Flash :: Fadein Child When Calling AddChild?

May 26, 2010

Everywhere I've looked has instructed me to download plugins and addons because they're "superior." I'm just looking for a simple fade in/fade out when a child is added/deleted (if fadein is all I can get, I'll take it.) Here is a function I'm calling...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild With Tweened FadeIn?

Sep 4, 2009

I am just trying to get my as3 tweening skills locked down around the basics. So, for this example, I have a logo / home button fading in, this code is working for that... however, is there a way to addChild (home in this case) via the tween code, so that I do not have to add the child at alpha0 "then" fade it in?

import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var home:Logo = new Logo();addChild (home);home.x = 400;home.y = 300;home.alpha = 0;
var fadeIn:Tween = new Tween(home,"alpha",None.easeNone,0,100,200,true);

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Flex :: ViewStack.addChild Adding Multiple Child And Only The Last Child Is Visible?

Mar 10, 2010

var viewStack:ViewStack = new ViewStack();
viewStack.percentWidth = 100;
viewStack.percentHeight = 100;


Its only displaying canVas3 contents not canVas1 and canVas2

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Cs4 - Throwing Error #1009 When Calling AddChild With A TileList As The Argument?

Mar 23, 2011

To be exact this is the error.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at fl.containers::BaseScrollPane/drawBackground()
at fl.controls::TileList/draw()
at fl.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()

Now I've tried several of Adobe's own examples from this page, http:/[url]....., and they all throw this error as well.The error is triggered by the TileList instance being the argument of the addChild function.Here's my package, which works fine when I change the displayComponent is be a List.

package com.pennstate {
import fl.data.DataProvider;
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]........

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Actionscript 3 :: Addchild Within Child And Clear The First Child?

May 25, 2010

Within the main timeline I have a menu, which is a MovieClip. This menu is comprised of about 17 "buttons", each of which point to a different section of the site. When a "button" is clicked (2 examples: menu_bag_button, menu_trashbag_button), the menu will animate, moving left, and 2 library items (bag_container and close_btn) should appear to the right, both within "framecontainer".Then, while the menu is on the left, this specific button must not repeat the menu animation, thus I did an if statement finding which frame it is on, and if it's on the left, it simply clears the framecontainer and loads the content again.

The problem is that when another link is clicked, it needs to do one of two things: if the menu is in the center with no content loaded, it needs to animate the menu to the right, and load the content/close_btn into "framecontainer"; or, if the menu is on the left, it needs to clear "framecontainer" and load the corresponding content.I've tried a lot of things but since all of these buttons are within "menu_mc", the actionscript has to point to the root, THEN to"framecontainer" and everything gets convoluted.Here is my current code. It functions fine, except for the fact that it doesn't clear content, so it continues loading the frames so that one is closed, there is still other content behind it:

import flash.display.*;
import fl.transitions.*;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;[code].............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Calling Parent From Child

Jul 21, 2011

In my child constructor I use MovieClip(this.parent).blablabla() to retrieve info, yea I know I can pass it through the constructor, anyways I keep getting errors anytime I try to use MovieClip(this.parent) in the constructor, it gives a refrence error saying it's null.

Why doesn't that command work, is there a way around it (other than the constructor)? Is it because it's bad design? I'm calling a function that has alot of data, so I'm just passing this to the child and using the passed this data to call the parent atm, looking for a better MovieClip(this.parent) solution.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Function From Child To Child?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a main.swf. I have loaded two child-SWFs into it, child1.swf and child2.swf.... There´s a videoclip inside child1.swf, can I stop that video from child2.swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error When Calling AddChild Method?

Apr 7, 2011

I created a new class as DraggableObject in Flash CS5 with the following definition:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class DraggableObject extends MovieClip{
public function DraggableObject(){


Before running the code, I had a simple rectangle object converted to a movie clip and exported it to actionscript with the class of 'DraggableObject'. I just had it in library (i. e. no other instance in the stage). What I wanted is to create an instant of it at run-time ( 'draggableObject' ) and have it added to the display list of the stage, throgh its method 'draggableObject.addToStage()'.

And I don't have an idea as to what 'null object' referes to here. Since I created an instance in the line "var draggableObjectraggableObject = new DraggableObject()", it cann not be null....? When I commented out the line 'stage.addChild( this );' in the class definition (line9) it works with the trace statement output.

