ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Array On Multiple Lines

Jan 13, 2004

I have a movieclip that calls an array, but I want that array to be output on multiple lines in the movie. How do I break up an array in such a way that it is output with the equivalent of line breaks?

for example, if an array is defined like this:
phrase = new Array();
thewords="this is line 1 text, this is line 2 text, but it's all going to be on the same line";

When the movieclip pulls in the chunks of that array it sticks them all on one line. Is it possible to include some element in the code above to split the elements of the array onto multiple lines when it's output? Is there an equivalent to perl's "/n" which prints a line break, for example? I'd prefer that option than having to create multiple arrays and reengineer the entire function. Thanks.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Array On Multiple Lines?

Jan 13, 2004

I have a movieclip that calls an array, but I want that array to be output on multiple lines in the movie. How do I break up an array in such a way that it is output with the equivalent of line breaks?


When the movieclip pulls in the chunks of that array it sticks them all on one line. Is it possible to include some element in the code above to split the elements of the array onto multiple lines when it's output? Is there an equivalent to perl's "/n" which prints a line break, for example? I'd prefer that option than having to create multiple arrays and reengineer the entire function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Single Cue Point Outputting Multiple Times?

Jul 23, 2009

here's what I have - a custom video player that pulls everything from an XML doc. In that XML doc, I have three sections that contain start, middle, and end times (in seconds) for the video. The goal is to track how many times the start, mid point, and end of the video are reached.

This all works, however I'm encountering a strange action. When I play the movie, I get output that the start point has been hit, then I get three (3) duplicate outputs of the mid point getting triggered, and finally six (6) reports of the end point hit.Strange. The numbers change slightly, (1,3,6 and 2,4,10, and 1,4,8) times for each of the start/mid/end triggers.

Here's the code that I'm using:

("prefs.prefOmnitureStart", "prefs.prefOmnitureMiddle", and "prefs.prefOmnitureEnd" are the numbers in seconds that are pulled from the xml. In my example, they're 2.0, 6.0, and 10.0)


myVideo.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cp_listener);
function cp_listener(eventObject:MetadataEvent):void {
myVideo.addASCuePoint(prefs.prefOmnitureStart, "sendOmnitureStart");


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Flash :: Outputting An Array Of Links With No Overlapping?

Jan 27, 2010

When outputting links dynamically, I cannot determine the Y-Pos dynamically. It will work find if my links are single lined. link_txt.y = i*20;

this will only work if the links are Single Lined. assuming they are 15px for height + 5 for spacing.

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tileList.addItem({label:item.attribute("title").toXMLString() + "
" + item.attribute("desc").toXMLString(),


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..I am using...

on (release) {
dir_box.text="From South";

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Information was removed based on the request of the users of this account.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extend Code To Multiple Lines

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the symbol (or pair of symbols) to extend a line of code to multiple lines? For example, rather than this:


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public function startDrawing(event:MouseEvent):void
canvas = new CartesianDataCanvas;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting The Mc Name?

Aug 25, 2003

i have a child mc with a loadVars event that gets some text from a file and loads it into a text box.the parent mc is called about_uswhat i want to do is tell loadVars to look for a file of the same name as the parent clip (instead of hard-coding the name - so i can reuse it in other clips in the same project)this is what i have at the moment:// load datamyData.load("myFile.txt");

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Feb 1, 2010

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my name
is Bryan

in the textArea

outputs to HellomynameisBryan

how can I get it to output with line breaks?

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import model.PersonSummary;


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ActionScript 3 :: Read Text File And See Lines In Multiple Frames

Feb 11, 2012

I would like to see a line of a text file on the frame that I want (and view it in a dynamic text). This is my text file:

This is my code in the first frame:
var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

With this I can see "Foo" in the first frame. How could I see "Candy"? a second frame. Is it repeated all this code again? Is there any way to just invoke the Lines array:
Array = (/ n /)
And obtain the desired Item?

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var soundList:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int = 0; i < 25; i++) {
var new_String:String = new String();[code]....

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Sep 23, 2011

I have a set of small circles(balls) on the stage, contained in an array. The array at different times in times in the program could have ballArray.length=1 or ballArray.length=125 or 48 or 0, etc.The balls float around the stage randomly too.I wish to have a function which will draw a line between all the points(balls or circles) in that array.So for example where there is 0 or 1 balls, there would be 0 lines drawn.Where there is 4 balls there would be 6 interconnections. as there would be six lines linking every object to each other object , exactly once per tick in the animation.[code]

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Feb 16, 2011

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myText.htmlText = "<img src='"+dataProvider.bodyImage.getUrl('original')+"' align='left' />" + dataProvider.bodyText;
The image will be successfully added to the htmlText, but it seems to measure the sizes completely wrong. At times, the actual text (dataProvider.bodyText) will have part 'hidden' under the image. At other times, there are anywhere from 1 to 4 lines cut off at the bottom. However, if you select the text and drag your mouse down, you can see the bottom lines. It appears the text is all there, but the mx:Text component is not including the image in the textHeight, so it doesnt resize the componenet to the correct size.

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Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to draw a line between circles stored in an array. I have a button on the stage which adds another circle to the stage. My issue is I cannot draw a line between the most recent circle added to the array and the one that will be added next.

It is a bit complicated and I'm not an experienced programmer by any stretch of the imagination.

Anyway, here's my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Outputting Bitmap Path From Xml File?

Nov 21, 2008

I have an xml file that includes image paths.

