Flash :: Player Skips Socket Policy On 843?

Oct 9, 2009

So, this is a copy of another post I made, but I get a sneaking suspicion I put the post in the wrong forum:[URL]..The summary:
The Socket class in flash player sometimes, for some users (across all sorts of OS and Browsers) will not ask for the policy file from port 843 first, but instead will go straight to the port of the outgoing request, which in this case is our game server, who doesn't really understand the request.
In every case so far the user *is* using the latest version of flash too, so it's not an issue without outdated policy methods, which would have been my first guess.For most people it works just fine, but I posted a log in the thread for one of the non-working players. It's pretty mysterious, and I haven't found a fix yet... though I'm going to experiment with some work arounds.

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Flash :: Connect To Socket Even Though Policy Allows It?

Dec 31, 2010

In my Flash app, I'm connecting to my server like this:

socket = new Socket("example.com", 12869);

At port 12860 I'm running a socket policy server, which (according to this document) correctly serves up my policy like this:


I get no security warnings, which I used to get before the policy server was in place. Still, the connection to port 12869 doesn't work. It's made (I can see with Wireshark and on the server), but no data is sent by Flash. It might be worth knowing that the SWF itself is served from example.com as well.

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Getting Flash Socket Policy File To Work?

May 30, 2010

Basically I'm using Flash to connect to a Java server.Despite my Java application replying to the <policy-file-request/>, in the Flash debug log it lists (not sure about the order as there are lots):

Security Sandbox Violation *
Connection to halted
Warning: Timeout on


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Flash - Adobe Socket Policy File Server?

Jul 16, 2009

Has anyone been able to successfully implement a service to serve the required socket policy file to FlashPlayer?I am running the Python implementation of the service provided by Adobe at


and using the following policy file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Socket Policy Files Requirement?

Nov 21, 2011

Last time I worked with flash sockets I knew that a policy file is required only if the swf file is embedded in a different domain from the one where the socket connection is about to be made. Did newer version of flash player changed this, so now they'll alk for a policy file no matter what?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Player 11 Performance - The Flash Player Chokes And Skips About 10-20 Frames?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having a performance problem that seem to be related to Flash Player 11.I noticed this mainly because Chrome auto-updates the flash player. So, it's now up to 11 in Chrome. During a sliding section transition, the flash player chokes and skips about 10-20 frames. In essence the content jumps, not a smooth transitions. You can see this at the following url. Using a browser with 10, plays as intended, a separate browser with 11, chokes and jumps ahead.

firstworldproblems-[url].....I have security sensitive site, that is more elaborate that I can't share here. But, the same issue is happening above.I'm using LoaderMax to load assets. Adding it to the stage and then animating them in from the left or right of the stage, using Tweenmax. The one I can't show is a series of images, 1280x640 pixels, 10 in total.Removing items from the stage when they are not visible, so I can get the CPU usage back. On Flash Player 10, this is working as intended.On 11 it jumps. I don't think it's the removing assets from the stage that's choking the player, because the above link has the same issue.I feel like this is a Flash Player 11 performance issue.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Player Skips 1st Frame In IE

Nov 10, 2011

I'm doing a very simple interactive screens. The timeline has 5 frames, each one with some MovieClips with "onRelease" events associated and some animations... very simple.
I'm publishing it has FP7 & AS2 (mandatory)
Surprisingly everything went fine from start to finnish, even on testing.
But when I was delivering this test version, something weird happened. I have Chrome by default has my browser, and I also tested with Firefox. On these two it works fine. The problem is when you test on IE.
In this browser the SWF skips to the second frame and stops when it loads, acting normal again. I can go back to the first frame and everything looks good.
At the beggining of each frame I have a stop(), and there's no other gotoAndStop events unless on buttons, nothing is triggered by actionscript.
I had the version and upgraded to (the latest)... the problem persists.
Meanwhile a simple timeout seems on 1st frame seems to solve the problem, but I wonder if this is a bug with AS2 on Flash Player specially on IE?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Policy File With Socket Connection?