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Actionscript 3 :: Using Events Vs. Directly Calling Parent Application Function From A Child In Flex / Flash Builder

Jun 21, 2011

If I need to call a specific function in the parent application from a child in a flex project, what's the best practice for this? Would it be to dispatch a custom event from the child and have a listener call that function? Or to directly call the function with FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild-Selected Child Always On Top?

Jun 11, 2009

I have a package that scales a pic up when the pic is moused over. Also in the .fla that references that package, I have code that loads the pics into movie clips on the stage(using XML).

My problem is that when I mouse over the pic it goes behind the other pics that are next to it. The moused over pic needs to appear above the surrounding pics. I know this is an addChildAt / indexing issue. I'm just having trouble working it into my code.

Actually, the package code (PhotoScaler.as) has a line that is supposed to make the moused over mc go above everything else, but it doesn't work when I add a pic to the symbol

Here is the Package code:

package AS3code {
import caurina.transitions.Tweener
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Child When Adding With AddChild?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm adding various movieclips to the stage with the following code:var invis_obj = new invisible_li_mc();addChild(invis_obj);However, when I try to access the movieclip such asinvis_obj.buttonMode = true;I get nothing however, something like invis_obj.alpha=0; works fine..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use AddChild To Create A Child Movieclip?

Dec 13, 2009

I am trying to use addChild to create a child movieclip of one created in another Class. It creates one fine in the testCanvas class but when I want to add a child clip with mctestObject I get nothing.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import test.mctestObject;


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TypeError: Error #2007, Removing Child, And AddChild

Jul 21, 2009

"TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/addChild()
at newLFXsite_fla::MainTimeline/onClick()"

so i get this error every time i click on the about page after the homepage appears on screen, from what i know im doing everything right, but i guess theres something wrong that i cant see.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild() Moves The Child Movie Clip?

Oct 5, 2009

My issue is this: When I call MC1.addChild(MC2), it moves MC2 a few pixels from the location it was originally. I don't want it to move MC2,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild Does Not Get The Child Sit Inside Parent Object

Oct 23, 2009

I am trying to get a circle shape and a text-field sit inside a square sprite, using addChild() method. Both the children seem not to agree sitting in the lap of their parent; and are sitting at a distance, instead. If I create a square symbol on the stage and run the application, everything is fine.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild Is Replacing Previously Added Child?

Jul 28, 2009

The code below is called after a thumbnail is generated and available. It is supposed to add the thumbnail to a MC along with the file name. The first go around (after a file is uploaded and converted) works, but the second time around the 2nd MC is generated and placed on stage with the correct file name and thumb image, but the first thumbnail image isappears (the file name stays).I don't understand why.

function initlistener(e:Event):void{
myURLFILE = "myURL";//reset URL


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Child Navigation To Load AddChild Main Time Line

Jan 23, 2009

Using Child Navigation to load main time line.I am new to AS3 and have done pretty well but have been caught up this area.I have been loading swfs into a loader (imageLoader) which has been added to the stage using addChild. Then with buttons and functions I load other swfs into the same loader which replace each other. I now have an swf "testProject3a.swf" loaded into (imageLoader) which has icons for navigation and when each icon is clicked I need it to load another swf into (imageLoader) and replace it's self "testProject3a.swf" with "portalB.swf".I've tried adding removeChild code to the loaded swf but it removes the original (imageLoader) and the other buttons have nothing to load into.[code]

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Calling 2 Child In XML?

Jan 25, 2009

I have an xml file that contains 4 children of information....

Code: Select all<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<slideshow width="480" height="280" maxAngle="10>
<image url="adventures/2009/gridiron/slides/lw-1.jpg" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Switching AddChild() Parents - Pictures To Appear As Popups However To Add The Child From Inside The Movieclip

Aug 21, 2009

in my last flash website i built, i created a gallery, my way of creating pages in flash are to have a movieclip as a page, so to make it easier to switch between the paged (page switching functionality is purely done in AS3). the gallery was a problem however, i needed the pictures to appear as popups, however to add the child from inside the movieclip, any masks i use would prevent the popup from leaving the immediate area of the page. so to get around this problem i basically used: MovieClip(root).addChild()

in my opinion this was a mistake, because it created other problems. the problem was that the popups are still connected to the page, even though they are outside of it, which meant that using removeChild() to switch from the gallery, meant that any popup that were still active, 'DIDNT' dissapear, and worse than that, because the page was removed, the popups lost any AS connected to them, which meant the couldnt be removed at all.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Child Html From Swf?

Mar 18, 2009

Im trying to get 10 year old flash sites all linked togther and online after a long time out of the game for a job aplication deadline.

