Flash :: Let A User Open Xml-file (stored On Server)
Aug 14, 2009
i have some xml-files stored at a specific folder on my server.now i want the user to be able to choose one of those xml-files (best solution would be that he has to press a button and a "file browse"-dialog opens, which shows him the xml-files, which are stored on the server). what would be a good solution to implement this functionality?
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myButton.onRelease = function()
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Sep 27, 2004
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Example: When user save an audio on unit S35PE12 (unit/activity name), the flash will pass this value(S35PE12) to the exe. If the user is saving an audio from unit L23PE41, the value being passed to exe will be L23PE41.
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Mar 19, 2012
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excelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
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client-side: how can one access to cam and mic local streams not using flash ?
server-side: are there any existing frameworks or open source servers (something like red5) that focus on this kind of use cases ? If not, what do I need to build my own (lightweight) visio chat server ?
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May 3, 2011
I am trying to customize a video player skin from f4player [URL] [the file is mySkin.fla]). I am using flash cs3 pro and I get the error "Unexpected file format" when trying to open the file, a friend has flash cs4 and has the same error. Is there something I could do to open this .fla file correctly? Or maybe if someone could try opening it and saving it again for cs3?
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