Jan 6, 2011

I have 2 applications which I wrote in ActionScript 3.0 as client and C#.net as server. These are basic chat applications. Also I have a test website which is running under the same machine with chat server application.
Server application is listening 289 port, flash application connecting to server with domain and 289 port, it can talk with server during working on Flash. But when I put the flash in a html page, the socket connection is breaking after a while because of security reasons.
I know that is necessary to put a crossdomain.xml file on target website's root folder. The problem is here: Yes, there is a crossdomain.xml file like this:[URL]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket Policy Files Via Port 80?

Jan 5, 2009

I'm trying to talk to a fully RESTful api of my own creation. The api is up and running but flash does not support PUT and DELETE, and does not recieve http status codes properly, plus a whole load of other issues with flashes anaemic http support.

To get around this I am trying to use as3httpclientlib. A 3rd party as3 http library, that uses socket connections to access the whole http protocol properly. It's a great library, unfortunately because it uses sockets flash requires implementation of the socket policy file, even though the access is all via port 80, the standard http port.


This has given me a real headache. I can't implement the port 843 policy server as the documentation suggests because it's out of my ability level i feel. Also when the client is running it may be behind a corporate firewall that doesn't allow 843 access, so serving the policy file via the standard port seems the way forward. This is where I am stuck.

The policy file documentation says this shouldn't matter as if you cant access 843 because of your firewall you'll be unable to access non standard ports anyway, but I am accessing standard ports, only via sockets instead of URLLoader.

In the root of my server I have placed the following policy file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket Cross Domain Policy

Jan 15, 2009

I have created a socket server on port 6666 because port 843 is in use on my mac.So when flash player request "policy-file-request" I return to it the cross domain xml, but I keep getting the security error that "cannot load data from".[code]As you see I receive the cross domain from the socket server.But I don't understand why flash player doesn't accept that?xmlsocket.connect("localhost", "6666");Does anybody have any idea why it throws that error "cannot load data from" ?

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Data Integration :: Socket Access Policy Under Vista?

Feb 10, 2009

for a long time I could easily make socket connections from my swf files tom simples java servers on various ports (swfs embeded from activex, for example). I used the simple python server policy file provided at this article to open the needed tcp ports to my flash applications.


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Java :: Binary Socket And Policy File In Flex

May 17, 2010

I'm trying to evaluate whether Flex can access binary sockets. Seems that there's a class calles Socket (flex.net package). The requirement is that Flex will connect to a server serving binary data. It will then subscribe to data and receive the feed which it will interpret and display as a chart. I've never worked with Flex, my experience lies with Java, so everything is new to me. So I'm trying to quickly set something simple up. The Java server expects the following:

DataInputStream in = .....
byte cmd = in.readByte();
int size = in.readByte();
byte[] buf = new byte[size];
[Code] .....

After that - EOFException happens on the server and that's it. So the question is, am I approaching whole streaming data issue wrong when it comes to Flex? Am I sending the policy file wrong? Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good solid example of how to do it. It seems to me that Flex can do binary Client-Server application, but I personally lack some basic knowledge when doing it. I'm using Flex 3.5 in IntelliJ IDEA IDE.

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Flex :: Policy File Check Closes Socket

Sep 27, 2011

I have created a flex app that uses sockets. I published the flex app in a web application that runs on glassfish server. Now from that flex app i create a socket connection to a C# server and start sending/receiving data.The problem is that after i create the socket connection to C# server the flex app first checks the policy file, and after it get's it, it closes the socket, without keep the connection alive.[code] Now after i create the connection and it gets the policy from server it closes this socket, so to be able to use this connection i have to call again [code]After i do this, i can use normally the connection

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Socket Sending Policy-file-request Twice?

Dec 8, 2009

Running my Flash app from localhost (in debug) I can connect/contact the socket server just fine. Note: It doesn't seem as though the server detects any 843 connection (e.g. the policy file port) this way. However, when I move the app to the server itself and run it from there (i.e. from the website), it will send the policy file, get a disconnect (as it should), and then try to execute the regular port stuff but doesn't read anything from Flash. It seems like my Flash app isn't writing to the port as it should, or something else is going wrong. I did also notice that Flash seems to be trying to send the policy-file-request twice.My process right now is like this:

1) Flash tries to connect to port 843. The server responds to its <policy-file-request/> with the policy file.