I just need my path sorting.All I need is the action scripting code to call an html document, that is in a folder within the root. I am calling from a swf embeded in html in the root. I can get a new widdow open but it doesnt find the html file.

Im using

on (release) {
getURL("/Memory/home.html", "_blank");

It works in html below,

<a href="Memory/home.html" target="_blank">

how do I write it in actionscript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Child's Timelabel?

Dec 21, 2010

i got this problem that i've been facing i have 1 symbol M and M has a timeline M is a shape tween eg.star
m is made up of symbols, eg. part of the star so i get 5 different "points/ends"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function From A Child?

Feb 18, 2009

I'm trying to call a public function that is in the document class from a child of a child...

ActionScript Code:
private function handlerClick(event:Event):void {
var sendID:String = event.currentTarget._id;
var sendType:String = event.currentTarget._type;
var sendPath:String = event.currentTarget._path;
var sendIndex:String = event.currentTarget._index;
this.parent.parent.navClicked(sendType, sendID, sendPath, sendIndex);

When I do this I get an error "Call to a possibly undefined method ' navClicked' "

I was working around trying to create a custom event by using the click in the child and calling the 'do something' function from within the class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Function From Child Swf?

Jul 19, 2010

How do you call a function within a child.swf from a parent.swf?There seems to be a load of advice for the revers

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function From Child SWF?

Jul 25, 2010

The fololowing code works:

function btnHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parent Calling Child Function?

May 23, 2011

May i know how to call child function(layer 2) in parent(layer 1)?
Layer 1 (Parent)
function changeAction():void{
This method will give me the error -> Call to a possibly undefined method changeColor.
Layer 2 (Child)
function changeColor():void{

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Function In Child Swf From Parent

Jul 27, 2009

I have container swf which includes navigation that loads child swfs. Each child swf is loaded then visibility is set to false. Once a child ( an image gallery actually) is loaded it is possible to jump from image to image. What Id would like to be able to do is call a "clean up" function that returns the child to its initial state when anothor nav link ( a different gallery) in the parent is clicked. But I do not know how the syntax is supposed to be written or if its even possible.

Ideally it would look something like this in the parent container swf:

ActionScript Code:
function swapSectionIdentity(e:MouseEvent):void {
setChildIndex(background_home, 0);
getChildByName("identity_mc").visible = true;


the behavior I am attempting to avoid is when a child swf is loaded ( an image gallery) and then the child is invoked to display a particular image in it, afterwhich a main navigation link is clicked the current gallery is set to visible = false and a new gallery is set to visible = true. But when you return to the previous gallery the last image viewed is still showing. I want to be able to reutrn to galleries inital state as it is hidden. make sense?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: After Calling RemoveChild(), Child Still In DiplayObjectContainer?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a DisplayObject, called myView nested in a DisplayObjectContainer called myContainer. myView is the only child of myContainer.I add a REMOVED_FROM_STAGE EventListener to myView, and call myContainer.removeChild(myView). The onRemovedFromStage Event fires for myView when it's removed from the stage, HOWEVER, myContainer still has a reference to it as a child on its display list! myContainer numChildren is still 1, and that child is still registered as myView!!! what circumstances this could be happening? I realize that there may be a reference to it somewhere causing this strangeness, but if the REMOVED_FROM_STAGE event has fired, shouldn't it follow that myView has been removed from myContainer?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Calling Function In Child MovieClip?

Sep 11, 2010

Here is the simple example

//main is MovieClip on main timeline
//VideoPanel is MovieClip in the library
var theVideo:VideoPanel=new VideoPanel();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Child Calling Parent Function?

Mar 17, 2009

I have setup a simple video interface. The video player lives in the parent swf. The video list chooser is loaded as a child swf. In this child swf, I have some video buttons nested within two movieclips in order to facilitate the scrolling feature. I am trying to get the movie buttons to load flvs into the component flv player in the parent swf. I have declared the functions in the parent and I am trying to call them in the child:Code in the Parent:

function vid1(event:MouseEvent): void{
pubPlayer.source = 'vid1.flv';


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unknown Child Calling Father?

Feb 2, 2012

I have class A and a child instance of class B: B calls a function of parent class A, and if I try to simply trace B from here (from inside the function in A) I get a null!

If I pass B as a parameter to the function in A and trace it is correctly show the class type, but tracing the B instance directly gives me a null, how can this happen?

class A Main()
gameElements = new GameElements(this);
function whatever (ga: *){


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