Flash - Tag Photo Graph API / REST API?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm doing a FB app with the Graph API in Flash. I've got everything working which consists in uploading some images created by the user in the app. The only part that I'm missing is how to tag these photos as with the Graph API it is not possible.

So I was wondering if it's possible to call a method of the REST API even though I'm using the Graph API.

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"type": "OAuthException",
"message": "A user access token is required to request this resource."

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/*var orig_x:Number;
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if (success)


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Movieclips can be more.

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Nov 17, 2009

I have a function that uses the ... rest argument as follows:

public function dispatchActions(... actions):void
var params:Object = new Object();
params.actions = actions; // I also tried casting ie. = (actions as Array)
this.target.dispatchEvent(new ActionEvent(ActionEvent.dispatchActions, params));

I call it using myActionObject.dispatchActions("all"); The problem is that when a listener receives the dispatched params object and try to access the actions array, it does nothing. If I try to trace evt.params.actions it traces blank and if I try to trace evt.params.actions[0] it traces undefined.


function actionsListener(evt:ActionEvent):void
var actions:Array = (evt.params.actions) as Array; // I also tried without casting
trace("actions", actions, "actions 0", actions[0], "action 1", actions[1]);

This is the output: actions actions 0 undefined actions 1 undefinedI don't understand why I can't pass the ... rest argument through an object as an event parameter. How can I make this work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Flash Movie That Has Illusion Of Overlapping Rest Of Webpage?

Sep 7, 2006

How to create an illusion of a flash movie that gets bigger and looks like it exceeds the stage area.

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Flash :: Display The Coordinates Of A Random Triangle In A Graph Which Ranges From +10 To -10 XY Axis?

Apr 3, 2010

how i display the coordinates of a random triangle in a graph which ranges from -10 to +10 in XY axis with the points like A(2,1) etc with arcs in each corner, in actionscript 2.0

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Real Time - Draw Candle Graph Using Open Flash Chart?

Nov 24, 2010

I want to draw stock price in real time as a candle graph. I get open flash chart from someone and it looks good at drawing. I don't know how to update the candle graph in real time (using Ajax?), and is it a good way? I use Python a lot. But I cannot find tools as easily to use as OFC.

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Upload Binary (audio) Data From A Flash Client To .NET Server (WCF/REST/HTTP)?

May 5, 2010

I originally tried to capture, encode and upload the audio using Silverlight, but because of the lack of suitable client-side encoding options, I'm now giving Flash a shot (Flash has baked-in support for encoding to Speex).I think I've figured out how to capture and encode the audio... But now what was easy in Silverlight, is the challenge in Flash.My server-side is .NET: MVC2-I'm open to receiving the audio in whatever manner is best- REST, WCF..So that's my question: How could one upload binary data from Flash, to a .NET server-side endpoint

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