ActionScript 3.0 :: Open A Browse Dialog For User To Select A File?

Dec 8, 2009

How can I open a browse dialog for user to select a file ;after selecting file, the address to be passed into a variable for later use?I mean I want btn1 to open a browse dialog and var1 to get the address of the selected file on my local drive.

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Flash 10 :: Javascript :: Open File Dialog In "without" User Interaction?

Sep 25, 2009

I want to open a file dialog via FileReference.browse() but I get #2176 error which means that this action can only be invoked upon some user interaction. I'm aware of security considerations but in my scenario I have a thin flash movie which merely displays an image and the whole UI is in javascript (I heavily use javascript <-> actionscript communication).

So the question is - do you think it would be possible to invoke FileReference.browse() upon the user interaction coming from javascript?

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Professional :: Snow Leopard Browse For File Dialog Bug In Current Flash Player?

Sep 17, 2009

We have noticed a possible bug in the Flash Player within Mac's latest OS version Snow Leopard.
When a Browse for file dialog is initiated, upon returning to the browser. It's as if there is a layer above the flash app which stops interaction with the mouse. MouseOver events no longer take place and a click is require to remove this layer. If you move your mouse at all after the click this invisible layer returns limiting interaction.
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Flash :: File Select Dialog Limitation In Chrome?

Mar 5, 2012

I'm trying to integrate a JavaScript multiple file uploader into a website. I've worked with Uploadify before and wanted to go with that. The difference in this case was that I needed to allow a large number of files in the upload queue (up to 500).

Everything works fine in Firefox, IE6-9 and Safari. Except for Chrome, where when selecting more than 232 files at once (using the Flash file select dialog) it doesn't do anything (the file select event is not triggered for the JS script to capture).

At first I thought it was an Uploadify bug, and decided to try Plupload as an alternative. Problem is that I hit the same dead end with the Flash version of Plupload, it just won't do anything when selecting more than 232 files at once.

Is this a known Flash Player limitation/bug in Chrome?

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The code below seems to find the file fine as the file.exists method below and most of the other attributes seem to be correct but the is always null.I'm guessing this is a security issue and that's why I'm running into this problem but I thought I'd ask and see if there is in fact a way around this problem.

var file:File = new File(fullPath + "\" + currentFolder + ".txt");
if(file.exists) {
var byteArray:ByteArray =;

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So is there a way to monitor opened file dialogs?

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Jun 28, 2010

I am using the following simple code:[code]A big flash button triggers this code, which works perfectly fine. Unfortunately, I don't enforce that the button cannot be clicked while the dialog box to browse file is opened, so I get "Error: Error #2041: Only one file browsing session may be performed at a time." if I click on the button while the pop up dialog box is up.A solution that I really like is the one that Google Docs has. It does not let you click on their button, above "Select files to upload" while the pop up dialog box is showed. Actually, this dialog box has a sort of priority: You can't click ANYWHERE on the page before you select files or cancel on this dialog box.I would like to have the same behavior, not let the users click anywhere in my web page until this dialog box is done, just like Google Docs does it, but I can't seem to find how.

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Jan 30, 2009

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myButton.onRelease = function()

I can't see anything wrong with the above. I intend to use the code for a CD will sit on the CD ROM. When I click on the button, it opens a browser window and tries to go to had it working the other day.

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Jun 23, 2010

what is probably a basic question...I have a Flash app that needs access to the microphone. The code is:var mic:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();That initiates a dialog box where the user allows or denies use of the mic. What I was to do is have my code pause at that point, and not proceed until after the user has made their choice (allow or deny). I assume there's gotta be an easy way to do this, but I haven't discovered it.

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Flex :: Flash - Browse And Get The Full Path Of A File On Local Machine's File System?

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Professional :: Let User Select Multiple Buttons?

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I was wondering, if I had an image with multiple sections that are highlighted on rollover(like a car), and I wanted to give the user an opportunity to select multiple sections and on release they are taken to a page that displays relevant info on each clicked section, how would I go about doing that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The User To Select A Local Directory?

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