Flash :: Using External Class For Facebook Graph Api

Jan 21, 2011

I'm wondering. Is it possible to create an external class just to initialize the API then use functions to call the different items? Like a shortcut to using the API without all the nitty gritty stuff.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Facebook Flash Graph Api?

Oct 9, 2010

I have som porblem with Facebook Flash graph API I am receiving request, but realy when I check my wall in facebook FacebookDesktop.api not adds Like or unLike

private function likeClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{                              handleLikeClick()          }                                        protected function populateLikeCount():void {               if (intData.user_likes) {                    likeBtn.label = 'Unlike';               } else {                    likeBtn.label = 'Like';               }               likesCount.text =


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Flash :: Uploading Images Through Facebook Graph API

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private function handleGetApi(success:Object, fail:Object):void
if (success)


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Facebook Graph API - Loading Video Thumbnails CrossDomain (Flash)

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Actionscript 3 :: Use The Facebook Graph API To Change The Wallpaper On A User Created Page?

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Flash :: Adobe Facebook API Facebook.login VS Facebook.ui Popups?

Oct 24, 2010

I'm currently building an application using the Adobe Facebook API and I've run into an issue where for the login method the Facebook login popup displays but when doing a Facebook share/post the popup is blocked.

This code works fine and displays me a Facebook login popup without question (Firefox):

var permissions:Array = ['publish_stream'];

Facebook.login( onFacebookLogin, { perms:permissions.join(',') } );

However, the following code running in the same application throws up a popup blocker (again Firefox):

Facebook.ui( "stream.publish", "popup", params );

Does anyone know of a work around this issue to make the share popup come up just like the login popup?

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Flex :: Graph Data Provider Has Values But Graph Is Not Plotting

Aug 22, 2011

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function fnctn(evt:Event)
var tp:int = bulb1 + bulb2 + bulb3 + bulb4;


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Jan 26, 2010

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/*var orig_x:Number;
var orig_y:Number;
orig_x = (plane_mc._x)+(plane_mc._width/2);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Facebook Login - Cannot Find Class

Jan 30, 2012

I am trying to build my first flash facebook app, using the "flash facebook cookbook". Its instructions are all for flash builder and I am using flash pro. I've downloaded the flash facebook graph apk, and connected the swc, but when I try to login I need to return a FacebookSession object and I keep getting an error message that it can't find the class.

I import the:
import com.facebook.graph.Facebook;
But it's as if the swc connection didn't work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Facebook Actionscript Graph Api - Post To "/feed"?

Apr 14, 2011

i'm having a bit of trouble with the facebook actionscript graph api While i can get posting to "/feed" to work with Facebook.ui, (does a facebook popup), i can't seem to get it to work with Facebook.api here is my code:


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Flash :: Facebook Connect And Actionscript - Make All Of The Facebook API Calls Via JavaScript

Jun 1, 2009

I'm trying to determine the practical difference between using the com.facebook.session.WebSession and com.facebook.session.JSSession. The documentation ([URL]) has more around WebSession - but the example I have which is closest to what solution I'm trying to implement uses JSSession and it looks like I could avoid all of the JavaScript pass-through & ExternalInterface calls I'm making. It appears that the benefit of using this new ActionScript Facebook API is to avoid having to make all of the Facebook calls via JavaScript.

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Facebook :: Flash - Connecting To Facebook From A Remote Website With OAuth2?

Jan 13, 2012

i need to connect to have a button on my website that connects to facebook (if not already logged in) and posts to the users wall.I've only done this from within an iFrame - do i still need AppId etc etc?

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Facebook :: Flash - Post Swf With Parameters To Facebook Via Application?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a facebook application where the user choose 4 of his friends and then it creates a video (swf) with the pictures of your friends in it (loaded via xml). So I need to share this video on the user timeline. Everything works fine but the video is not embedded in the post on his timeline, there is only a post with the link to the page in it.The weird thing is, if I post the url directly on my timeline, the video is embedded, but not if the same link is posted via the application.here is my code called by the share button in js :

function postToFeed() {
var obj = {
method: 'feed',[code].........

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Flash :: Facebook :: Facebook Pages And Content - Autoplay?

Dec 6, 2011

I've recently used the 'Static HTML' application to add autoplaying flash content to a Facebook Page.Nothing too fancy, no sound, and only a few secs long. Now, Facebook say:-"Apps on Pages must not host media that plays automatically without a user's interaction."

What do they mean by 'Media' exactly? I can understand a ban on autoplaying audio content but does the ban extend to something as harmless as an animated GIF? Or more to the point, does an autoplaying .swf file fall under this?

Lastly, what course of action would Facebook take if I did violate this rule? Would they issue a warning (giving me an opportunity to remove the 'offending' item) or would they just shut down my page without any consultation?

