symbol (referred herein as "background" with scripts on various keyframes inside of that symbol. I need to hide or show another symbol (referred herein as "object") sharing a stage with "background".
To put it another way, I need "object" to be hidden when "background" reaches a certain internal keyframe. However, as "object" and "background" are both children of the same stage, how do I do this?
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