I'd like to read that image path from the xml and display the image (a jpg or gif) on the stage.

However, when I trace image_path from my xml file, the result seems to knock off the "http:" part of the node.

Also, when I load the image, the loader ends up being null (maybe this is because I didn't set up an event handler for it).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Outputting Instance Name In A Textfield With Spaces?

Feb 1, 2012

So basically i have a bunch of movie clips which have instance names that i am pushing to an array and then that array is printed to a dynamic text field that displays the list of the movie clips. The issue is, i want this list to look presentable and since instance names cant take spaces only underscores then it looks so un-presentable

ActionScript Code:
import flash.text.TextField;
//Array to hold the target instances, the drop instances,


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Array For Every Time Two Characters Exchange Three Lines Of Dialogue?

Jul 9, 2009

i'm creating a very linear game which will be dialogue-heavy. In fact, there will be little action involved at all. Think a game storybook. I'm using ActionScript 2 because AS3 is just too complicate for the type of newbie that I am. But all I'm trying to do is set up dialogue between two characters in my game with an image of the speaking character to the left of the textbox. Something very much like this:I considered creating arrays for the dialogue but my problem is that if I create an array for every time two characters exchange three lines of dialogue, I would end up with over 300 arrays. Not my cup of tea.

So, instead, I focused on this. I created a function called speak. Speak pulls two parameters: charNum and charText. CharNum is a number which specifies which frame of the charPic instance should be displayed, showing which character is currently speaking. CharText is simply the dialogue the character will speak, which will be displayed in the dynamic textbox with variable name 'dialogue'.The following code is an example of what I have at home. I'm at work trying to get help, so I don't have the actual coding. Therefore, small errors may be present. I'm looking more at the overall functions guiding my code.


You see, AS2 sees these as I believe what is called synchronous functions, meaning they run at the same time. Therefore, the second speak function overwrites the first one before the user presses the space bar to go to the next one. See the issue?I've tried to seek help on this issue (and other before), and I keep getting told about arrays and setInterval. But my problem is that I've tried it all. I don't see a good array tutorial about this type of thing, and setInterval doesn't function like I'd want as well. Instead, it seems that from what I've read and tried, setInterval is for setting a delay up for a certain amount of time. I don't want that. I want a delay to occur until a button (namely the space bar) is pressed.

Like I said, this seems like a fairly common thing to do (stringing together dialogue in a flash movie/game), but I have seen no tutorial nor other help through all my Google and forum searching. A little push in the right direction would be appreciated. Like I said, I've figured out everything else my game needs from preloaders to game inventory to animation effects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keycode Trace Function Not Outputting All Keycodes?

Oct 16, 2008

The trace function in this file doesn't output all of the keycodes on my keyboard. Some letters generate a keycode and others don't. For instance, "u" outputs 85 but "i" outputs nothing.

Here's the trace function trace(event.keyCode);


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Aug 17, 2011

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Code: Select allvar movie:Shape = new Shape();
for( ... )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing Lines Between Mc's, Getting Lines In Stage Co-ords, Not Mc's?

Nov 15, 2009

My code is on the main timeline.I call a function loop to draw lines between them.The lines are drawing between the right x, y values BUT between those values on the main stage, not those values within the kite.For example, dot1_mc is at x100, y0 inside kite. the line that should go from its center, draws from stage x100, 0.How do I draw the lines inside kite so that they draw between the dots?Heres my code that draws the linesPHP Code:

function loop():void{; var a:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot1_mc.x, kite_mc.dot1_mc.y); var b:Point = new Point(kite_mc.dot2_mc.x, kite_mc.dot2_mc.y); var c:Point = new


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest With Multiple Array - Without The Rest Of The Array Numbers Being Reset

Mar 20, 2009

The Setup: For each movieclip the hittests a set of "target" movieclips an array is given a value. If mcIcon1 is dropped onto mcTarget1 the first number in the vacant array is given the value of one. The Issue: If I remove mcIcon1, for example, from the mcTarget1 movieclip I can't find a way of just removing the 1 from that array without the rest of the array numbers being reset.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Outputting Data In Flash To Text Documents, Creating Textdocs With Flash & Mc Filters?

Apr 22, 2007

Question 1: How do I add a filter to a movieclip from actionscript,More specificly, the "adjust color" filter, and I want to decrease brightness, saturation,hue, and contrast... by actionscript...If you dont know what I mean, use the circle tool to create a circle, convert to movie clip, click the "filter" tab, then click + and add a adjust color filter, you'll see what I mean...Question 2: I need to output text to 'text' documents, no I cannot use shared objects for this, as it is a program for a client, and it isn't safe enough for me.

var archive:Array = [];
archive[7] = "Hello I am the 8th archive";


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AS3 :: Points & Lines - Getting Lines To Follow Points As They Are Dragged?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to create a mindmap where the user can drag points about the screen. I have gotten as far as drawing the line via actionscript, and drag+drop the points (defined as movie clips on stage). This is the existing script - I don't know how to get the lines to follow the points. Something to do with ENTER_FRAME or updateAfterEvent?

var line:MovieClip = new MovieClip();,1);,ptOne.y);


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IDE :: Tweening Multiple Mcs Using Array?

Mar 2, 2010

I have got a handle on the logic of arrays (just), but the syntax is doing my head in. I'm trying to tween six mc's with the one single action.ugliness of the following misbegotten code I am failing with:

import gs.*;
import gs.easing.*;


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