Flash :: Outputting An Array Of Links With No Overlapping?

Jan 27, 2010

When outputting links dynamically, I cannot determine the Y-Pos dynamically. It will work find if my links are single lined. link_txt.y = i*20;

this will only work if the links are Single Lined. assuming they are 15px for height + 5 for spacing.

As soon as they are 2 lines, they overlap. I've tried different methods but unable to figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Array On Multiple Lines?

Jan 13, 2004

I have a movieclip that calls an array, but I want that array to be output on multiple lines in the movie. How do I break up an array in such a way that it is output with the equivalent of line breaks?


When the movieclip pulls in the chunks of that array it sticks them all on one line. Is it possible to include some element in the code above to split the elements of the array onto multiple lines when it's output? Is there an equivalent to perl's "/n" which prints a line break, for example? I'd prefer that option than having to create multiple arrays and reengineer the entire function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Array On Multiple Lines

Jan 13, 2004

I have a movieclip that calls an array, but I want that array to be output on multiple lines in the movie. How do I break up an array in such a way that it is output with the equivalent of line breaks?

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phrase = new Array();
thewords="this is line 1 text, this is line 2 text, but it's all going to be on the same line";

When the movieclip pulls in the chunks of that array it sticks them all on one line. Is it possible to include some element in the code above to split the elements of the array onto multiple lines when it's output? Is there an equivalent to perl's "/n" which prints a line break, for example? I'd prefer that option than having to create multiple arrays and reengineer the entire function. Thanks.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Data In Flash To Text Documents, Creating Textdocs With Flash & Mc Filters?

Apr 22, 2007

Question 1: How do I add a filter to a movieclip from actionscript,More specificly, the "adjust color" filter, and I want to decrease brightness, saturation,hue, and contrast... by actionscript...If you dont know what I mean, use the circle tool to create a circle, convert to movie clip, click the "filter" tab, then click + and add a adjust color filter, you'll see what I mean...Question 2: I need to output text to 'text' documents, no I cannot use shared objects for this, as it is a program for a client, and it isn't safe enough for me.

var archive:Array = [];
archive[7] = "Hello I am the 8th archive";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting The Mc Name?

Aug 25, 2003

i have a child mc with a loadVars event that gets some text from a file and loads it into a text box.the parent mc is called about_uswhat i want to do is tell loadVars to look for a file of the same name as the parent clip (instead of hard-coding the name - so i can reuse it in other clips in the same project)this is what i have at the moment:// load datamyData.load("myFile.txt");

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However, when I trace image_path from my xml file, the result seems to knock off the "http:" part of the node.

Also, when I load the image, the loader ends up being null (maybe this is because I didn't set up an event handler for it).

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.text.TextField;
//Array to hold the target instances, the drop instances,


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ActionScript 2.0 :: URL Links Into A Array?

May 15, 2005

I'm trying to do a collasplble menu, after hours of search (thx Google) I've found a great FLA, really.. but I don't know why, I cannot make url links, it only work with external SWF..

it look like this :

HTML Code:
links = new Array();
links[0] = "exemple.html";
links[1] = "exemple 2.html";

But nothing work, do you have a idea ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Links In An Array?

Aug 19, 2007

I'm trying to have links(when pressed)- to go to a corresponding frame label- example link5 when pressed would take you to "section5".The following code works fine for the rollOver and rollOut states- the problem is onRelease.Basically I want link[i] to gotoAndStop("section" + i)- when pressed...Anyway I know something's screwy with the for loop or the way I'm combining a string with a var- or both...

var linkArray:Array = new Array();
for (var i:Number = 1; i<6; i++) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Single Cue Point Outputting Multiple Times?

Jul 23, 2009

here's what I have - a custom video player that pulls everything from an XML doc. In that XML doc, I have three sections that contain start, middle, and end times (in seconds) for the video. The goal is to track how many times the start, mid point, and end of the video are reached.

This all works, however I'm encountering a strange action. When I play the movie, I get output that the start point has been hit, then I get three (3) duplicate outputs of the mid point getting triggered, and finally six (6) reports of the end point hit.Strange. The numbers change slightly, (1,3,6 and 2,4,10, and 1,4,8) times for each of the start/mid/end triggers.

Here's the code that I'm using:

("prefs.prefOmnitureStart", "prefs.prefOmnitureMiddle", and "prefs.prefOmnitureEnd" are the numbers in seconds that are pulled from the xml. In my example, they're 2.0, 6.0, and 10.0)


myVideo.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener);
function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void {
myVideo.addASCuePoint(prefs.prefOmnitureStart, "sendOmnitureStart");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keycode Trace Function Not Outputting All Keycodes?