2) Flash reads it, disconnects from 843

3) Server gets graceful disconnect, then gets another connection on 843.

4) Just after that, the server gets a connection on 2188, but reads another <policy-file-request/>, so sends the policy file again.

5) At this point, Flash SHOULD simply write the string "Test" to the socket (that's in my connect handler). However, my server doesn't seem to read anything on the socket after the second <policy-file-request/>.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Binary Socket Policy File On Server

Jan 15, 2009

I am attempting to setup a binary socket connection between flash running on my desktop and a Rabbit RCM3800 Microcontroller providing the server on my home network, which has no file system and has a very basic http server on it. Due to limitations of the microC I cannot run Java/Perl/Python or any other server on it other than setting up a server using its own native Dynamic C language (essentially manually opening and controlling sockets in C). I am able to successfully connect to a socket on port 3333 of the server and transfer information between the server and the .swf file when it is the sandbox type "local-trusted" (while I'm debugging in Flash).

Because of this I'm fairly certain the code to setup the socket between the server and flash works fine. My problem occurs when I try to run the .swf file as "local-with-network" (such as running it after publishing on my desktop) or "remote" (accessing the .swf file when it is located on the server) and it then requires a socket policy server to host a socket policy file on the server. On my server I have code setup such that whenever a socket opens on port 843 or port 3333 (my data port) and sends a stream of raw data containing the request <policy-file-request/>, the server writes back in ASCII the below code and closes the socket.

Select all<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "[URL]">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" />
[Code] .....

So for some reason flash times out while waiting for the socket policy file. I have tested sending the <policy-request-file/> over telnet, and have received the above policy file. I have also sniffed using wireshark and saw that my desktop sent the policy request and received the policy file. I am guessing that Flash times out because it is waiting for some kind of terminating character that states the end of the policy file, and to that end I have tried sending. Interestingly, instead of sending the policy file I have tried sending random data from the server to flash, and flash displayed the Warning: Ignoring policy file at (URL) due to incorrect syntax. Because I don't receive this warning when I send my policy file I don't think it is formatted incorrectly.

I have also tried using the below flash code to hold the socket request open indefinitely, but it also errors after 20seconds.
Code: Select allSecurity.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket://");
The .swf file will eventually reside on the server itself at I have only tested the flash file remotely on the server a couple times, and in addition to the previous warnings/errors, I received the warning: SWF from (URL) may not connect to a socket in its own domain without a policy file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Socket Policy File Server?

Jul 16, 2009

Actionscript Socket Policy File Server Problems Has anyone been able to successfully implement a service to serve the required socket policy file to FlashPlayer?


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Flex :: Preferred Socket Policy File Server Implementation?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm trying to get my Flash application to connect via socket to my server, so I need to set up a socket policy file server. It seems like there are various roll-your-own implementations floating around out there, but is there any kind of standard or best practice with what to use?

As an aside, it seems strange that Adobe imposes this restriction but doesn't make something readily available to support it.

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Facebook :: Port 843 For Socket Policy Files - Often Are Users' Ports Closed?

Oct 28, 2011

I'm working on a Flash/Facebook game. My swf and socket server are on different domains, so I have to use a socket policy file. According to Adobe, they have "filed with IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, to reserve port 843 for the purposes of serving socket policy files." Unfortunately, my server has port 843 closed. I asked my server guy to open the port. Here's his reply:

[quote]One of the points Matt mentioned is even if we open that particular port how would you ensure the scores of people accessing this game from their schools, libraries or even people internal to OurCompany will have connectivity on the port. Let me explain, in order for traffic to flow on port 843 from the browser to the smart fox server, the users ISP also has to allow for that traffic to pass outbound from the users browser. It is possible that several users would not be able to run it, is that risk acceptable ?[/quote]

How common is it for ISPs to block port 843? I assumed that, since this is an Adobe standard, that ISPs would now have it open by default. What's the scoop?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Policy File For A Socket Server Made On Java With A Client?