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Php :: Uploading Image To Facebook Through External Script?

Jan 30, 2012

I've developed a Flash quiz app for facebook, which calls for a php script silently upon completion. The php script's function is to generate an image from the POST data sent by the flash, and then post it to the user's wall.That would be all neat and dandy, but for some reason the image never gets uploaded, probably because when i call it, it's like [URL] and the facebook SDK script inside gets an Oauth error, probably because it is not embedded in their canvas.

If I'd like to have my php script generate an image and upload it to the fb wall, then how should I call it from the flash?This is the AS2 code I'm using currently:

callRemoteFile = function(ourVariable:Number) {
var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
result_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {


If I simply navigate to the php with my browser it giver me this:

Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: Invalid OAuth access token signature. thrown in /home/a01223445/public_html/appfolder/base_facebook.php on line 1039

If I view the same php through facebook canvas it works perfectly. My problem is: The canvas will show the flash and I want the php to silently be evaluated while the flash is running.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adobe SDK For Facebook: External Web Apps With No JS?

Apr 14, 2011

I am developing a game and using the official "Adobe AS3 SDK for Facebook platform" libraries to connect it to facebook.In the libraries, you have two options for connecting to facebook, via the Facebook.as, and the FacebookDesktop.as.The Facebook.as is meant for Facebook Canvas and Web deployment, and it assumes the Facebook Javascript to be embedded in the page that has your .SWF.

However as we all know, games are frequently redistributed, just by taking the .SWF and posting it elsewhere, where most likely it wont have the Facebook Javascript embedded in the page.My question is, that in these situatins, is it a good idea to use the FacebookDesktop.as instead? IE detect the URL, and if we are on 3rd party Website, then use the FacebookDesktop.init() etc methods instead of the Facebook.init() ones?

What do you think? Are there any big disadvantages or a better way of doing it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Button Not Working On Facebook FBML

Mar 23, 2011

I have a .swf and the external link buttons work fine except when on facebook the clickable buttons do not lead anywhere.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Facebook - External Interface Security Error

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to make an external interface call on widgets I am creating to get the domain for in/out of network stats.


From what I am reading an allowscriptaccess needs to be set to always, which I can't do because there isn't embed code that is sent to Facebook during a share so I don't have control over that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using An External Class To Reference Functions From Another External Class?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a Main.fla which loads Main.as as its document class. In Main.as I have a public function named "Main" which runs a trace. I also have another .as file called Preloader.as, which also has a public function in it, this one named "Preloader" with simple trace in it. I just cannot figure out how to use Preloader() from the Preloader class in Main() from the Main class. Main.as loads up fine when the SWF loads and traces.

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Flash :: Post A Swf Via Graph Api Using PHP SDK?

Aug 29, 2011

Flash - How do I post a swf via graph api using PHP SDK

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Flash - Tag Photo Graph API / REST API?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm doing a FB app with the Graph API in Flash. I've got everything working which consists in uploading some images created by the user in the app. The only part that I'm missing is how to tag these photos as with the Graph API it is not possible.

So I was wondering if it's possible to call a method of the REST API even though I'm using the Graph API.

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Flash :: Php - JQuery Or Other Graph Visualization?

Aug 23, 2011

I have two basic bar charts and I am currently using XML/SWF Charts which is great but the problem I have is I need to be able to send these graphs via email to the user. As well as display them on the site.

I know sending Flash is a bad idea, I would love to find a way to convert my current graphs to an image, but am pretty certain there is no quick fix without building a work around myself.

Therefore what are the best open source or closed solutions for this problem.I need to be able to display two graphs dynamically and then email them to users.

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Flash - AS3 Graph Api -> Popup Blocked?

Jan 16, 2012

we developed an as3 facebook application (http:url....), but unfortunately the authenification popup is blocked in all major browsers (ie, ff, chrome), which leads to a high rejection rate for our campaign.If I have a look here ... http:[url....These fellows used the same api (http:url.....), I checked it with a decompiler and their popup is never blocked!.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Graph In Flash

Feb 9, 2010

i have a project to do on flash..its about laws of physics and i want to include dynamic graphs.. e.g projectile motion.. the guy enters the distance and the angle and a graph is plotted from the calculations it makes.thing is that i dont even know to make a graph in flash..now i have to make a dynamic one.

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Actionscript 3 :: Facebook Login Handler Doesn't Get Fired In Flex4 Facebook API?

Mar 13, 2011

I have literally spent HOURS trying to solve this mystery... but simply can't seem to get hold of it.
I am using the same code lines (literally!) as the example here (official adobe tutorial) and I get different result.


Everything works fine, i.e. everything till it is time to fire the loggedin event. I get asked to log in and all permissions are asked correctly. After I log myself in to facebook, the loggedin event doesn't fire. Is there any way of solving this problem??

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