Oct 16, 2008

The trace function in this file doesn't output all of the keycodes on my keyboard. Some letters generate a keycode and others don't. For instance, "u" outputs 85 but "i" outputs nothing.

Here's the trace function trace(event.keyCode);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make URL Links Into A Array?

May 15, 2005

I'm trying to do a collasplble menu, after hours of search (Google) I've found a great FLA, really.. but I don't know why, I cannot make url links, it only work with external SWF..


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Professional :: Array Elements That Respond As Links

Jun 9, 2010

It is a large gear that rotates CCW when you click the top button and CW when you click the bottom button. Clicking the buttons also retrieves the next element in an array called 'title' and displays it next to the gear. The elements of the array are titles of videos. I need to be able to click on these titles (as hyperlinks) and have them open up a video window to display the video that corresponds to that title. I am using flash CS5 and I am a beginner. The applet can be seen at [URL] and the AS code is below.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get Links To Work Properly From A List Of Websites In An Array

Jul 19, 2009

I have an array called "webSite" that has a list of website addresses (url..).I have this code snippet that works great except that all the siteButton moviclips all go to the last website address in the "webSite" array.I need each button that is created to go to the proper website in the array. (siteButton[0] goes to webSite[0], etc.).Here is the shippet of the code where I am having the problem.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3D Rotating Cube - Creating Array Of Image Links

Jan 12, 2011

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I feel like I'm ALMOST there - I've gotten it to work so that I can click the panel and it links to a URL, but right now every panel links to the same link. I haven't figured out how to make each panel link to its own separate URL. Here is the portion of code in my .FLA where I've added the linking action:

setupFaceAction = function (cube) {
for (var i = 0; i<cube.faceArray.length; i++) {
var face = cube.faceArray[i];
face.onPress = function() {
if (!cube.fading) {
[Code] .....

This is the line I added to make it link when you click the panel after it's facing forward:
cube.getURL("[URL]", "_self");}

So I assume I need to set up some sort of array so I can have multiple links that correlate with the appropriate image. To make it clearer, I've attached all of my files, so you can see all the code. You'll find actionscript in the .FLA and two external actionscript files. I think "cube.as" may be where I need to do the work.

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I am facing the problem in showing Ajax Modal Popup Extender over Flash.when Popup comes out it will overlap by flash(Its giving me problem in IE 8,its work fine with the Firefox).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Overlapping HTML With Flash?

Apr 30, 2009

is there a way I can have my flash content visible outside the swf area and have it overlap HTML content?

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Html :: Flash - Overlapping CSS Problem In IE?

Mar 18, 2010

This only happens if I've just launched IE after being restarted and goes away once I refresh the page. I even added a jQuery $(document).ready function that sets a margin between the html and the flash content to add 1px of space when the page is loaded. It's so hard to figure out, because once I refresh the page, it goes away.########### SOLVED ###################### SOLVEDI set the flash output as a javascript var (actually json_encoded PHP output) and on document load inserted the object into the "flashContent" div with the jQuery.(document).ready event.

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Flash :: Layout - Overlapping An Html Div?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a weather widget that is flash and expandable. one of the issues i had is when I expand the widget, it wouldn't expand passed the flash container size, so most of the content is cut up. I increased the size of the flash container and that worked. The problem is that the I have another facebook widget that is below the weather widget and that got pushed a lot. I moved the facebook widget up with a negative margin and now they are aligned fine. BUT i can't interact with the facebook widget. and I think the reason is that it is actually behind the flash container. it works fine on ie but i am trying to get it to work on chrome. I have changed the z-index to make the facebook widget on top of the flash, but the flash started to appear behind the facebook now.[URL]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overlapping In Flash Movie

Jan 25, 2011

I have not used Flash for around 10 years so am fighting my way back in. For my website about mountain biking I have created a scrolling map withe buttons on in the correct locations that you will click and take you too the relevant page.

My problem is on the mouse over for the buttons text comes out of the side but if there is a button next to it the text comes out under the next button. How do I make it so that its not overlapped by anything. I did think about creating a layer at the top of my flash file and putting all of the text movies in it so that they would not be overlapped. Check out my work so far below, you can see what I mean if you mouse over the button to the bottom left.