Dec 30, 2011

how to make a policy file for a socket server made on java with a client made on as2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Policy File Does't Work In Flash Player 10?

Apr 26, 2010

Is there a change in the policy file required for Flash Player 10 ? I have it setup so that when my (home-brewed) server receives "<policy-file-request/>" I send back the xml data, which worked perfectly with Flash Player 9, but does not work with 10.Does the policy file itself need to be changed or can I no longer send it the way I am (and instead use that port 843 method) ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Player 10 Loads Everything While 9 Skips

Oct 8, 2010

I have 3 scenes.

Scene 1 is a sitelock scene. If true goto scene 3 and stop. Else goto scene 2 and stop.

The good: It works and goes to scene 3.

The bad. It loads everything on scene 2 and then goes to scene 3 with player 10.

Every object created with actionscript on scene 2 is created on scene 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2048 Socket Security Sanbox Error While Policy Server Is Working

Jun 9, 2011

I have an application that connects to a binary socket server running on port 2234. I use the python policy file server, which I downloaded from [URL], which runs on port 843. If the client app is trying to connect to a socket I can see that the server is receivng the request for a policy file and that it sends it to the client. However, in the client, I get a security sandbox error. How is this possible? And is it possible to check whether the client really received the policy file? BTW, here is my policy file:

<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd"><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" /></cross-domain-policy>

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Flash :: .Swf Skips To 3rd Frame?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a 6 frame .swf that is for some reason jumping to the 3rd frame upon loading. This problem occurs in every browser except IE. I'm using AS2. This is the actionscript for the first frame:

var SKUName = _root.SKUName;
var ProductImage = _root.ProductImage;
var ProductPrice = _root.ProductPrice;


The 6th frame just contains a stop(); action.

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IDE :: Flash Skips Frames?

Sep 6, 2011

I have a flash movie. There is a timeline and a frame with some code.The problem is that Flash skips this frame with code sometimes. It does this absolutely randomly. It can loop 100 times and skip it on 101st. It can skip it on 3rd run.I'm using AS3, always put all the code in separate file. But what should one do if he needs to put EventDispatcher into one of the frames, for example? There is no guaranty that the code will be run.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Play The Movie Flash Skips Over It And Keeps On Playing

Aug 8, 2005

i have a stop(); tag in a keyframe, but whenver i play the movie flash skips over it and keeps on playing... so im wondering.

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Actionscript 3 :: Socket.readInt() And C# Socket.Send() Different Values Of Int-variable?

Nov 19, 2011

When I send number (int)52 s.Send(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)872415232));, flash show me trace(socket.readInt()); 872415232 If i send 872415232, flash show 52.Why? And how it fix?

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Flash :: Security Policy Not Working - As3

May 19, 2010

How to I get my security policy working? My parent swf parses an XML doc and loads 2 children. It throws a 2148 security error, and only works in the Flash IDE. PARENT SWF 'I put it at the top of my code. That seemed like the proper event flow' flash.system.Security.loadPolicyFile("crossdomain.xml"); I've referenced my security file from my swf. I Also published my parent swf as 'network only' and put all the crossdomain.xml and everything else in the same folder. I need to click on the animations and have them place from a local computer at a kiosk. POLICY FILE 'Used"*" since there's not URL, it's all local'


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Flash Cross Domain Policy For Apache

Dec 23, 2009

I was looking around but couldn't find it where can I add the cross domain policy of Adobe in Apache server. Because without it, its not letting me access my XML on another server.

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Flash :: Facebook Policy File Error

Jan 25, 2010

I'm really sick and tired of facebook's crossdomain.xml , finally got it working for loading pictures from the server. Now I need to load variables from my app using flash. I'm getting this error.


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Flash :: Creating A Java Policy Server For A Application

Apr 3, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple Flash chat application for educational purposes, but I'm stuck trying to send a policy file from my Java server to the Flash app (after several hours of googling with little luck). The policy file request reaches the server that sends a harcoded policy xml back to the app, but the Flash app doesn't seem to react to it at all until it gives me a security sandbox error.


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