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IDE :: Flash 8 Overlapping Movie Clips

Jul 16, 2009

when i tell Flash to load a movie in on top of the existing movie, how do I disable the links below while that movie is still loaded and then re-enable the links once it's closed.i.e - I'm clicking an image to load a enlarged version of that image directly over the top. if you accidentally click the mouse anywhere in that area it automatically reloads the same movie?Anyway to disable the level below?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio From Flash CS3 Video Overlapping?

Oct 20, 2008

audio from Flash CS3 Video overlapping stopping the FLVPlayback instance (which has an instance name of theVideo) when another button is clicked! How do I stop flv playback when user clicks a navigation button ...

I'm using the attached code to go from the main stage to one subset of .swf files (loaded movies) and I apparently have no problems with overlapping. Hell, the files even seem to unload themselves correctly. Then, when I go to my second subset of .swf files (with the exact same AS3 structure), which has a Flash Video file (made by the FLV Playback component), I get into an overlapping problem associated with the audio.How can I stop, cancel, or unload the audio when the file is clicked away from (the user selects another button on the mainstage)?

View 27 Replies

Flash :: Flexpaper Overlapping Html Elements?

Apr 10, 2012

I know that I have to set the wmode property, but where do I set the property in flex paper.Following is the code to embed Flexpaper into the HTML document.

<script type="text/javascript">
var doc = '<?php print $doc; ?>';
var numPages = <?php echo getTotalPages($pdfFilePath . $doc) ?>;


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Transparency Of Overlapping Items?

Sep 7, 2010

In Flash, I have a container with several overlapping children. When I give this container an alpha value of .5, some of the children can be seen behind others that overlap them. I would rather be able to take the whole thing as a composite image and blend it that way.

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Flash :: How To Avoid Overposting (overlapping) Labels

May 18, 2011

I have to display a multitude of labels on-screen without overlap.The label positions should be as close as possible to the features they describe. The features may be points, lines, or polygons on-screen (imagine any variety of map).I have to satisfy the following requirements in my application:labels must be positioned to avoid overposting (overlap) with other labels..labels must be positioned to avoid overlapping with other features (polygons and line segments) optimum position for a label is above and to the right of the feature they describe below and to the right is less acceptable least acceptable positions are to the left.I need to come up with a method for doing this.Before I just start attempting to do this at random, I am hoping someone here may have already done this and be able to give me some advice as to where to start.Basically, with the labels, I could use bounding boxes to compare them to each other. Although I don't know a good way to do this. With the line segments and polygons onscreen that they are labeling, I really don't have a clue what I should do to avoid overlap. I am hoping it won't require much more effort on top of avoiding the overlap of the labels themselves.

I think repulsion would work if I only had to deal with labels overlapping other labels. But if I have a line segment drawn across half the screen, I don't know how I can avoid overlap with that using the repulsion technique.The language I am using is Actionscript 3 and the Flex framework. I don't believe Flex has any layout manager classes like there are in Java Spring that can do this work for me.Anyway, links or suggestions would be welcome. I can allow for some brute force; I don't see how I can accomplish this otherwise.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Select The Links Which Animate Out A Menu That Holds A Couple Of Links?

Mar 23, 2004

I have a menu once clicked it animates out a menu that holds a couple of links, but with my code I can't select the links.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Sound Overlapping Problem In Flash?

Oct 15, 2011

I'm a beginner with this whole As3 lango and running into a couple of road blocks.I designed a flash site with a total of four pages. I have background music playing when at the homepage and continues to play when browsing the other three pages, but when I navigate back to the homepage the background music replays and overlaps itself. Is there a way I can stop the background from repeating itself every time I navigate back to the home page?

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Grid Image Gallery In Flash - Overlapping Layer?

May 7, 2011

I have just done using the tutorial (url.....) for creating a XML Grid Image Gallery in Flash for my portfolio.Since I created my website entirely with flash cs5, I have put the script in a new action layer on top of one of the pages.It worked fine when I just tested that page, but when I clicked into other pages, the gallery wouldn't go away, I tried to put "stop();" in front of my script but still didn't work, everything overlapped with each other.The following is my script

PHP Code:

import fl.controls.ProgressBar;
import fl.transitions.Tween;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Overlapping Layers - Get 'game' To Start At Frame 2?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm creating a basic game - snake. I have 2 layers, intro and game. I want the intro to start then you click 'Play' and it goes to game on 2nd frame. However they're both overlapping each other... [URL] How can I get 'game' to start at frame 2? (I've tried deleting frame 1, etc.)

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